Version: 1.00, by MPDev
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Version: 3.5.0
Released: 10-11-2005
Last Update: 02-03-2006
Installs: 77
Additional Files
No support by the author.
The Graffiti Wall is a simple script where people can "paint" text onto a brick wall. You can see an example of the vB3 integration on ExtremeFitness.Com.
I also use an img src with half sized dimensions to preview the wall on my Summary page which can be seen on ViperAlley.Com; this could also be added to your portal pages for greater exposure.
. Fully integrated with vB3 for styles/users
. Admin/Mods can "wipe board"
. Optional logging of paints to log file
This is a very simple mod to install; there is one self contained .php script, a few fonts and a bricks.jpg file to upload.
. Your server must have GD2 support (GD1 support may work, but not tested) for PNG files including TTF support.
This is the updated mod from the 3.0x version located here.
Be kind and click INSTALL if you use this mod.
1.0.1 - 2/3/2006
. Fixed painttext issue in ZIP file
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
heres how I fixed the blank page and timeout problem on my site
Fixed I had the variable typed wrong.
if( isset($painttext) )
Replace with:
if ($painttext != '')
Thumbs up from me, that little fix did the job for me. Thanks.
Not sure why it stopped working for me in the first place though, i've been running this for ages and on 3.0.7 and it always worked fine before, was only this updated version that had killed it.
Installed with some changes in the code so that it supports greek.
I also had to replace those nice graffiti fonts with others that support greek (apparently only a few of those that had greek characters worked out for the wall)
I can PM you my entire wall.php if you want or I can post it out here. Just let me know.. I think I've made all the necessary changes, but possibly I'm missing something..
I can PM you my entire wall.php if you want or I can post it out here. Just let me know.. I think I've made all the necessary changes, but possibly I'm missing something..
The best thing would be to post it here but I don't know if that's ok with the rules
if ( !file_exists($graffitifile) || ($adminreset == 1 AND can_moderate()) ) {
$myimage = ImageCreate($picwidth, $picheight);
$newimage = 1;
What's going on is I have diary moderators and they're the one's causing the trouble, so i'm trying to get the code right so only admin's can erase it.
Can someone please verify that the wall.php file in that package is the correct file.
Loukrhtia said mine looks drastically different than his and the readme mpdev put in there says the pathto edit is on line 38 except my file it's on 45. This may be why I cant get it to work. I may be running the wrong version of the wall.php file. I've downloaded the package several times in the last few days and had the same results.
Of if someone can just pm me the wall.php file I would appreciate it..