Version: 1.00, by lefthome
Developer Last Online: Nov 2008
Version: 3.5.0
Released: 10-16-2005
Last Update: 12-17-2005
Installs: 155
No support by the author.
This is first and my only vBulletin 3.5 hack because I have no clue! I have tried and tested this on my forum at and the hack can be see in operation at this site.
What does it do?
This hack displays a user's mood in the postbit. The mood is displayed as an image and there are 42 to choose from. Mood can be changed in UserCP=>Edit Options.
This hack is based off "mood hack" written by MyIS_Jordan
I have modified his code to work as a template modification in 3.5
MyIS_Jordan pm'd me saying that the modification is ok. Yay
The creation of this hack was inspired by my own members who love this nifty hack.
The hack images are from other sources and the couple my members created.
Installation information on hack:
Template Modification: postbit or postbit_legacy
Files to upload: 1 folder
Picture of hack: original hack for 3.07 to view picture.
Template Modification and should work in 3.5 or 3.51 without any problems.
Additional Moods
Corrected Others Spelling errors
Saved in Windows Zip File
Template Modification so Mood can be changed in Member ID section in either version without upgrading to 3.51 so the add-on by sniper will work.
Step-by-Step Instructions including in both files; new install and upgrade versions.
Small addition of approximately 12 new moods added. Update contains full install and quick update. This update works in 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2 although to use the add-on by sniper you must upgrade to 3.5.1
12/18/05: the code for the postbit was typed in twice - Fixed! Sorry!
12/18/2005 Updated and/or fixed some of the pictures and added a few new moods. I have several "Adult" Moods but will only make avaialable by PM...
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Update, I can get it to work bar a few things (I think I really need someone who knows PHP to write a small script cause the way Im doing it now isnt the best)
1. You can update it if you are logged in with the remember me setting checked otherwise it will log you out
2. You'll probably not be wanting to hack your php files (dont think copying one of vB's, renaming it and then hacking it is alowed, if it is Please let me know) else I'll need someone to help code up a new one.
i cant see why people are having troubles getting this to work,i followed the instructions and took all but 2 mins to install and get to work,but i did make 1 mistake and that was not entering the correct field,once i realised all was good
Perhaps you didnt read some of the posts properly, we'd really like a way to change and save the settings Without messing about in the User CP, and the good news Is im nearly there with that part of the code.
Perhaps you didnt read some of the posts properly, we'd really like a way to change and save the settings Without messing about in the User CP, and the good news Is im nearly there with that part of the code.
sorry my bad,yes its a pain having to do the change via user cp,cant wait to see what you come up with
The user has the option to update his/her mode from the postbit itself, e.g. on under style you would have a dropdown menu with all the moods and using AJAX you would update it instantly? good idea no?
The user has the option to update his/her mode from the postbit itself, e.g. on under style you would have a dropdown menu with all the moods and using AJAX you would update it instantly? good idea no?
Suggestion :