Hiya guys..
I am so far doing somewhat alright getting my html page generated via php every 30 minutes..
However, I want my site
Will not read correctly in my html page.
www.runaked.com/index2.php is the current page...
So in my index2.php page I have the following
PHP Code:
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[b]", "<span style='font-weight: bold;'>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[/b]", "</span>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[i]", "<span style='font-style: italics;'>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[/i]", "</span>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[CENTER]", "<p align="center">", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[/CENTER]", "</p>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[u]", "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[/u]", "</span>", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[IMG]"", "<img src=\"", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[/IMG]"", "\">", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[URL]"", "<a href=\"", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[URL=\"", "<a href=\"", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("\"]", "\">", $news[$i]["text"]);
$news[$i]["text"] = str_replace("[/URL]", "</a>", $news[$i]["text"]);
if(strlen(stripslashes($news[$i]["text"])) > 450) {
$position = strpos(stripslashes($news[$i]["text"]), " ", 450);
echo nl2br(substr(stripslashes($news[$i]["text"]), 0, $position))."...";
echo nl2br(stripslashes($news[$i]["text"]));
} else {
echo nl2br(stripslashes($news[$i]["text"]));
If anyone can help me get my html page to read the bbcode properly that would be awesome!
Thanks guys!