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v3 Arcade - Games Arcade & Challenge System [vB 3.0.3] Details »»
v3 Arcade - Games Arcade & Challenge System [vB 3.0.3]
Version: 1.00, by John John is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 01-17-2004 Last Update: 08-25-2004 Installs: 1745
No support by the author.

v3 Arcade [3.0.3]
Games Arcade for vB3
Game copyrights belong to their respective owners.
v3 Arcade - Copyright ?2004 John Warwick, All Rights Reserved.
Arcade Verson: 1.0
vB Version: vBulletin 3.0.3
Author: John Warwick
Email: John[at]eovieinteractive.com
Site: www.v3arcade.com

1.0.0 - Initial release

1.0.1 - Bug fix update
? This release addressed a couple of small bugs. Information on fixing
these issues can be found in the FAQ. (Included in this zip.)

1.0.2 - Bug fixes and new features
? This release makes all games on the Arcade main page appear in the
order which they were installed, regardless of whether or not it has
been played. (With the newest games at the top.)
? It includes a
page navigation system, allowing users to browse games by page. By default, 10 games appear per page.
? There is also a new search feature, for finding games by name/description. (Accessible through the "Search" menu in the navigation bar.)
? This release should be less CPU intensive than previous versions.

1.0.3 - Bug fixes
? Security fixes

History & Hack Information
- So, what is the v3 Arcade?
The v3 Arcade is exactly what the name implies - an online games arcade that offers seamless integration with your vBulletin forum.

The v3 Arcade is the first of the new generation of vBulletin additions. Back from its roots, the v3 Arcade is the vBulletin 3 edition of my original Arcade written in late 2002 (not to be confused with futureal's 'ProArcade', which was written during the Arcade's beta phase).

v3 Arcade Features Include:
? Integrated Flash gaming for vBulletin 3
? Advanced leader board system
? FULL Mozilla/Netscape Compatibility
? Moderation abilities for Mods/Super Mods/Admins
? PM & Email notification for events
? Advanced statistics for all users
? A higher level of security
? "Arcade Challenges", 1-on-1 contests between users
? Arcade awards system
? Automated and manual score pruning tools

This installation comes loaded with the following games:
? Tetris
? Snake
? Asteroids
? Chopper Challenge
? Space Invaders

If you have the source (.FLA) for a game that you want to use in the v3 Arcade, you can send the required files to john@v3arcade.com for conversion. (Providing permission has been given by the original author.) Within a reasonable delay, I'll post the converted game and installation script on vBulletin.org.

Tested on vBulletin 3.0.3, across multiple unhacked installations.

Thanks to...
? Kura: For helping out with vB3 difficulties!
? Erwin: Whose vB2 Flash Player inspired the original hacks
? Paul Neave: For providing the source for 4 of the standard v3 Arcade games

? If you do install this hack, please click on the INSTALL button. There are going to be some updates for this which you're really not going to want to miss!
? Each Arcade page has an Eovie Interactive and Flash Player link at the bottom. This is optional, but greatly appreciated.
? You may have noticed that this release of the v3 Arcade is not fully phrased. To phrase the arcade would require well over a hundred phrases to be added, making for a lengthy installation process! Futures version of the v3 Arcade will be phrased, with a more automated installation.
? And don't forget - BACKUP BEFORE YOU INSTALL!

Regarding the "ProArcade"
There has been a lot of debate on vb.org recently about the ownership of hack "concepts". My original Arcade hack (on which the v3 Arcade is based), was a progression of the my vBTetris Leaderboard hack - both of which came about before the ProArcade. I've spoken to Erwin regarding this, and he can confirm that this has always been an independent development; hence the v3 Arcade was authorised for release.

If you're installing the Arcade from scratch, there are no fixes or updates to be applied. Simply follow the instructions in Installation.txt.
If you've already installed the Arcade, make the changes in Updates.txt.

[Click HERE to view a list of released games and modifications!]

Demos/Add-Ons/Beta Testing

Download the v3 Arcade (1.0.3) here:

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 10-19-2005, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Loukrhtia
You're right, we should have taken it to pm long ago.
Check your pms
Send one back.

(Let normal arcade conversations commence!)
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Old 10-20-2005, 10:52 AM
RaceJunkie RaceJunkie is offline
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Originally Posted by John
Send one back.

(Let normal arcade conversations commence!)
Thank GOD! I just wasted 10 min, reading you two bicker like two married couples. :tired:
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Old 10-20-2005, 11:09 AM
CyberLiesh CyberLiesh is offline
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I really can't believe the attitudes of some people online nowadays. I consider each and every hack as a gift from somebody willing to put time and effort into things I probably couldn't (and certainly don't have time to) tackle myself. I see the same anywhere people are putting work into providing something for free, the trail of people criticising and moaning that it isn't good enough and it drives me nuts.

Some developers provide things free, some choose to charge others choose to release and abandon, some proivide free and charge for support... but in each and every case "you" have the choice to take this gift or not to.

You buy VBulletin you get a message board - end of. Thanks to the community you get to expand it into something so much more. Personally I thought the sites that were charging for games for the arcade were taking things a step further than I was willing to go. So it was simple - I didn't pay them and chose to keep snapping up the free releases that appeared every now and again.

With the new arcade that is coming I will take the free option to try it out then I'll decide if I think the extras that payed subs bring are worth paying for. It's quite straight forward - the choice is mine. If there was no free version it wouldn't change things a bit - the choice would still be mine to decide if I felt the added value of the arcade to my boards was worth the outlay.

Well done to John and everybody else involved for continuing to develop a good hack. I think you may have lost some ground during the time the site was down but reaction to date (ignoring the ingrates) seems to suggest it's going to be as popular as ever.
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Old 10-20-2005, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by CyberLiesh
I really can't believe the attitudes of some people online nowadays. I consider each and every hack as a gift from somebody willing to put time and effort into things I probably couldn't (and certainly don't have time to) tackle myself. I see the same anywhere people are putting work into providing something for free, the trail of people criticising and moaning that it isn't good enough and it drives me nuts.

Some developers provide things free, some choose to charge others choose to release and abandon, some proivide free and charge for support... but in each and every case "you" have the choice to take this gift or not to.

You buy VBulletin you get a message board - end of. Thanks to the community you get to expand it into something so much more. Personally I thought the sites that were charging for games for the arcade were taking things a step further than I was willing to go. So it was simple - I didn't pay them and chose to keep snapping up the free releases that appeared every now and again.

With the new arcade that is coming I will take the free option to try it out then I'll decide if I think the extras that payed subs bring are worth paying for. It's quite straight forward - the choice is mine. If there was no free version it wouldn't change things a bit - the choice would still be mine to decide if I felt the added value of the arcade to my boards was worth the outlay.

Well done to John and everybody else involved for continuing to develop a good hack. I think you may have lost some ground during the time the site was down but reaction to date (ignoring the ingrates) seems to suggest it's going to be as popular as ever.
Good post.
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Old 10-20-2005, 01:28 PM
Cueball Cueball is offline
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Hi everyone,

I started installing what seems to be a wonderful hack, but ran into an error I am unable to work around. Was wondering if someone would be kind enough to lend some assistance. The error is as follows:

in the init.php file it says to replace:

), $specialtemplates);


), $specialtemplates);

My init.php file looks like this:

// ## <ucs>
// ## </ucs>
), $specialtemplates);

Yes, I have the store hack installed, so I added this:

// ## <ucs>
// ## </ucs>
), $specialtemplates);

But, I get a parsing error. Can anyone help ??

Thanks in advance.
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Old 10-20-2005, 04:02 PM
Cueball Cueball is offline
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Got it fixed ... Thanks anyway.

Was missing a ","
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:18 AM
DjTaz DjTaz is offline
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Originally Posted by CyberLiesh
I really can't believe the attitudes of some people online nowadays. I consider each and every hack as a gift from somebody willing to put time and effort into things I probably couldn't (and certainly don't have time to) tackle myself. I see the same anywhere people are putting work into providing something for free, the trail of people criticising and moaning that it isn't good enough and it drives me nuts.

Some developers provide things free, some choose to charge others choose to release and abandon, some proivide free and charge for support... but in each and every case "you" have the choice to take this gift or not to.

You buy VBulletin you get a message board - end of. Thanks to the community you get to expand it into something so much more. Personally I thought the sites that were charging for games for the arcade were taking things a step further than I was willing to go. So it was simple - I didn't pay them and chose to keep snapping up the free releases that appeared every now and again.

With the new arcade that is coming I will take the free option to try it out then I'll decide if I think the extras that payed subs bring are worth paying for. It's quite straight forward - the choice is mine. If there was no free version it wouldn't change things a bit - the choice would still be mine to decide if I felt the added value of the arcade to my boards was worth the outlay.

Well done to John and everybody else involved for continuing to develop a good hack. I think you may have lost some ground during the time the site was down but reaction to date (ignoring the ingrates) seems to suggest it's going to be as popular as ever.

Hear Hear - well done John - thanks for all the effort you put in. If people get demanding just ignore them , take ur time man , theres more to life than getting stressed about an arcade.
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:02 PM
Dawnf1 Dawnf1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Razz
The line that controls the games per page as mentioned in a previous post is:

PHP Code:
$perpage 10
Whatever that is set to is how many you should see unless something is wrong.
I changed this number to 50, as I prefer to see more games on one page, but I still see only 10 games on each page.
Any ideas?

Also I see people have said that they have games in colums, and I've been searching this thread for an hour to find out how to do it, but it's either gone, or I can't find it. The link I found which looked like it went to a hack for this was dead.
Can anyone help please?
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:06 PM
MThornback MThornback is offline
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Thread is still alive and kicking

Your also better (if you use the columns) to change your total to 24 or 48 or another multiple of 4
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:29 PM
Dawnf1 Dawnf1 is offline
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Originally Posted by MThornback

Thread is still alive and kicking

Your also better (if you use the columns) to change your total to 24 or 48 or another multiple of 4
Thanks so much. I hope you're still here, as now I'm stuck!

And edit "arcade_main" template around $gamebits
to change every newrest colspan="4" to your number of columns


<tr align="center">
<td colspan="4" class="thead">total games: $gamecount </td>
<tr align="center">
<td class="thead" colspan="4" align="left">
I don't understand what i'm supposed to do here. I've done the first bit, editing arcade.php and the main_games_bit template, but I'm really not sure what is meant by 'And edit "arcade_main" template around $gamebits
to change every newrest colspan="4" to your number of columns' or where to put that bit code.
Sorry. i'm kind of new to this :nervous: Everything I've done so far has worked though!
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