Version: 1.00, by Zero Tolerance
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 3.0.3
Released: 11-26-2004
Last Update: 11-27-2004
Installs: 286
DB Changes
No support by the author.
Yay, a radio system, an idea which i thought of in my sleep believe it or not .. maybe i work too hard.
Anyway this is a simple yet effective addition to your forum, and takes no time to install what so ever.
ACP Features
vBRadio Channel Control
Add a new channel/radio station (Input: name, station stream url, for which cat)
Edit Existing Channels
Delete Exisiting Channels
vBRadio Category Control
Add a new category (Input: name)
Edit existing categories
Delete existing categories
Deletion Parameters
Choose to delete all channels within this category
Choose to move all channels within this category to another
Forum Interface Features
Radio pop's up in a window to keep while the user continues to browse
Drop down menu to select which station the user wishes to listen too
Player Controls
Volume Control
Media Player Controls On/Off
Only uses 1 SQL Query!
Included Within Download
Installation Instructions
Automatic DB/Template/Phrase Installer
A few pre-installed stations
Anyone having difficulties with listening to any of the stations please be patient. Also make sure that you have windows media player and in some cases real player installed.
Any questions/suggestions please post below, i have also put some previews up. Enjoy
- Zero Tolerance
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
can I include only a small player on from home (at top) which will play play the station automatically? and can I give a dropdown box + start stop button under that small player on from home?
There are a lot of good streams that use "WinAmp" or "Real-Media" .... any way we can include those tools into out vBRadio ? Because i can only play those .asx files that use Windows Media Player.
I prefer a fixx, that allows Users to choose the tool ... or something that play them all or that choose the right tool for the right stream .. ya know ?
Would be great if this get fixxed ... the hack roxx azz. Good job
Ps.: When i try to play such a stream .. that use WinAmp or other tool, my Firefox crashes.
I'm trying to work a little addon for vbradio for my site, that allows me to have a normal written text list that I can click on a channel and it will pop up in it's own window...
I can't for the life of me figure out what perameters I need to use for the url though.
Hello guys ... i have read the explanations about the Firefox fixxes. Well it dont work here.
Nearly all hacks work for Firefox, why not thisone ? There must be a easy solution to fixx this.
Can you make a vBRadio 1.1 that works for Firefox, too since Firefox is a well spreaded Browser now a days mate.
Or just an AddOn or simple fixx for Firefox.
Hello guys ... i have read the explanations about the Firefox fixxes. Well it dont work here.
Nearly all hacks work for Firefox, why not thisone ? There must be a easy solution to fixx this.
Can you make a vBRadio 1.1 that works for Firefox, too since Firefox is a well spreaded Browser now a days mate.
Or just an AddOn or simple fixx for Firefox.
Please !
No problem with Firefox and vBRadio.
You need to download the plugin FoxyTunes.