Originally Posted by MrGoodbyte
I get mad on it .. I'm quite sure I've made all changes (in VB 3.08) I have to do: functions_showthread (strongly shortend):
// showthread / showpost style Postbit
if (!empty($post['pagetext_html']))
$parsed_postcache['skip'] = true;
if ($post['hasimages'])
// Image Size hack r1.2
// Modified by SS
// $post['message'] = handle_bbcode_img($post['pagetext_html'], $forum['allowimages']);
$post['message'] = handle_bbcode_img($post['pagetext_html'], $forum['allowimages'], 0);
$post['message'] = &$post['pagetext_html'];
$parsed_postcache['skip'] = false;
$post['message'] = parse_bbcode($post['pagetext'], $forum['forumid'], $post['allowsmilie']);
functions_bbcodeparse (strongly shortend):
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse #######################
function parse_bbcode($bbcode, $forumid = 0, $allowsmilie = 1, $isimgcheck = 0, $parsedtext = '', $parsedhasimages = 0, $iswysiwyg = 0)
// $parsedtext contains text that has already been turned into HTML and just needs images checking
// $parsedhasimages specifies if the text has images in that need parsing
global $vboptions, $parsed_postcache;
$donl2br = 1;
if (empty($forumid))
$forumid = 'nonforum';
// parse private message
case 'privatemessage':
$dohtml = $vboptions['privallowhtml'];
$dobbcode = $vboptions['privallowbbcode'];
$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['privallowbbimagecode'];
$dosmilies = $vboptions['privallowsmilies'];
// parse user note
case 'usernote':
$dohtml = $vboptions['unallowhtml'];
$dobbcode = $vboptions['unallowvbcode'];
$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['unallowimg'];
$dosmilies = $vboptions['unallowsmilies'];
// parse non-forum item
case 'nonforum':
$dohtml = $vboptions['allowhtml'];
$dobbcode = $vboptions['allowbbcode'];
$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['allowbbimagecode'];
$dosmilies = $vboptions['allowsmilies'];
if ($allowsmilie != 1)
$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;
case 'announcement':
global $post;
$dohtml = $post['allowhtml'];
if ($dohtml)
$donl2br = 0;
$dobbcode = $post['allowbbcode'];
$dobbimagecode = $post['allowbbcode'];
$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;
// parse forum item
$forum = fetch_foruminfo($forumid);
$dohtml = $forum['allowhtml'];
$dobbimagecode = $forum['allowimages'];
$dosmilies = $forum['allowsmilies'];
if ($allowsmilie != 1)
$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;
$dobbcode = $forum['allowbbcode'];
if (!empty($parsedtext))
if ($parsedhasimages)
// Image size hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// return handle_bbcode_img($parsedtext, $dobbimagecode);
return handle_bbcode_img($parsedtext, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg);
return $parsedtext;
if ($isimgcheck)
{ // do this since we're only checking for smilies and IMG code
$dobbcode = 0;
return parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg, $donl2br);
// ###################### Start checkparam #######################
// called by the preg_replace for custom bbcodes - ensures that
// users can't get around censor text by adding empty bbcodes
// such as 'censoredword' into their messages
function handle_bbcode_parameter($param, $return)
if (trim($param) != '')
return str_replace('\\"', '"', $return);
// ###################### Start handle_custom_bbcode #######################
function handle_custom_bbcode($param, $option, $return)
if (trim($param) == '')
return '';
$param = str_replace('\\"', '"', $param);
$return = str_replace('\\"', '"', $return);
$option = str_replace(array('\\"', '['), array('"', '['), $option);
$return = preg_replace('#%(?!\d+\$s)#', '%%', $return);
return sprintf($return, $param, $option);
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2 #######################
function parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg = 0, $donl2br = 1)
// parses text for vB code, smilies and censoring
global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $smiliecache;
global $html_allowed;
global $threadid;
if ($vboptions['wordwrap'] != 0 AND !$iswysiwyg)
$bbcode = fetch_word_wrapped_string($bbcode);
$html_allowed = true;
// ********************* REMOVE HTML CODES ***************************
if (!$dohtml)
/*static $html_find = array('<', '>', '<', '>');
static $html_replace = array('&lt;', '&gt;', '<','>');
$bbcode = str_replace($html_find, $html_replace, $bbcode);*/
$bbcode = htmlspecialchars_uni($bbcode);
$html_allowed = false;
} // end html
// Image Size hack r1.2
// Added by SS to resize large pics and place link to full size pic
// set max_imgsize to the max size you want pictures to be
// check for img tag and see if html is enabled and if not using wysiwyg editor
if (strstr(strtolower($bbcode),'<img') AND $dohtml AND !$iswysiwyg) {
do {
// pull tag from bbcode
$bbtag = str_replace('\'','"',$bbtag);
// get link from bbtag
// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$link = str_replace(' ', '', $link);
// Check to see if image exists
$image= ($link);
// Get host url name for fsockopen to see if server is reachable
// set image found by default
// Check is server is reachable and timeout in 5 seconds if not
if (@fclose(@fsockopen($img_host, 80, $fsockerr1, $fsockerr2, 5))) {
// Check if image is on server
if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) {
// Check image size and if oversize, change bbtag
$img_width = getimagesize($link);
if ($img_width[0] > $max_imgsize) {
$bbtag = '<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="'
. $link . '" width="'.$max_imgsize.'" border="0"'.substr($bbtag,$linkclose+1,strlen($bbtag)-$linkclose+1).'<br>Picture has been resized, click for full size pic</a></td></tr></table>';
else {
// Image not found
$bbtag='<table border="1" cellpadding="2" id="image_found"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image link is broken</font></td></tr></table>';
else {
// Server is down
$bbtag='<table border="1" cellpadding="2" id="image_found"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image server is down</font></td></tr></table>';
// replace bbtag into bbcode
// check if image was found to see what where to start the next search
if ($image_found) {
// move pointer back to img tag in case it moved
else {
// move pointer back to img tag in case it moved
// start search from end of previous tag
} while (strpos(strtolower($bbcode),'<img',$tagstartcounter));
// End Image Size hack r1.2
// ********************* PARSE SMILIES ***************************
if ($dosmilies)
static $smilie_find, $smilie_replace;
if (empty($smilie_find) OR empty($smilie_replace))
if (isset($smiliecache))
// we can get the smilies from the smiliecache php template
DEVDEBUG('returning smilies from the template cache');
if (is_array($smiliecache))
foreach ($smiliecache AS $smilie)
if (trim($smilie['smilietext']) != '')
if (!$dohtml)
$smilie_find[] = htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($smilie['smilietext']));
$smilie_find[] = trim($smilie['smilietext']);
// if you change this HTML tag, make sure you change the smilie remover in code/php/html tag handlers!
if ($iswysiwyg)
$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" smilieid=\"$smilie[smilieid]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
// we have to get the smilies from the database
DEVDEBUG('querying smilies for parse_bbcode2();');
$smilies = $DB_site->query("
SELECT smilietext, smiliepath, smilieid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "smilie
while ($smilie = $DB_site->fetch_array($smilies))
if(trim($smilie['smilietext']) != '')
if (!$dohtml)
$smilie_find[] = htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($smilie['smilietext']));
$smilie_find[] = trim($smilie['smilietext']);
// if you change this HTML tag, make sure you change the smilie remover in code/php/html tag handlers!
if ($iswysiwyg)
$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" smilieid=\"$smilie[smilieid]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
// str_replace the text using the smilie_find and smilie_replace arrays
#$bbcode = str_replace($smilie_find, $smilie_replace, $bbcode);
// alternative method to avoid parsing HTML entities as smilies:
foreach($smilie_find AS $smiliekey => $smiliefind)
$bbcode = preg_replace('/(?<!&|"|<|>|©|&#[0-9]{1}|&#[0-9]{2}|&#[0-9]{3}|&#[0-9]{4}|&#[0-9]{5})' . preg_quote($smiliefind, '/') . '/s', $smilie_replace["$smiliekey"], $bbcode);
} // end smilies
// do new lines
$wysiwygtype = null;
if ($iswysiwyg == 1)
$whitespacefind = array(
'#(\r\n|\n|\r)?( )*(\[\*\]|\[/list|\[list|\[indent)#si',
'#(/list\]|/indent\])( )*(\r\n|\n|\r)?#si'
$whitespacereplace = array(
$bbcode = preg_replace($whitespacefind, $whitespacereplace, $bbcode);
if (is_browser('ie'))
$wysiwygtype = 'ie';
// this fixes an issue caused by odd nesting of tags. This causes IE's
// WYSIWYG editor to display the output as vB will display it
$rematch_find = array(
$rematch_replace = array(
"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'b')",
"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'i')",
"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'u')",
$bbcode = preg_replace($rematch_find, $rematch_replace, $bbcode);
$bbcode = '<p style="margin:0px">' . preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)#', "</p>\n<p style=\"margin:0px\">", trim($bbcode)) . '</p>';
$bbcode = nl2br($bbcode);
$wysiwygtype = 'moz_css';
$bbcode = preg_replace('#(\[list(=("|"|\'|)(.*)\\3)?\])(((?>[^\[]*?|(?R))|(?>.))*)(\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])#siUe', "remove_wysiwyg_breaks('\\0', \$wysiwygtype)", $bbcode);
//$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[list#i', '</p>[list', $bbcode);
//$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[/list(=("|"|\'|)[a-z0-9+]\\2)?](?!\[\*\])#i', '[/list\\1]<p style="margin:0px">', $bbcode);
$bbcode = preg_replace('#<p style="margin:0px">\s*</p>(?!\s*\[list|$)#i', '<p style="margin:0px"> </p>', $bbcode);
$bbcode = str_replace('<p style="margin:0px"></p>', '', $bbcode);
// convert tabs to four
$bbcode = str_replace("\t", ' ', $bbcode);
// new lines to <br />
$whitespacefind = array(
'#(\r\n|\n|\r)?( )*(\[\*\]|\[/list|\[list|\[indent)#si',
'#(/list\]|/indent\])( )*(\r\n|\n|\r)?#si'
$whitespacereplace = array(
$bbcode = preg_replace($whitespacefind, $whitespacereplace, $bbcode);
if ($donl2br)
$bbcode = nl2br($bbcode);
// ********************* PARSE BBCODE TAGS ***************************
if ($dobbcode AND strpos($bbcode, '[') !== false AND strpos($bbcode, ']') !== false)
case 1:
$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_recurse';
case 0:
$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regex';
$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regexrecurse';
$bbcode = $parsefunc($bbcode, $iswysiwyg);
if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
$bbcode = preg_replace('#<p style="margin:0px"><(p|div) align="([a-z]+)">(.*)</\\1></p>#siU', '<p style="margin:0px" align="\\2">\\3</p>', $bbcode);
if ($iswysiwyg)
// need to display smilies in code/php/html tags as literals
$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[(code|php|html)\](.*)\[/\\1\]#siUe', "strip_smilies(str_replace('\\\"', '\"', '\\0'), true)", $bbcode);
// parse out nasty active scripting codes
static $global_find = array('/javascript:/si', '/about:/si', '/vbscript:/si', '/&(?![a-z0-9#]+;)/si');
static $global_replace = array('javascript<b></b>:', 'about<b></b>:', 'vbscript<b></b>:', '&');
$bbcode = preg_replace($global_find, $global_replace, $bbcode);
// run the censor
$bbcode = fetch_censored_text($bbcode);
$has_img_tag = contains_bbcode_img_tags($bbcode);
// save the cached post
global $stopsaveparsed, $parsed_postcache;
if (!$stopsaveparsed AND $parsed_postcache['skip'] != true)
$parsed_postcache['text'] = $bbcode;
$parsed_postcache['images'] = $has_img_tag;
// do [img] tags if the item contains images
if(($dobbcode OR $dobbimagecode) AND $has_img_tag)
// Image resize hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// $bbcode = handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode);
$bbcode = handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg);
$myreplies = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' and threadid='$threadid'");
if ($myreplies[count] > 0 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 5 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 7) {
$bbcode = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/si', 'Hidden Text: <br>\\1', $bbcode);
} else {
$bbcode = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/si', '<b><center><img src="./hide.gif" alt=Du musst eine Antwort erstellen um den Inhalt zu sehen!></center></b><br>', $bbcode);
return $bbcode;
// ###################### Start remove_wysiwyg_breaks #######################
function bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg($innertext, $tagname)
// This function replaces line breaks with [/tag]\n[tag].
// It is intended to be used on text inside [tag] to fix an IE WYSIWYG issue.
$innertext = str_replace('\"', '"', $innertext);
return "[$tagname]" . preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)#', "[/$tagname]\n[$tagname]", $innertext) . "[/$tagname]";
// ###################### Start remove_wysiwyg_breaks #######################
function remove_wysiwyg_breaks($fulltext, $wysiwygtype = 'ie')
$fulltext = str_replace('\"', '"', $fulltext);
preg_match('#^(\[list(=("|"|\'|)(.*)\\3)?\])(.*?)(\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])$#siU', $fulltext, $matches);
$prepend = $matches[1];
$innertext = $matches[5];
$find = array("</p>\n<p style=\"margin:0px\">", '<br />', '<br>');
$replace = array("\n", "\n", "\n");
$innertext = str_replace($find, $replace, $innertext);
if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
return '</p>' . $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]<p style="margin:0px">';
return $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]';
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regexrecurse #######################
function parse_bbcode_regexrecurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
static $BBCODES;
$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;
if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();
$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)("|"|\'|)([^"]*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache'])) // get bbcodes from the datastore
$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
foreach ($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
$checkparam = '\\7';
$checkoption = '\\5';
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
$checkparam = '\\4';
$checkoption = '';
$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
else // query bbcodes out of the database
$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
while ($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
$checkparam = '\\7';
$checkoption = '\\5';
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
$checkparam = '\\4';
$checkoption = '';
$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
else // text to show everywhere else
//$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
//$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);
$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['find'], $BBCODES['standard']['find']);
$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['replace'], $BBCODES['standard']['replace']);
foreach($bbcode_find AS $tag => $findregex)
// if using option, $tag will be '[xxx='
// if not using option, $tag will be '[xxx]'
while (stristr($bbcode, $tag) !== false)
// make a copy of the text pre-replacement for later comparison
$origtext = $bbcode;
$bbcode = preg_replace($findregex, $bbcode_replace["$tag"], $bbcode);
// check to see if the preg_replace actually did anything... if it didn't, break the loop
if ($origtext == $bbcode)
return $bbcode;
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regex #######################
function parse_bbcode_regex($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
static $BBCODES;
$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;
if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();
$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)("|"|\'|)(.*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache']))
{ // we can get the bbcode from the bbcodecache php template
DEVDEBUG("returning bbcodes from the template cache");
$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
foreach($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$checkparam = 7;
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$checkparam = 4;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
{ // we have to get the bbcodes from the database
DEVDEBUG("querying bbcodes for parse_bbcode2();");
$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
while($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$checkparam = 7;
$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
$checkparam = 4;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'","\'",$bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
else // text to show everywhere else
$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);
// do the actual replacement
$bbcode = preg_replace($bbcode_find, $bbcode_replace, $bbcode);
return $bbcode;
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_recurse #######################
function parse_bbcode_recurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse;
static $BBCODES;
$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;
// just get rid of old closing list tags
if (stristr($bbcode, '/list=') != false)
$bbcode = preg_replace('#/list=[a-z0-9]\]#siU', '/list]', $bbcode);
if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();
if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache']))
{ // we can get the bbcode from the bbcodecache php template
DEVDEBUG("returning bbcodes from the template cache");
if (!isset($bbcodecache))
$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
foreach($bbcodecache AS $thisbbcode)
$BBCODES['custom']['recurse']["$thisbbcode[bbcodetag]"]["$thisbbcode[twoparams]"] = array('replace_html' => $thisbbcode['bbcodereplacement']);
{ // we have to get the bbcodes from the database
DEVDEBUG("querying bbcodes for parse_bbcode2();");
$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
while($thisbbcode = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
$BBCODES['custom']['recurse']["$thisbbcode[bbcodetag]"]["$thisbbcode[twoparams]"] = array('replace_html' => $thisbbcode['bbcodereplacement']);
if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in wysiwyg editor
$bbcode_search = &$BBCODES['standard']['recurse'];
else // text to show everywhere else
$bbcode_search = &array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['recurse'], $BBCODES['custom']['recurse']);
$startpos = 0;
// process all the bbcode positions
$tag = array('begin_open_pos' => strpos($bbcode, '[', $startpos));
if ($tag['begin_open_pos'] === false)
if ($bbcode[ $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1 ] == '/')
{ // this is a close tag -- ignore it
$startpos = $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1;
$strlen = strlen($bbcode);
$inquote = false;
$hasoption = 0;
$jumpto = 0;
for ($i = $tag['begin_open_pos']; $i <= $strlen; $i++)
$char = $bbcode{$i};
switch ($char)
case '[':
if (!$inquote AND $i != $tag['begin_open_pos'])
$jumpto = $i;
#case ' ':
# $jumpto = $i;
# break;
case ']':
if (!$inquote)
$tag['begin_end_pos'] = $i + 1; // "+ 1" includes the ]
$jumpto = $i;
case '=':
if (!$inquote AND !$hasoption)
// only do this stuff on the *first* =
$hasoption = 1;
$tag['name_end_pos'] = $i;
$tag['option_open_pos'] = $i + 1;
case '\'': // break missing intentionally
case '"':
if (!$hasoption)
$jumpto = $i;
else if (!$inquote)
$inquote = $char;
$tag['option_open_pos'] = $i + 1;
else if ($char == $inquote)
$inquote = false;
$tag['option_end_pos'] = $i;
if ($jumpto OR $tag['begin_end_pos'])
if (empty($startpos) AND $i == $strlen + 1) // added by JP. Was getting infinite loops on parsing
if ($jumpto)
$startpos = $jumpto;
if (!$tag['name_end_pos'])
$tag['name_end_pos'] = $tag['begin_end_pos'] - 1;
if ($hasoption AND !$tag['option_end_pos'])
$tag['option_end_pos'] = $tag['begin_end_pos'] - 1;
$bbcode_lower = strtolower($bbcode);
$tag['name'] = substr($bbcode_lower, $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1, $tag['name_end_pos'] - ($tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1));
if (!isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]))
// the tag is one that isn't going to be translated anyway, so don't waste time on it
$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];
if ($hasoption)
$tag['option'] = substr($bbcode, $tag['option_open_pos'], $tag['option_end_pos'] - $tag['option_open_pos']);
$tag['option'] = '';
$tag['close_open_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, "[/$tag[name]]", $tag['begin_end_pos']);
if ($tag['close_open_pos'] === false)
$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];
$recursivetags = substr_count(substr($bbcode_lower, $tag['begin_end_pos'], $tag['close_open_pos'] - $tag['begin_end_pos']), "[/$tag[name]]");
$bumped = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $recursivetags; $i++)
$tag['close_open_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, "[/$tag[name]]", $tag['close_open_pos'] + 1);
if ($tag['close_open_pos'] === false)
{ // no closing tag found, so stop parsing
$bumped = -1;
if ($bumped != $recursivetags)
$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];
$tag['close_end_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, ']', $tag['close_open_pos'] + 1) + 1;
$data = substr($bbcode, $tag['begin_end_pos'], $tag['close_open_pos'] - $tag['begin_end_pos']);
// standard replace
if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace']))
$htmltag = $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace'];
$parseddata = "<$htmltag>$data</$htmltag>";
// html replace
else if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace_html']))
$parseddata = str_replace(array('\5', '\7', '\4'), array($tag['option'], $data, $data), $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace_html']);
// special handler replace
else if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['handler']))
$function = $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['handler'];
$parseddata = $function($data, $tag['option']);
// nothing to do
$bbcode = substr_replace($bbcode, $parseddata, $tag['begin_open_pos'], $tag['close_end_pos'] - $tag['begin_open_pos']);
$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];
while (1);
return $bbcode;
// ###################### Start hasimages #######################
function contains_bbcode_img_tags($bbcode)
return iif(strpos(strtolower($bbcode), '[img') !== false, 1, 0);
// ###################### Start bbcodeparseimgcode #######################
// Image size hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode)
function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg)
global $vboptions, $bbuserinfo;
if($dobbimagecode AND ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0 OR $bbuserinfo['showimages']))
// do [img]xxx[/img]
// Image size hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"' . iif(!$vboptions['allowdynimg'], '?&') . ']+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_img_match('\\1')", $bbcode);
$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"' . iif(!$vboptions['allowdynimg'], '?&') . ']+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_img_match('\\1',$iswysiwyg)", $bbcode);
$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"]+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_url('\\1', '', 'url')", $bbcode);
return $bbcode;
// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match #######################
// this is only called by handle_bbcode_img
// Image size hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link, $iswysiwyg)
$link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));
// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$link = str_replace(' ', '', $link);
// Image Size hack r1.2
// Modified by SS to resize large pics and place link to full size pic
// return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
if ( !$iswysiwyg ) {
$image= ($link);
// Get host url name for fsockopen to see if server is reachable
// Check is server is reachable and timeout in 5 seconds if not
if (@fclose(@fsockopen($img_host, 80, $fsockerr1, $fsockerr2, 5))) {
// Check if image is on server
if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) {
// Check image size and if oversize, change link
$img_width = getimagesize($link);
if ($img_width[0] > $max_imgsize) {
$biglink = '<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '" ><img src="'
. $link . '" width="'.$max_imgsize.'" border="0" alt=""><br>Picture has been resized, click for full size pic</a></td></tr></table>';
return $biglink;
else {
return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
else {
// Image not found
return '<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image link is broken</font></td></tr></table>';
else {
// Server is down
return '<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image server is down</font></td></tr></table>';
else {
return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
// End Image Size hack r1.2
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_quote #######################
function handle_bbcode_quote($message, $username = '')
global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show;
// remove empty codes
if (trim($message) == '')
return '';
// remove unnecessary escaped quotes
$message = str_replace('\\"', '"', $message);
$username = str_replace('\\"', '"', $username);
// remove smilies from username
$username = strip_smilies($username);
$show['username'] = iif($username != '', true, false);
global $stopsaveparsed, $parsed_postcache;
if ($stopsaveparsed OR $parsed_postcache['skip'] == true OR !$vboptions['cachemaxage'])
$show['iewidthfix'] = (is_browser('ie') AND !(is_browser('ie', 6)));
// this post may be cached, so we can't allow this "fix" to be included in that cache
$show['iewidthfix'] = false;
eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_quote') . '";');
return $html;
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_php #######################
function handle_bbcode_php($code)
global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $highlight_errors;
static $codefind1, $codereplace1, $codefind2, $codereplace2;
// remove empty codes
if (trim($code) == '')
return '';
//remove smilies
$code = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $code));
if (!is_array($codefind))
$codefind1 = array(
'<br>', // <br> to nothing
'<br />' // <br /> to nothing
$codereplace1 = array(
$codefind2 = array(
'>', // > to >
'<', // < to <
'"', // " to ",
'&', // & to &
$codereplace2 = array(
// remove htmlspecialchars'd bits and excess spacing
$code = trim(str_replace($codefind1, $codereplace1, $code));
$blockheight = fetch_block_height($code); // fetch height of block element
$code = str_replace($codefind2, $codereplace2, $code); // finish replacements
// do we have an opening <? tag?
if (!preg_match('#^\s*<\?#si', $code))
// if not, replace leading newlines and stuff in a <?php tag and a closing tag at the end
$addedtags = true;
$addedtags = false;
// highlight the string
$oldlevel = error_reporting(0);
if (PHP_VERSION >= '4.2.0')
$buffer = highlight_string($code, true);
$buffer = @ob_get_contents();
// if we added tags above, now get rid of them from the resulting string
if ($addedtags)
$search = array(
'#(<|<)\?php( | )BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET#siU',
'#(<(span|font).*>)(<|<)\?(</\\2>(<\\2.*>))php( | )BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET#siU',
'#END__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET( | )\?(>|>)#siU'
$replace = array(
$buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);
$buffer = str_replace('[', '[', $buffer);
$buffer = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/', '&#$1;', $buffer); // allow unicode entities back through
$code = &$buffer;
eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_php') . '";');
return $html;
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_code #######################
function handle_bbcode_code($code)
global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar;
// remove empty codes
if (trim($code) == '')
return '';
// remove unnecessary line breaks and escaped quotes
$code = str_replace(array('<br>', '<br />', '\\"'), array('', '', '"'), $code);
// remove smilies
$code = strip_smilies($code);
// fetch height of block element
$blockheight = fetch_block_height($code);
eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_code') . '";');
return $html;
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_html #######################
function handle_bbcode_html($code)
global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $html_allowed;
static $regexfind, $regexreplace;
// remove empty codes
if (trim($code) == '')
return '';
//remove smilies
$code = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $code));
if (!is_array($regexfind))
$regexfind = array(
'#<br( /)?>#siU', // strip <br /> codes
'#(&\w+;)#siU', // do html entities
'#<!--(.*)-->#siU', // italicise comments
'#<(.+)>#esiU' // push code through the tag handler
$regexreplace = array(
'', // strip <br /> codes
'<b><i>\1</i></b>', // do html entities
'<i><!--\1--></i>', // italicise comments
"handle_bbcode_html_tag('\\1')" // push code through the tag handler
if ($html_allowed)
$regexfind[] = '#\<(.+)\>#esiU';
$regexreplace[] = "handle_bbcode_html_tag(htmlspecialchars_uni(stripslashes('\\1')))";
// parse the code
$code = preg_replace($regexfind, $regexreplace, $code);
// how lame but HTML might not be on in signatures
if ($html_allowed)
$regexfind = array_pop($regexfind);
$regexreplace = array_pop($regexreplace);
$code = str_replace('[', '[', $code);
// fetch height of block element
$blockheight = fetch_block_height($code);
eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_html') . '";');
return $html;
function wsmhack ($text) {
$wsm_string = "#\[wsm\] ([a-zA-Z0-9 \.\-\_]{1,30}) \| (\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+) \| (\d+:\d+) \| ([\d\.,]+) (von|of) ([\d\.,]+) MB \| (\d+) Quellen \| (\d+) volle Quellen \[\/wsm\]#si";
if(preg_match_all($wsm_string, $text, $wsm_match)) {
$wsm_lock = false;
for($i=0; $i<count($wsm_match[0]); $i++) {
if($wsm_match[4][$i]>$wsm_match[6][$i]) {
$wsm_dl_size = ceil(str_replace(',', '.', $wsm_match[4][$i]));
$wsm_co_size = ceil(str_replace(',', '.', $wsm_match[6][$i]));
if($wsm_co_size==0) {
$wsm_co_size= 1;
$wsm_percentage_total = $wsm_co_size/100;
$wsm_percentage = $wsm_dl_size/$wsm_percentage_total;
$wsm_image_dl_length = 2*ceil($wsm_percentage);
$wsm_image_mi_length = 200-$wsm_image_dl_length;
if($wsm_image_dl_length==0) {
$wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_mi.gif\" width=200 height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">";
elseif($wsm_image_dl_length==200) {
$wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_dl.gif\" width=".$wsm_image_dl_length." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">";
else {
$wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_dl.gif\" width=".($wsm_image_dl_length-1)." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_sp.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_mi.gif\" width=".$wsm_image_mi_length." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">";
$wsm_replace ="<tr class=\"alt2\"><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[1][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[2][$i]." | ".$wsm_match[3][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_image."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[4][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[6][$i]." MB</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' align='right' valign='top'>(".round($wsm_percentage)." %)</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[7][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[8][$i]."</td></tr>";
$wsm_replace ="<tr class=\"alt1\"><td style='font-size:8pt;' valing='top'>".$wsm_match[1][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[2][$i]." | ".$wsm_match[3][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_image."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[4][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[6][$i]." MB</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' align='right' valign='top'>(".round($wsm_percentage)." %)</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[7][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[8][$i]."</td></tr>";
$text = str_replace($wsm_match[0][$i],$wsm_replace,$text);
$text = "<table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFF0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\"><b>Wasserstand</b></td></tr>".$text."</table>";
return $text;
else {
return $text;
//Ende multi-Wasserstandshack
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_html_tag #######################
function handle_bbcode_html_tag($tag)
global $bbcode_html_colors;
if (empty($bbcode_html_colors))
// change any embedded URLs so they don't cause any problems
$tag = preg_replace('#\[(email|url)="(.*)"\]#siU', '[$1="$2"]', $tag);
// find if the tag has attributes
$spacepos = strpos($tag, ' ');
if ($spacepos != false)
// tag has attributes - get the tag name and parse the attributes
$tagname = substr($tag, 0, $spacepos);
$tag = preg_replace('# (\w+)="(.*)"#siU', ' \1=<font color="' . $bbcode_html_colors['attribs'] . '">"\2"</font>', $tag);
// no attributes found
$tagname = $tag;
// remove leading slash if there is one
if ($tag{0} == '/')
$tagname = substr($tagname, 1);
// convert tag name to lower case
$tagname = strtolower($tagname);
// get highlight colour based on tag type
// table tags
case 'table':
case 'tr':
case 'td':
case 'th':
case 'tbody':
case 'thead':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['table'];
// form tags
case 'form';
case 'input':
case 'select':
case 'option':
case 'textarea':
case 'label':
case 'fieldset':
case 'legend':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['form'];
// script tags
case 'script':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['script'];
// style tags
case 'style':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['style'];
// anchor tags
case 'a':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['a'];
// img tags
case 'img':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['img'];
// if (vB Conditional) tags
case 'if':
case 'else':
case 'elseif':
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['if'];
// all other tags
$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['default'];
$tag = '<font color="' . $tagcolor . '"><' . str_replace('\\"', '"', $tag) . '></font>';
return $tag;
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_list2 #######################
// replacement for bbcodehandler_list... experimental at this time
function handle_bbcode_list($string)
#echo '<p><b>$string</b><br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($string)) . '</p>';
global $BBCODES, $wysiwygparse;
// might need this in the future
//$string = stripslashes($string);
$string = str_replace('\"', '"', $string);
$str = $string;
// getList
$slashlist = strpos($str, ']', stripos($str, '[/list')) + 1;
$tmp = substr($str, 0, $slashlist);
$openlist = strlen($tmp) - stripos(strrev($tmp), strrev('[list')) - strlen('[list');
$getList = substr($str, $openlist, ($slashlist - $openlist));
#echo '<p><b>$getList</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($getList) . '</p>';
// processList
if (preg_match('#\s*(\[list(=("|"|\'|)([^\]]*)\\3)?\](.*)\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])\s*#si', $getList, $regs))
$getList = $regs[0];
#echo '<p><b>Regex Match</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($regs[0]) . '</p>';
$str = preg_split('#\s*\[\*\]#s', $regs[5], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (empty($str))
return preg_replace('#\s*' . preg_quote($getList, '#') . '\s*#s', nl2br("\n\n"), $string);
if ($regs[4])
switch ($regs[4])
case 'A':
$listtype = 'upper-alpha';
case 'a':
$listtype = 'lower-alpha';
case 'I':
$listtype = 'upper-roman';
case 'i':
$listtype = 'lower-roman';
case '1': //break missing intentionally
$listtype = 'decimal';
$listtype = '';
$processList = iif($listtype, '<ol style="list-style-type: ' . $listtype . '">', '<ul>');
$bad_tag_list = '(br|p|li|ul|ol)';
foreach ($str AS $key => $val)
$firstbit = strtolower(substr($val, 0, 3));
if ($firstbit === '<ul' OR $firstbit === '<ol' OR $firstbit === '<li' OR $firstbit == '')
$processList .= $val;
if ($wysiwygparse)
$exploded = preg_split("#(\r\n|\n|\r)#", $val);
$val = '';
foreach ($exploded AS $value)
if (!preg_match('#(</' . $bad_tag_list . '>|<' . $bad_tag_list . '\s*/>)$#iU', $value))
if (trim($value) == '')
$value = ' ';
//$val .= '<p style="margin:0px">' . $value . "</p>";
$val .= $value . "<br />\n";
$val .= "$value\n";
$val = preg_replace('#<br />+\s*$#i', '', $val);
$processList .= '<li>' . $val . '</li>';
$processList .= iif($listtype, '</ol>', '</ul>');
#echo '<p><b>$processList</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($processList) . '</p>';
// replace found list characters with parsed list characters
if ($wysiwygparse)
$processList = str_replace('<p style="margin:0px"></p>', '', $processList);
//$out = preg_replace('#\s*' . preg_quote($getList, '#') . '\s*#s', str_replace(array('\\', '$'), array('\\\\', '\$'), $processList), $string);
$out = str_replace($getList, $processList, $string);
#echo '<p><b>Return Value</b><br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($out)) . '</p><hr />';
return $out;
return $string;
// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_url #######################
function handle_bbcode_url($text, $link, $type = 'url')
global $wysiwygparse;
if (trim($text) == '')
return '';
$rightlink = trim($link);
if (empty($rightlink))
// no option -- use param
$rightlink = trim($text);
$rightlink = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $rightlink));
$rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('`', '"', ''', '['), $rightlink);
if ($type == 'url' AND !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#si', $rightlink))
$rightlink = "http://$rightlink";
if ($type == 'ed2k' AND !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#si', $rightlink))
$rightlink = "ed2k://$rightlink";
if (!trim($link) OR $text == $rightlink)
$tmp = unhtmlspecialchars($rightlink);
if (strlen($tmp) > 55 AND !$wysiwygparse)
$text = htmlspecialchars_uni(substr($tmp, 0, 35) . '...' . substr($tmp, -15));
// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$rightlink = str_replace(' ', '', $rightlink);
// strip extra quotes from hyperlink
$text = str_replace('\"', '"', $text);
if ($type == 'url' OR $type == 'ed2k')
// standard URL hyperlink
if ($type == 'ed2k')
$teile = explode("|", $rightlink);
return "<a href=\"$rightlink\" target=\"_self\">$text</a> - <a href=\"http://stats.razorback2.com/ed2khistory?ed2k=$teile[4]\" target=\"_blank\">Verteilung</a>";
return "<a href=\"$rightlink\" target=\"_blank\">$text</a>";
// email hyperlink (mailto:)
if (is_valid_email($rightlink))
return "<a href=\"mailto:$rightlink\">$text</a>";
// not a valid email - don't link it
return "<span title=\"$rightlink\">$text</span>";
but the hack does .... nothing!
Does anybody find the mistake?
