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Wide image automatic resize for html and vB tags in posts - fixes template problems Details »»
Wide image automatic resize for html and vB tags in posts - fixes template problems
Version: 1.00, by Steve St.Lauren Steve St.Lauren is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.8 Rating:
Released: 07-28-2004 Last Update: 09-09-2004 Installs: 111
No support by the author.

Having trouble with large images in [img] or <img src> tags in your posts causing your templates to go too wide causing a horizontal scroll bar for all posts? I have many users that attach large images to their posts either through vB img or html img src tags. In vB2 it wasn't that much of an issue because it only caused their post to go wide causing a horizontal scroll bar. In vB3 it causes all the posts on that thread to go to that width.

This hack uses the img src width="xx" tag to resize the picture to whatever max size you wish. It also adds a link to the full size image in it's original location and retains any extra formatting the user puts in the tag. In addition it checks to see if the picture actually exists and if not show "Image link is broken" where the picture would have been. Please click install if you install it and please give feedback so I can go full release with it if it's bug free.

Updated on 07/30/2004 - R0.9
Updated on 08/06/2004 - R1.0 - Identical to R.9, no need to upgrade just changing to full release from beta
Updated on 08/10/2004 - R1.1 - Added max_imgsize to the 2nd section of code (and removed global max_imgsize line from both), some users had problems with the code grabbing the max_imgsize from the first section - this fixes that.
Updated on 09/09/2004 - R1.2 - fixed problem with duplicating the resize notice when using wysiwyg editor

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 09-19-2005, 03:59 AM
MrGoodbyte MrGoodbyte is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 17
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I get mad on it .. I'm quite sure I've made all changes (in VB 3.08) I have to do:
functions_showthread (strongly shortend):
		// showthread / showpost style Postbit
			if (!empty($post['pagetext_html']))
				$parsed_postcache['skip'] = true;
				if ($post['hasimages'])
										// Image Size hack r1.2
					// Modified by SS 
					// $post['message'] = handle_bbcode_img($post['pagetext_html'], $forum['allowimages']);
					$post['message'] = handle_bbcode_img($post['pagetext_html'], $forum['allowimages'], 0);

					$post['message'] = &$post['pagetext_html'];
				$parsed_postcache['skip'] = false;
				$post['message'] = parse_bbcode($post['pagetext'], $forum['forumid'], $post['allowsmilie']);
functions_bbcodeparse (strongly shortend):
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse #######################
function parse_bbcode($bbcode, $forumid = 0, $allowsmilie = 1, $isimgcheck = 0, $parsedtext = '', $parsedhasimages = 0, $iswysiwyg = 0)
	// $parsedtext contains text that has already been turned into HTML and just needs images checking
	// $parsedhasimages specifies if the text has images in that need parsing

	global $vboptions, $parsed_postcache;

	$donl2br = 1;

	if (empty($forumid))
		$forumid = 'nonforum';

		// parse private message
		case 'privatemessage':
			$dohtml = $vboptions['privallowhtml'];
			$dobbcode = $vboptions['privallowbbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['privallowbbimagecode'];
			$dosmilies = $vboptions['privallowsmilies'];

		// parse user note
		case 'usernote':
			$dohtml = $vboptions['unallowhtml'];
			$dobbcode = $vboptions['unallowvbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['unallowimg'];
			$dosmilies = $vboptions['unallowsmilies'];

		// parse non-forum item
		case 'nonforum':
			$dohtml = $vboptions['allowhtml'];
			$dobbcode = $vboptions['allowbbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['allowbbimagecode'];
			$dosmilies = $vboptions['allowsmilies'];
			if ($allowsmilie != 1)
				$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;

		case 'announcement':
			global $post;
			$dohtml = $post['allowhtml'];
			if ($dohtml)
				$donl2br = 0;
			$dobbcode = $post['allowbbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $post['allowbbcode'];
			$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;

		// parse forum item
			$forum = fetch_foruminfo($forumid);
			$dohtml = $forum['allowhtml'];
			$dobbimagecode = $forum['allowimages'];
			$dosmilies = $forum['allowsmilies'];
			if ($allowsmilie != 1)
				$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;
			$dobbcode = $forum['allowbbcode'];

	if (!empty($parsedtext))
		if ($parsedhasimages)
			// Image size hack R1.2
			// Modified by SS
			// return handle_bbcode_img($parsedtext, $dobbimagecode);
			return handle_bbcode_img($parsedtext, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg);

			return $parsedtext;
		if ($isimgcheck)
		{ // do this since we're only checking for smilies and IMG code
			$dobbcode = 0;
		return parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg, $donl2br);

// ###################### Start checkparam #######################
// called by the preg_replace for custom bbcodes - ensures that
// users can't get around censor text by adding empty bbcodes
// such as 'censoredword' into their messages
function handle_bbcode_parameter($param, $return)
	if (trim($param) != '')
		return str_replace('\\"', '"', $return);

// ###################### Start handle_custom_bbcode #######################
function handle_custom_bbcode($param, $option, $return)
	if (trim($param) == '')
		return '';

	$param = str_replace('\\"', '"', $param);
	$return = str_replace('\\"', '"', $return);
	$option = str_replace(array('\\"', '['), array('"', '['), $option);

	$return = preg_replace('#%(?!\d+\$s)#', '%%', $return);
	return sprintf($return, $param, $option);

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2 #######################
function parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg = 0, $donl2br = 1)
// parses text for vB code, smilies and censoring

	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $smiliecache;
	global $html_allowed;
	global $threadid;

	if ($vboptions['wordwrap'] != 0 AND !$iswysiwyg)
		$bbcode = fetch_word_wrapped_string($bbcode);

	$html_allowed = true;
	// ********************* REMOVE HTML CODES ***************************
	if (!$dohtml)
		/*static $html_find = array('&lt;', '&gt;', '<', '>');
		static $html_replace = array('&amp;lt;', '&amp;gt;', '&lt;','&gt;');

		$bbcode = str_replace($html_find, $html_replace, $bbcode);*/
		$bbcode = htmlspecialchars_uni($bbcode);
		$html_allowed = false;
	} // end html
	// Image Size hack r1.2
	// Added by SS to resize large pics and place link to full size pic

	// set max_imgsize to the max size you want pictures to be
	// check for img tag and see if html is enabled and if not using wysiwyg editor
	if (strstr(strtolower($bbcode),'<img') AND $dohtml AND !$iswysiwyg) {
		do {
			// pull tag from bbcode
			$bbtag = str_replace('\'','"',$bbtag);

			// get link from bbtag

			// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
			$link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);

			// Check to see if image exists
			$image= ($link);
			// Get host url name for fsockopen to see if server is reachable

			// set image found by default
			// Check is server is reachable and timeout in 5 seconds if not
			if (@fclose(@fsockopen($img_host, 80, $fsockerr1, $fsockerr2, 5))) {
				// Check if image is on server
				if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) { 
					// Check image size and if oversize, change bbtag
					$img_width = getimagesize($link);
					if ($img_width[0] > $max_imgsize) {
						$bbtag = '<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' 
							. $link . '" width="'.$max_imgsize.'" border="0"'.substr($bbtag,$linkclose+1,strlen($bbtag)-$linkclose+1).'<br>Picture has been resized, click for full size pic</a></td></tr></table>';
				else {
					// Image not found
					$bbtag='<table border="1" cellpadding="2" id="image_found"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image link is broken</font></td></tr></table>';
			else {
				// Server is down
				$bbtag='<table border="1" cellpadding="2" id="image_found"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image server is down</font></td></tr></table>';

			// replace bbtag into bbcode

			// check if image was found to see what where to start the next search
			if ($image_found) {
				// move pointer back to img tag in case it moved
			else {
				// move pointer back to img tag in case it moved

			// start search from end of previous tag
			} while (strpos(strtolower($bbcode),'<img',$tagstartcounter)); 

	// End Image Size hack r1.2
	// ********************* PARSE SMILIES ***************************
	if ($dosmilies)
		static $smilie_find, $smilie_replace;

		if (empty($smilie_find) OR empty($smilie_replace))
			if (isset($smiliecache))
				// we can get the smilies from the smiliecache php template
				DEVDEBUG('returning smilies from the template cache');
				if (is_array($smiliecache))
					foreach ($smiliecache AS $smilie)
						if (trim($smilie['smilietext']) != '')
							if (!$dohtml)
								$smilie_find[] = htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($smilie['smilietext']));
								$smilie_find[] = trim($smilie['smilietext']);
							// if you change this HTML tag, make sure you change the smilie remover in code/php/html tag handlers!
							if ($iswysiwyg)
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" smilieid=\"$smilie[smilieid]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
				// we have to get the smilies from the database
				DEVDEBUG('querying smilies for parse_bbcode2();');
				$smilies = $DB_site->query("
					SELECT smilietext, smiliepath, smilieid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "smilie
				while ($smilie = $DB_site->fetch_array($smilies))
					if(trim($smilie['smilietext']) != '')
						if (!$dohtml)
							$smilie_find[] = htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($smilie['smilietext']));
							$smilie_find[] = trim($smilie['smilietext']);
						// if you change this HTML tag, make sure you change the smilie remover in code/php/html tag handlers!
						if ($iswysiwyg)
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" smilieid=\"$smilie[smilieid]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";

		// str_replace the text using the smilie_find and smilie_replace arrays
		#$bbcode = str_replace($smilie_find, $smilie_replace, $bbcode);

		// alternative method to avoid parsing HTML entities as smilies:
		foreach($smilie_find AS $smiliekey => $smiliefind)
			$bbcode = preg_replace('/(?<!&amp|&quot|&lt|&gt|&copy|&#[0-9]{1}|&#[0-9]{2}|&#[0-9]{3}|&#[0-9]{4}|&#[0-9]{5})' . preg_quote($smiliefind, '/') . '/s', $smilie_replace["$smiliekey"], $bbcode);
	} // end smilies

	// do new lines
	$wysiwygtype = null;
	if ($iswysiwyg == 1)
		$whitespacefind = array(
			'#(\r\n|\n|\r)?( )*(\[\*\]|\[/list|\[list|\[indent)#si',
			'#(/list\]|/indent\])( )*(\r\n|\n|\r)?#si'
		$whitespacereplace = array(
		$bbcode = preg_replace($whitespacefind, $whitespacereplace, $bbcode);

		if (is_browser('ie'))
			$wysiwygtype = 'ie';

			// this fixes an issue caused by odd nesting of tags. This causes IE's
			// WYSIWYG editor to display the output as vB will display it
			$rematch_find = array(
			$rematch_replace = array(
				"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'b')",
				"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'i')",
				"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'u')",
			$bbcode = preg_replace($rematch_find, $rematch_replace, $bbcode);

			$bbcode = '<p style="margin:0px">' . preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)#', "</p>\n<p style=\"margin:0px\">", trim($bbcode)) . '</p>';
			$bbcode = nl2br($bbcode);
			$wysiwygtype = 'moz_css';
		$bbcode = preg_replace('#(\[list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)\\3)?\])(((?>[^\[]*?|(?R))|(?>.))*)(\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])#siUe', "remove_wysiwyg_breaks('\\0', \$wysiwygtype)", $bbcode);

		//$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[list#i', '</p>[list', $bbcode);
		//$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[/list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)[a-z0-9+]\\2)?](?!\[\*\])#i', '[/list\\1]<p style="margin:0px">', $bbcode);

		$bbcode = preg_replace('#<p style="margin:0px">\s*</p>(?!\s*\[list|$)#i', '<p style="margin:0px">&nbsp;</p>', $bbcode);
		$bbcode = str_replace('<p style="margin:0px"></p>', '', $bbcode);

		// convert tabs to four &nbsp;
		$bbcode = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $bbcode);
	// new lines to <br />
		$whitespacefind = array(
			'#(\r\n|\n|\r)?( )*(\[\*\]|\[/list|\[list|\[indent)#si',
			'#(/list\]|/indent\])( )*(\r\n|\n|\r)?#si'
		$whitespacereplace = array(
		$bbcode = preg_replace($whitespacefind, $whitespacereplace, $bbcode);

		if ($donl2br)
			$bbcode = nl2br($bbcode);

	// ********************* PARSE BBCODE TAGS ***************************
	if ($dobbcode AND strpos($bbcode, '[') !== false AND strpos($bbcode, ']') !== false)
			case 1:
				$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_recurse';

			case 0:
				$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regex';

				$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regexrecurse';
		$bbcode = $parsefunc($bbcode, $iswysiwyg);

		if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
			$bbcode = preg_replace('#<p style="margin:0px"><(p|div) align="([a-z]+)">(.*)</\\1></p>#siU', '<p style="margin:0px" align="\\2">\\3</p>', $bbcode);
		if ($iswysiwyg)
			// need to display smilies in code/php/html tags as literals
			$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[(code|php|html)\](.*)\[/\\1\]#siUe', "strip_smilies(str_replace('\\\"', '\"', '\\0'), true)", $bbcode);

	// parse out nasty active scripting codes
	static $global_find = array('/javascript:/si', '/about:/si', '/vbscript:/si', '/&(?![a-z0-9#]+;)/si');
	static $global_replace = array('javascript<b></b>:', 'about<b></b>:', 'vbscript<b></b>:', '&amp;');
	$bbcode = preg_replace($global_find, $global_replace, $bbcode);

	// run the censor
	$bbcode = fetch_censored_text($bbcode);
	$has_img_tag = contains_bbcode_img_tags($bbcode);

	// save the cached post
	global $stopsaveparsed, $parsed_postcache;
	if (!$stopsaveparsed AND $parsed_postcache['skip'] != true)
		$parsed_postcache['text'] = $bbcode;
		$parsed_postcache['images'] = $has_img_tag;

	// do [img] tags if the item contains images
	if(($dobbcode OR $dobbimagecode) AND $has_img_tag)
				// Image resize hack R1.2
		// Modified by SS
		// $bbcode = handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode);
		$bbcode = handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg);

$myreplies = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' and threadid='$threadid'"); 
      if ($myreplies[count] > 0 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 5 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 7) { 
        $bbcode = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/si', 'Hidden Text: <br>\\1', $bbcode); 
      } else { 
        $bbcode = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/si', '<b><center><img src="./hide.gif" alt=Du musst eine Antwort erstellen um den Inhalt zu sehen!></center></b><br>', $bbcode); 

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start remove_wysiwyg_breaks #######################
function bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg($innertext, $tagname)
	// This function replaces line breaks with [/tag]\n[tag].
	// It is intended to be used on text inside [tag] to fix an IE WYSIWYG issue.

	$innertext = str_replace('\"', '"', $innertext);
	return "[$tagname]" . preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)#', "[/$tagname]\n[$tagname]", $innertext) . "[/$tagname]";

// ###################### Start remove_wysiwyg_breaks #######################
function remove_wysiwyg_breaks($fulltext, $wysiwygtype = 'ie')
	$fulltext = str_replace('\"', '"', $fulltext);
	preg_match('#^(\[list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)\\3)?\])(.*?)(\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])$#siU', $fulltext, $matches);
	$prepend = $matches[1];
	$innertext = $matches[5];

	$find = array("</p>\n<p style=\"margin:0px\">", '<br />', '<br>');
	$replace = array("\n", "\n", "\n");
	$innertext = str_replace($find, $replace, $innertext);

	if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
		return '</p>' . $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]<p style="margin:0px">';
		return $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]';

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regexrecurse #######################
function parse_bbcode_regexrecurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
	static $BBCODES;

	$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;

	if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
		$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();

		$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)(&quot;|"|\'|)([^"]*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
		$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';

		if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache'])) // get bbcodes from the datastore
			$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);

			foreach ($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
					$checkparam = '\\7';
					$checkoption = '\\5';
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
					$checkparam = '\\4';
					$checkoption = '';
				$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
				$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
		else // query bbcodes out of the database
			$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
				SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
			while ($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
					$checkparam = '\\7';
					$checkoption = '\\5';
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
					$checkparam = '\\4';
					$checkoption = '';
				$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
				$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";

	if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
		$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
		$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
	else // text to show everywhere else
		//$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
		//$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);

		$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['find'], $BBCODES['standard']['find']);
		$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['replace'], $BBCODES['standard']['replace']);

	foreach($bbcode_find AS $tag => $findregex)
		// if using option, $tag will be '[xxx='
		// if not using option, $tag will be '[xxx]'

		while (stristr($bbcode, $tag) !== false)
			// make a copy of the text pre-replacement for later comparison
			$origtext = $bbcode;

			$bbcode = preg_replace($findregex, $bbcode_replace["$tag"], $bbcode);

			// check to see if the preg_replace actually did anything... if it didn't, break the loop
			if ($origtext == $bbcode)

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regex #######################
function parse_bbcode_regex($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
	static $BBCODES;

	$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;

	if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
		$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();

		$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
		$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';

		if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache']))
		{ // we can get the bbcode from the bbcodecache php template
			DEVDEBUG("returning bbcodes from the template cache");
			$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
			foreach($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 7;
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 4;
				for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
					$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
					$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
		{ // we have to get the bbcodes from the database
			DEVDEBUG("querying bbcodes for parse_bbcode2();");
			$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
				SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
			while($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 7;
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 4;
				for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
					$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
					$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'","\'",$bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";

	if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
		$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
		$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
	else // text to show everywhere else
		$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
		$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);

	// do the actual replacement
	$bbcode = preg_replace($bbcode_find, $bbcode_replace, $bbcode);

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_recurse #######################
function parse_bbcode_recurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse;
	static $BBCODES;

	$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;

	// just get rid of old closing list tags
	if (stristr($bbcode, '/list=') != false)
		$bbcode = preg_replace('#/list=[a-z0-9]\]#siU', '/list]', $bbcode);

	if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
		$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();

		if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache']))
		{ // we can get the bbcode from the bbcodecache php template
			DEVDEBUG("returning bbcodes from the template cache");
			if (!isset($bbcodecache))
				$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
			foreach($bbcodecache AS $thisbbcode)
				$BBCODES['custom']['recurse']["$thisbbcode[bbcodetag]"]["$thisbbcode[twoparams]"] = array('replace_html' => $thisbbcode['bbcodereplacement']);
		{ // we have to get the bbcodes from the database
			DEVDEBUG("querying bbcodes for parse_bbcode2();");
			$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
				SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
			while($thisbbcode = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
				$BBCODES['custom']['recurse']["$thisbbcode[bbcodetag]"]["$thisbbcode[twoparams]"] = array('replace_html' => $thisbbcode['bbcodereplacement']);

	if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in wysiwyg editor
		$bbcode_search = &$BBCODES['standard']['recurse'];
	else // text to show everywhere else
		$bbcode_search = &array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['recurse'], $BBCODES['custom']['recurse']);

	$startpos = 0;

	// process all the bbcode positions

		$tag = array('begin_open_pos' => strpos($bbcode, '[', $startpos));
		if ($tag['begin_open_pos'] === false)
		if ($bbcode[ $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1 ] == '/')
		{ // this is a close tag -- ignore it
			$startpos = $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1;

		$strlen = strlen($bbcode);

		$inquote = false;
		$hasoption = 0;
		$jumpto = 0;
		for ($i = $tag['begin_open_pos']; $i <= $strlen; $i++)
			$char = $bbcode{$i};

			switch ($char)
				case '[':
					if (!$inquote AND $i != $tag['begin_open_pos'])
						$jumpto = $i;
				#case ' ':
				#	$jumpto = $i;
				#	break;
				case ']':
					if (!$inquote)
						$tag['begin_end_pos'] = $i + 1; // "+ 1" includes the ]
						$jumpto = $i;
				case '=':
					if (!$inquote AND !$hasoption)
						// only do this stuff on the *first* =
						$hasoption = 1;
						$tag['name_end_pos'] = $i;
						$tag['option_open_pos'] = $i + 1;
				case '\'': // break missing intentionally
				case '"':
					if (!$hasoption)
						$jumpto = $i;
					else if (!$inquote)
						$inquote = $char;
						$tag['option_open_pos'] = $i + 1;
					else if ($char == $inquote)
						$inquote = false;
						$tag['option_end_pos'] = $i;

			if ($jumpto OR $tag['begin_end_pos'])

		if (empty($startpos) AND $i == $strlen + 1) // added by JP. Was getting infinite loops on parsing 
l: [ : : integ
{ break; } if ($jumpto) { $startpos = $jumpto; continue; } if (!$tag['name_end_pos']) { $tag['name_end_pos'] = $tag['begin_end_pos'] - 1; } if ($hasoption AND !$tag['option_end_pos']) { $tag['option_end_pos'] = $tag['begin_end_pos'] - 1; } $bbcode_lower = strtolower($bbcode); $tag['name'] = substr($bbcode_lower, $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1, $tag['name_end_pos'] - ($tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1)); if (!isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"])) { // the tag is one that isn't going to be translated anyway, so don't waste time on it $startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos']; continue; } if ($hasoption) { $tag['option'] = substr($bbcode, $tag['option_open_pos'], $tag['option_end_pos'] - $tag['option_open_pos']); } else { $tag['option'] = ''; } $tag['close_open_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, "[/$tag[name]]", $tag['begin_end_pos']); if ($tag['close_open_pos'] === false) { $startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos']; continue; } $recursivetags = substr_count(substr($bbcode_lower, $tag['begin_end_pos'], $tag['close_open_pos'] - $tag['begin_end_pos']), "[/$tag[name]]"); $bumped = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $recursivetags; $i++) { $tag['close_open_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, "[/$tag[name]]", $tag['close_open_pos'] + 1); if ($tag['close_open_pos'] === false) { // no closing tag found, so stop parsing $bumped = -1; break; } $bumped++; } if ($bumped != $recursivetags) { $startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos']; continue; } $tag['close_end_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, ']', $tag['close_open_pos'] + 1) + 1; $data = substr($bbcode, $tag['begin_end_pos'], $tag['close_open_pos'] - $tag['begin_end_pos']); // standard replace if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace'])) { $htmltag = $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace']; $parseddata = "<$htmltag>$data</$htmltag>"; } // html replace else if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace_html'])) { $parseddata = str_replace(array('\5', '\7', '\4'), array($tag['option'], $data, $data), $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace_html']); } // special handler replace else if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['handler'])) { $function = $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['handler']; $parseddata = $function($data, $tag['option']); } // nothing to do else { continue; } $bbcode = substr_replace($bbcode, $parseddata, $tag['begin_open_pos'], $tag['close_end_pos'] - $tag['begin_open_pos']); $startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos']; } while (1); return $bbcode; } // ###################### Start hasimages ####################### function contains_bbcode_img_tags($bbcode) { return iif(strpos(strtolower($bbcode), '[img') !== false, 1, 0); } // ###################### Start bbcodeparseimgcode ####################### // Image size hack R1.2 // Modified by SS // function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode) function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg) // { global $vboptions, $bbuserinfo; if($dobbimagecode AND ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0 OR $bbuserinfo['showimages'])) { // do [img]xxx[/img] // Image size hack R1.2 // Modified by SS // $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"' . iif(!$vboptions['allowdynimg'], '?&') . ']+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_img_match('\\1')", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"' . iif(!$vboptions['allowdynimg'], '?&') . ']+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_img_match('\\1',$iswysiwyg)", $bbcode); // } $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"]+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_url('\\1', '', 'url')", $bbcode); return $bbcode; } // ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match ####################### // this is only called by handle_bbcode_img // Image size hack R1.2 // Modified by SS // function handle_bbcode_img_match($link) function handle_bbcode_img_match($link, $iswysiwyg) // { $link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link)); // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap $link = str_replace(' ', '', $link); // Image Size hack r1.2 // Modified by SS to resize large pics and place link to full size pic // return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />'; if ( !$iswysiwyg ) { $max_imgsize=560; $image= ($link); // Get host url name for fsockopen to see if server is reachable $img_host=str_replace('http://','',$link); $img_host=substr($img_host,0,strpos($img_host,'/')); // Check is server is reachable and timeout in 5 seconds if not if (@fclose(@fsockopen($img_host, 80, $fsockerr1, $fsockerr2, 5))) { // Check if image is on server if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) { // Check image size and if oversize, change link $img_width = getimagesize($link); if ($img_width[0] > $max_imgsize) { $biglink = '<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '" ><img src="' . $link . '" width="'.$max_imgsize.'" border="0" alt=""><br>Picture has been resized, click for full size pic</a></td></tr></table>'; return $biglink; } else { return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />'; } } else { // Image not found return '<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image link is broken</font></td></tr></table>'; } } else { // Server is down return '<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image server is down</font></td></tr></table>'; } } else { return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />'; } // End Image Size hack r1.2 } // ###################### Start bbcodehandler_quote ####################### function handle_bbcode_quote($message, $username = '') { global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show; // remove empty codes if (trim($message) == '') { return ''; } // remove unnecessary escaped quotes $message = str_replace('\\"', '"', $message); $username = str_replace('\\"', '"', $username); // remove smilies from username $username = strip_smilies($username); $show['username'] = iif($username != '', true, false); global $stopsaveparsed, $parsed_postcache; if ($stopsaveparsed OR $parsed_postcache['skip'] == true OR !$vboptions['cachemaxage']) { $show['iewidthfix'] = (is_browser('ie') AND !(is_browser('ie', 6))); } else { // this post may be cached, so we can't allow this "fix" to be included in that cache $show['iewidthfix'] = false; } eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_quote') . '";'); return $html; } // ###################### Start bbcodehandler_php ####################### function handle_bbcode_php($code) { global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $highlight_errors; static $codefind1, $codereplace1, $codefind2, $codereplace2; // remove empty codes if (trim($code) == '') { return ''; } //remove smilies $code = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $code)); if (!is_array($codefind)) { $codefind1 = array( '<br>', // <br> to nothing '<br />' // <br /> to nothing ); $codereplace1 = array( '', '' ); $codefind2 = array( '&gt;', // &gt; to > '&lt;', // &lt; to < '&quot;', // &quot; to ", '&amp;', // &amp; to & ); $codereplace2 = array( '>', '<', '"', '&', ); } // remove htmlspecialchars'd bits and excess spacing $code = trim(str_replace($codefind1, $codereplace1, $code)); $blockheight = fetch_block_height($code); // fetch height of block element $code = str_replace($codefind2, $codereplace2, $code); // finish replacements // do we have an opening <? tag? if (!preg_match('#^\s*<\?#si', $code)) { // if not, replace leading newlines and stuff in a <?php tag and a closing tag at the end $code = "<?php BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET $code \r\nEND__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET ?>"; $addedtags = true; } else { $addedtags = false; } // highlight the string $oldlevel = error_reporting(0); if (PHP_VERSION >= '4.2.0') { $buffer = highlight_string($code, true); } else { @ob_start(); highlight_string($code); $buffer = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } error_reporting($oldlevel); // if we added tags above, now get rid of them from the resulting string if ($addedtags) { $search = array( '#(<|&lt;)\?php( |&nbsp;)BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET#siU', '#(<(span|font).*>)(<|&lt;)\?(</\\2>(<\\2.*>))php( |&nbsp;)BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET#siU', '#END__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET( |&nbsp;)\?(>|&gt;)#siU' ); $replace = array( '', '\\5', '' ); $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer); } $buffer = str_replace('[', '[', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('/&amp;#([0-9]+);/', '&#$1;', $buffer); // allow unicode entities back through $code = &$buffer; eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_php') . '";'); return $html; } // ###################### Start bbcodehandler_code ####################### function handle_bbcode_code($code) { global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar; // remove empty codes if (trim($code) == '') { return ''; } // remove unnecessary line breaks and escaped quotes $code = str_replace(array('<br>', '<br />', '\\"'), array('', '', '"'), $code); // remove smilies $code = strip_smilies($code); // fetch height of block element $blockheight = fetch_block_height($code); eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_code') . '";'); return $html; } // ###################### Start bbcodehandler_html ####################### function handle_bbcode_html($code) { global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $html_allowed; static $regexfind, $regexreplace; // remove empty codes if (trim($code) == '') { return ''; } //remove smilies $code = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $code)); if (!is_array($regexfind)) { $regexfind = array( '#<br( /)?>#siU', // strip <br /> codes '#(&amp;\w+;)#siU', // do html entities '#&lt;!--(.*)--&gt;#siU', // italicise comments '#&lt;(.+)&gt;#esiU' // push code through the tag handler ); $regexreplace = array( '', // strip <br /> codes '<b><i>\1</i></b>', // do html entities '<i>&lt;!--\1--&gt;</i>', // italicise comments "handle_bbcode_html_tag('\\1')" // push code through the tag handler ); } if ($html_allowed) { $regexfind[] = '#\<(.+)\>#esiU'; $regexreplace[] = "handle_bbcode_html_tag(htmlspecialchars_uni(stripslashes('\\1')))"; } // parse the code $code = preg_replace($regexfind, $regexreplace, $code); // how lame but HTML might not be on in signatures if ($html_allowed) { $regexfind = array_pop($regexfind); $regexreplace = array_pop($regexreplace); } $code = str_replace('[', '[', $code); // fetch height of block element $blockheight = fetch_block_height($code); eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_html') . '";'); return $html; } //#####################multi-Wasserstandshack###################### function wsmhack ($text) { $wsm_string = "#\[wsm\] ([a-zA-Z0-9 \.\-\_]{1,30}) \| (\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+) \| (\d+:\d+) \| ([\d\.,]+) (von|of) ([\d\.,]+) MB \| (\d+) Quellen \| (\d+) volle Quellen \[\/wsm\]#si"; if(preg_match_all($wsm_string, $text, $wsm_match)) { $wsm_lock = false; for($i=0; $i<count($wsm_match[0]); $i++) { if($wsm_match[4][$i]>$wsm_match[6][$i]) { $wsm_match[1][$i]="FEHLER!"; $wsm_match[4][$i]=$wsm_match[6][$i]; } $wsm_dl_size = ceil(str_replace(',', '.', $wsm_match[4][$i])); $wsm_co_size = ceil(str_replace(',', '.', $wsm_match[6][$i])); if($wsm_co_size==0) { $wsm_match[1][$i]="FEHLER!"; $wsm_co_size= 1; } $wsm_percentage_total = $wsm_co_size/100; $wsm_percentage = $wsm_dl_size/$wsm_percentage_total; $wsm_image_dl_length = 2*ceil($wsm_percentage); $wsm_image_mi_length = 200-$wsm_image_dl_length; if($wsm_image_dl_length==0) { $wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_mi.gif\" width=200 height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">"; } elseif($wsm_image_dl_length==200) { $wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_dl.gif\" width=".$wsm_image_dl_length." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">"; } else { $wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_dl.gif\" width=".($wsm_image_dl_length-1)." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_sp.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_mi.gif\" width=".$wsm_image_mi_length." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">"; } if($i%2==0){ $wsm_replace ="<tr class=\"alt2\"><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[1][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[2][$i]." | ".$wsm_match[3][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_image."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[4][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[6][$i]." MB</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' align='right' valign='top'>(".round($wsm_percentage)." %)</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[7][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[8][$i]."</td></tr>"; } else{ $wsm_replace ="<tr class=\"alt1\"><td style='font-size:8pt;' valing='top'>".$wsm_match[1][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[2][$i]." | ".$wsm_match[3][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_image."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[4][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[6][$i]." MB</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' align='right' valign='top'>(".round($wsm_percentage)." %)</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[7][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[8][$i]."</td></tr>"; } $text = str_replace($wsm_match[0][$i],$wsm_replace,$text); } $text = "<table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFF0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\"><b>Wasserstand</b></td></tr>".$text."</table>"; return $text; } else { return $text; } } //Ende multi-Wasserstandshack // ###################### Start bbcodehandler_html_tag ####################### function handle_bbcode_html_tag($tag) { global $bbcode_html_colors; if (empty($bbcode_html_colors)) { fetch_bbcode_html_colors(); } // change any embedded URLs so they don't cause any problems $tag = preg_replace('#\[(email|url)=&quot;(.*)&quot;\]#siU', '[$1="$2"]', $tag); // find if the tag has attributes $spacepos = strpos($tag, ' '); if ($spacepos != false) { // tag has attributes - get the tag name and parse the attributes $tagname = substr($tag, 0, $spacepos); $tag = preg_replace('# (\w+)=&quot;(.*)&quot;#siU', ' \1=<font color="' . $bbcode_html_colors['attribs'] . '">&quot;\2&quot;</font>', $tag); } else { // no attributes found $tagname = $tag; } // remove leading slash if there is one if ($tag{0} == '/') { $tagname = substr($tagname, 1); } // convert tag name to lower case $tagname = strtolower($tagname); // get highlight colour based on tag type switch($tagname) { // table tags case 'table': case 'tr': case 'td': case 'th': case 'tbody': case 'thead': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['table']; break; // form tags case 'form'; case 'input': case 'select': case 'option': case 'textarea': case 'label': case 'fieldset': case 'legend': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['form']; break; // script tags case 'script': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['script']; break; // style tags case 'style': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['style']; break; // anchor tags case 'a': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['a']; break; // img tags case 'img': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['img']; break; // if (vB Conditional) tags case 'if': case 'else': case 'elseif': $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['if']; break; // all other tags default: $tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['default']; break; } $tag = '<font color="' . $tagcolor . '">&lt;' . str_replace('\\"', '"', $tag) . '&gt;</font>'; return $tag; } // ###################### Start bbcodehandler_list2 ####################### // replacement for bbcodehandler_list... experimental at this time function handle_bbcode_list($string) { #echo '<p><b>$string</b><br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($string)) . '</p>'; global $BBCODES, $wysiwygparse; // might need this in the future //$string = stripslashes($string); $string = str_replace('\"', '"', $string); $str = $string; // getList $slashlist = strpos($str, ']', stripos($str, '[/list')) + 1; $tmp = substr($str, 0, $slashlist); $openlist = strlen($tmp) - stripos(strrev($tmp), strrev('[list')) - strlen('[list'); $getList = substr($str, $openlist, ($slashlist - $openlist)); #echo '<p><b>$getList</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($getList) . '</p>'; // processList if (preg_match('#\s*(\[list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)([^\]]*)\\3)?\](.*)\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])\s*#si', $getList, $regs)) { $getList = $regs[0]; #echo '<p><b>Regex Match</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($regs[0]) . '</p>'; $str = preg_split('#\s*\[\*\]#s', $regs[5], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (empty($str)) { return preg_replace('#\s*' . preg_quote($getList, '#') . '\s*#s', nl2br("\n\n"), $string); } if ($regs[4]) { switch ($regs[4]) { case 'A': $listtype = 'upper-alpha'; break; case 'a': $listtype = 'lower-alpha'; break; case 'I': $listtype = 'upper-roman'; break; case 'i': $listtype = 'lower-roman'; break; case '1': //break missing intentionally default: $listtype = 'decimal'; break; } } else { $listtype = ''; } $processList = iif($listtype, '<ol style="list-style-type: ' . $listtype . '">', '<ul>'); $bad_tag_list = '(br|p|li|ul|ol)'; foreach ($str AS $key => $val) { $firstbit = strtolower(substr($val, 0, 3)); if ($firstbit === '<ul' OR $firstbit === '<ol' OR $firstbit === '<li' OR $firstbit == '') { $processList .= $val; } else { if ($wysiwygparse) { $exploded = preg_split("#(\r\n|\n|\r)#", $val); $val = ''; foreach ($exploded AS $value) { if (!preg_match('#(</' . $bad_tag_list . '>|<' . $bad_tag_list . '\s*/>)$#iU', $value)) { if (trim($value) == '') { $value = '&nbsp;'; } //$val .= '<p style="margin:0px">' . $value . "</p>"; $val .= $value . "<br />\n"; } else { $val .= "$value\n"; } } $val = preg_replace('#<br />+\s*$#i', '', $val); } $processList .= '<li>' . $val . '</li>'; } } $processList .= iif($listtype, '</ol>', '</ul&gt;'); #echo '<p><b>$processList</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($processList) . '</p>'; // replace found list characters with parsed list characters if ($wysiwygparse) { $processList = str_replace('<p style="margin:0px"></p>', '', $processList); } //$out = preg_replace('#\s*' . preg_quote($getList, '#') . '\s*#s', str_replace(array('\\', '$'), array('\\\\', '\$'), $processList), $string); $out = str_replace($getList, $processList, $string); #echo '<p><b>Return Value</b><br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($out)) . '</p><hr />'; return $out; } else { return $string; } } // ###################### Start handle_bbcode_url ####################### function handle_bbcode_url($text, $link, $type = 'url') { global $wysiwygparse; if (trim($text) == '') { return ''; } $rightlink = trim($link); if (empty($rightlink)) { // no option -- use param $rightlink = trim($text); } $rightlink = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $rightlink)); $rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('`', '&quot;', ''', '['), $rightlink); if ($type == 'url' AND !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#si', $rightlink)) { $rightlink = "http://$rightlink"; } if ($type == 'ed2k' AND !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#si', $rightlink)) { $rightlink = "ed2k://$rightlink"; } if (!trim($link) OR $text == $rightlink) { $tmp = unhtmlspecialchars($rightlink); if (strlen($tmp) > 55 AND !$wysiwygparse) { $text = htmlspecialchars_uni(substr($tmp, 0, 35) . '...' . substr($tmp, -15)); } } // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap $rightlink = str_replace(' ', '', $rightlink); // strip extra quotes from hyperlink $text = str_replace('\"', '"', $text); if ($type == 'url' OR $type == 'ed2k') { // standard URL hyperlink if ($type == 'ed2k') { $teile = explode("|", $rightlink); return "<a href=\"$rightlink\" target=\"_self\">$text</a> - <a href=\"http://stats.razorback2.com/ed2khistory?ed2k=$teile[4]\" target=\"_blank\">Verteilung</a>"; } else { return "<a href=\"$rightlink\" target=\"_blank\">$text</a>"; } } else { // email hyperlink (mailto:) if (is_valid_email($rightlink)) { return "<a href=\"mailto:$rightlink\">$text</a>"; } else { // not a valid email - don't link it return "<span title=\"$rightlink\">$text</span>"; } } }
but the hack does .... nothing!

Does anybody find the mistake?

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Old 09-19-2005, 05:56 AM
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Maybe you like to check this version http://www.vbulletin-germany.com/for...1578#post81578 (it definitely works)

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Old 09-19-2005, 06:44 PM
Steve St.Lauren Steve St.Lauren is offline
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Originally Posted by MrGoodbyte
I get mad on it .. I'm quite sure I've made all changes (in VB 3.08) I have to do:
functions_showthread (strongly shortend):
		// showthread / showpost style Postbit
			if (!empty($post['pagetext_html']))
				$parsed_postcache['skip'] = true;
				if ($post['hasimages'])
										// Image Size hack r1.2
					// Modified by SS 
					// $post['message'] = handle_bbcode_img($post['pagetext_html'], $forum['allowimages']);
					$post['message'] = handle_bbcode_img($post['pagetext_html'], $forum['allowimages'], 0);

					$post['message'] = &$post['pagetext_html'];
				$parsed_postcache['skip'] = false;
				$post['message'] = parse_bbcode($post['pagetext'], $forum['forumid'], $post['allowsmilie']);
functions_bbcodeparse (strongly shortend):
// ###################### Start bbcodeparse #######################
function parse_bbcode($bbcode, $forumid = 0, $allowsmilie = 1, $isimgcheck = 0, $parsedtext = '', $parsedhasimages = 0, $iswysiwyg = 0)
	// $parsedtext contains text that has already been turned into HTML and just needs images checking
	// $parsedhasimages specifies if the text has images in that need parsing

	global $vboptions, $parsed_postcache;

	$donl2br = 1;

	if (empty($forumid))
		$forumid = 'nonforum';

		// parse private message
		case 'privatemessage':
			$dohtml = $vboptions['privallowhtml'];
			$dobbcode = $vboptions['privallowbbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['privallowbbimagecode'];
			$dosmilies = $vboptions['privallowsmilies'];

		// parse user note
		case 'usernote':
			$dohtml = $vboptions['unallowhtml'];
			$dobbcode = $vboptions['unallowvbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['unallowimg'];
			$dosmilies = $vboptions['unallowsmilies'];

		// parse non-forum item
		case 'nonforum':
			$dohtml = $vboptions['allowhtml'];
			$dobbcode = $vboptions['allowbbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $vboptions['allowbbimagecode'];
			$dosmilies = $vboptions['allowsmilies'];
			if ($allowsmilie != 1)
				$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;

		case 'announcement':
			global $post;
			$dohtml = $post['allowhtml'];
			if ($dohtml)
				$donl2br = 0;
			$dobbcode = $post['allowbbcode'];
			$dobbimagecode = $post['allowbbcode'];
			$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;

		// parse forum item
			$forum = fetch_foruminfo($forumid);
			$dohtml = $forum['allowhtml'];
			$dobbimagecode = $forum['allowimages'];
			$dosmilies = $forum['allowsmilies'];
			if ($allowsmilie != 1)
				$dosmilies = $allowsmilie;
			$dobbcode = $forum['allowbbcode'];

	if (!empty($parsedtext))
		if ($parsedhasimages)
			// Image size hack R1.2
			// Modified by SS
			// return handle_bbcode_img($parsedtext, $dobbimagecode);
			return handle_bbcode_img($parsedtext, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg);

			return $parsedtext;
		if ($isimgcheck)
		{ // do this since we're only checking for smilies and IMG code
			$dobbcode = 0;
		return parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg, $donl2br);

// ###################### Start checkparam #######################
// called by the preg_replace for custom bbcodes - ensures that
// users can't get around censor text by adding empty bbcodes
// such as 'censoredword' into their messages
function handle_bbcode_parameter($param, $return)
	if (trim($param) != '')
		return str_replace('\\"', '"', $return);

// ###################### Start handle_custom_bbcode #######################
function handle_custom_bbcode($param, $option, $return)
	if (trim($param) == '')
		return '';

	$param = str_replace('\\"', '"', $param);
	$return = str_replace('\\"', '"', $return);
	$option = str_replace(array('\\"', '['), array('"', '['), $option);

	$return = preg_replace('#%(?!\d+\$s)#', '%%', $return);
	return sprintf($return, $param, $option);

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2 #######################
function parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg = 0, $donl2br = 1)
// parses text for vB code, smilies and censoring

	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $smiliecache;
	global $html_allowed;
	global $threadid;

	if ($vboptions['wordwrap'] != 0 AND !$iswysiwyg)
		$bbcode = fetch_word_wrapped_string($bbcode);

	$html_allowed = true;
	// ********************* REMOVE HTML CODES ***************************
	if (!$dohtml)
		/*static $html_find = array('&lt;', '&gt;', '<', '>');
		static $html_replace = array('&amp;lt;', '&amp;gt;', '&lt;','&gt;');

		$bbcode = str_replace($html_find, $html_replace, $bbcode);*/
		$bbcode = htmlspecialchars_uni($bbcode);
		$html_allowed = false;
	} // end html
	// Image Size hack r1.2
	// Added by SS to resize large pics and place link to full size pic

	// set max_imgsize to the max size you want pictures to be
	// check for img tag and see if html is enabled and if not using wysiwyg editor
	if (strstr(strtolower($bbcode),'<img') AND $dohtml AND !$iswysiwyg) {
		do {
			// pull tag from bbcode
			$bbtag = str_replace('\'','"',$bbtag);

			// get link from bbtag

			// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
			$link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);

			// Check to see if image exists
			$image= ($link);
			// Get host url name for fsockopen to see if server is reachable

			// set image found by default
			// Check is server is reachable and timeout in 5 seconds if not
			if (@fclose(@fsockopen($img_host, 80, $fsockerr1, $fsockerr2, 5))) {
				// Check if image is on server
				if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) { 
					// Check image size and if oversize, change bbtag
					$img_width = getimagesize($link);
					if ($img_width[0] > $max_imgsize) {
						$bbtag = '<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' 
							. $link . '" width="'.$max_imgsize.'" border="0"'.substr($bbtag,$linkclose+1,strlen($bbtag)-$linkclose+1).'<br>Picture has been resized, click for full size pic</a></td></tr></table>';
				else {
					// Image not found
					$bbtag='<table border="1" cellpadding="2" id="image_found"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image link is broken</font></td></tr></table>';
			else {
				// Server is down
				$bbtag='<table border="1" cellpadding="2" id="image_found"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image server is down</font></td></tr></table>';

			// replace bbtag into bbcode

			// check if image was found to see what where to start the next search
			if ($image_found) {
				// move pointer back to img tag in case it moved
			else {
				// move pointer back to img tag in case it moved

			// start search from end of previous tag
			} while (strpos(strtolower($bbcode),'<img',$tagstartcounter)); 

	// End Image Size hack r1.2
	// ********************* PARSE SMILIES ***************************
	if ($dosmilies)
		static $smilie_find, $smilie_replace;

		if (empty($smilie_find) OR empty($smilie_replace))
			if (isset($smiliecache))
				// we can get the smilies from the smiliecache php template
				DEVDEBUG('returning smilies from the template cache');
				if (is_array($smiliecache))
					foreach ($smiliecache AS $smilie)
						if (trim($smilie['smilietext']) != '')
							if (!$dohtml)
								$smilie_find[] = htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($smilie['smilietext']));
								$smilie_find[] = trim($smilie['smilietext']);
							// if you change this HTML tag, make sure you change the smilie remover in code/php/html tag handlers!
							if ($iswysiwyg)
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" smilieid=\"$smilie[smilieid]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
				// we have to get the smilies from the database
				DEVDEBUG('querying smilies for parse_bbcode2();');
				$smilies = $DB_site->query("
					SELECT smilietext, smiliepath, smilieid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "smilie
				while ($smilie = $DB_site->fetch_array($smilies))
					if(trim($smilie['smilietext']) != '')
						if (!$dohtml)
							$smilie_find[] = htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($smilie['smilietext']));
							$smilie_find[] = trim($smilie['smilietext']);
						// if you change this HTML tag, make sure you change the smilie remover in code/php/html tag handlers!
						if ($iswysiwyg)
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" smilieid=\"$smilie[smilieid]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";
								$smilie_replace[] = "<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"$smilie[title]\" class=\"inlineimg\" />";

		// str_replace the text using the smilie_find and smilie_replace arrays
		#$bbcode = str_replace($smilie_find, $smilie_replace, $bbcode);

		// alternative method to avoid parsing HTML entities as smilies:
		foreach($smilie_find AS $smiliekey => $smiliefind)
			$bbcode = preg_replace('/(?<!&amp|&quot|&lt|&gt|&copy|&#[0-9]{1}|&#[0-9]{2}|&#[0-9]{3}|&#[0-9]{4}|&#[0-9]{5})' . preg_quote($smiliefind, '/') . '/s', $smilie_replace["$smiliekey"], $bbcode);
	} // end smilies

	// do new lines
	$wysiwygtype = null;
	if ($iswysiwyg == 1)
		$whitespacefind = array(
			'#(\r\n|\n|\r)?( )*(\[\*\]|\[/list|\[list|\[indent)#si',
			'#(/list\]|/indent\])( )*(\r\n|\n|\r)?#si'
		$whitespacereplace = array(
		$bbcode = preg_replace($whitespacefind, $whitespacereplace, $bbcode);

		if (is_browser('ie'))
			$wysiwygtype = 'ie';

			// this fixes an issue caused by odd nesting of tags. This causes IE's
			// WYSIWYG editor to display the output as vB will display it
			$rematch_find = array(
			$rematch_replace = array(
				"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'b')",
				"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'i')",
				"bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg('\\1', 'u')",
			$bbcode = preg_replace($rematch_find, $rematch_replace, $bbcode);

			$bbcode = '<p style="margin:0px">' . preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)#', "</p>\n<p style=\"margin:0px\">", trim($bbcode)) . '</p>';
			$bbcode = nl2br($bbcode);
			$wysiwygtype = 'moz_css';
		$bbcode = preg_replace('#(\[list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)\\3)?\])(((?>[^\[]*?|(?R))|(?>.))*)(\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])#siUe', "remove_wysiwyg_breaks('\\0', \$wysiwygtype)", $bbcode);

		//$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[list#i', '</p>[list', $bbcode);
		//$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[/list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)[a-z0-9+]\\2)?](?!\[\*\])#i', '[/list\\1]<p style="margin:0px">', $bbcode);

		$bbcode = preg_replace('#<p style="margin:0px">\s*</p>(?!\s*\[list|$)#i', '<p style="margin:0px">&nbsp;</p>', $bbcode);
		$bbcode = str_replace('<p style="margin:0px"></p>', '', $bbcode);

		// convert tabs to four &nbsp;
		$bbcode = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $bbcode);
	// new lines to <br />
		$whitespacefind = array(
			'#(\r\n|\n|\r)?( )*(\[\*\]|\[/list|\[list|\[indent)#si',
			'#(/list\]|/indent\])( )*(\r\n|\n|\r)?#si'
		$whitespacereplace = array(
		$bbcode = preg_replace($whitespacefind, $whitespacereplace, $bbcode);

		if ($donl2br)
			$bbcode = nl2br($bbcode);

	// ********************* PARSE BBCODE TAGS ***************************
	if ($dobbcode AND strpos($bbcode, '[') !== false AND strpos($bbcode, ']') !== false)
			case 1:
				$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_recurse';

			case 0:
				$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regex';

				$parsefunc = 'parse_bbcode_regexrecurse';
		$bbcode = $parsefunc($bbcode, $iswysiwyg);

		if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
			$bbcode = preg_replace('#<p style="margin:0px"><(p|div) align="([a-z]+)">(.*)</\\1></p>#siU', '<p style="margin:0px" align="\\2">\\3</p>', $bbcode);
		if ($iswysiwyg)
			// need to display smilies in code/php/html tags as literals
			$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[(code|php|html)\](.*)\[/\\1\]#siUe', "strip_smilies(str_replace('\\\"', '\"', '\\0'), true)", $bbcode);

	// parse out nasty active scripting codes
	static $global_find = array('/javascript:/si', '/about:/si', '/vbscript:/si', '/&(?![a-z0-9#]+;)/si');
	static $global_replace = array('javascript<b></b>:', 'about<b></b>:', 'vbscript<b></b>:', '&amp;');
	$bbcode = preg_replace($global_find, $global_replace, $bbcode);

	// run the censor
	$bbcode = fetch_censored_text($bbcode);
	$has_img_tag = contains_bbcode_img_tags($bbcode);

	// save the cached post
	global $stopsaveparsed, $parsed_postcache;
	if (!$stopsaveparsed AND $parsed_postcache['skip'] != true)
		$parsed_postcache['text'] = $bbcode;
		$parsed_postcache['images'] = $has_img_tag;

	// do [img] tags if the item contains images
	if(($dobbcode OR $dobbimagecode) AND $has_img_tag)
				// Image resize hack R1.2
		// Modified by SS
		// $bbcode = handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode);
		$bbcode = handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg);

$myreplies = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' and threadid='$threadid'"); 
      if ($myreplies[count] > 0 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 5 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6 || $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 7) { 
        $bbcode = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/si', 'Hidden Text: <br>\\1', $bbcode); 
      } else { 
        $bbcode = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/si', '<b><center><img src="./hide.gif" alt=Du musst eine Antwort erstellen um den Inhalt zu sehen!></center></b><br>', $bbcode); 

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start remove_wysiwyg_breaks #######################
function bbcode_rematch_tags_wysiwyg($innertext, $tagname)
	// This function replaces line breaks with [/tag]\n[tag].
	// It is intended to be used on text inside [tag] to fix an IE WYSIWYG issue.

	$innertext = str_replace('\"', '"', $innertext);
	return "[$tagname]" . preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)#', "[/$tagname]\n[$tagname]", $innertext) . "[/$tagname]";

// ###################### Start remove_wysiwyg_breaks #######################
function remove_wysiwyg_breaks($fulltext, $wysiwygtype = 'ie')
	$fulltext = str_replace('\"', '"', $fulltext);
	preg_match('#^(\[list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)\\3)?\])(.*?)(\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])$#siU', $fulltext, $matches);
	$prepend = $matches[1];
	$innertext = $matches[5];

	$find = array("</p>\n<p style=\"margin:0px\">", '<br />', '<br>');
	$replace = array("\n", "\n", "\n");
	$innertext = str_replace($find, $replace, $innertext);

	if ($wysiwygtype == 'ie')
		return '</p>' . $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]<p style="margin:0px">';
		return $prepend . $innertext . '[/list]';

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regexrecurse #######################
function parse_bbcode_regexrecurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
	static $BBCODES;

	$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;

	if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
		$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();

		$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)(&quot;|"|\'|)([^"]*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
		$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';

		if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache'])) // get bbcodes from the datastore
			$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);

			foreach ($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
					$checkparam = '\\7';
					$checkoption = '\\5';
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
					$checkparam = '\\4';
					$checkoption = '';
				$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
				$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
		else // query bbcodes out of the database
			$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
				SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
			while ($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace(array('\\7', '\\5'), array('%1$s', '%2$s'), $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]=";
					$checkparam = '\\7';
					$checkoption = '\\5';
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$bbregex['bbcodereplacement'] = str_replace('\\4', '%1$s', $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']);
					$tagname = "[$bbregex[bbcodetag]]";
					$checkparam = '\\4';
					$checkoption = '';
				$BBCODES['custom']['find']["$tagname"] = $regex;
				$BBCODES['custom']['replace']["$tagname"] = "handle_custom_bbcode('$checkparam', '$checkoption', '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";

	if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
		$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
		$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
	else // text to show everywhere else
		//$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
		//$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);

		$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['find'], $BBCODES['standard']['find']);
		$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['custom']['replace'], $BBCODES['standard']['replace']);

	foreach($bbcode_find AS $tag => $findregex)
		// if using option, $tag will be '[xxx='
		// if not using option, $tag will be '[xxx]'

		while (stristr($bbcode, $tag) !== false)
			// make a copy of the text pre-replacement for later comparison
			$origtext = $bbcode;

			$bbcode = preg_replace($findregex, $bbcode_replace["$tag"], $bbcode);

			// check to see if the preg_replace actually did anything... if it didn't, break the loop
			if ($origtext == $bbcode)

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_regex #######################
function parse_bbcode_regex($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse, $session;
	static $BBCODES;

	$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;

	if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
		$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();

		$doubleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(=)(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)(\\4)\](.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';
		$singleRegex = '/(\[)(%s)(\])(.*)(\[\/%s\])/esiU';

		if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache']))
		{ // we can get the bbcode from the bbcodecache php template
			DEVDEBUG("returning bbcodes from the template cache");
			$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
			foreach($bbcodecache AS $bbregex)
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 7;
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 4;
				for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
					$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
					$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'", "\'", $bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";
		{ // we have to get the bbcodes from the database
			DEVDEBUG("querying bbcodes for parse_bbcode2();");
			$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
				SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
			while($bbregex = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
				if ($bbregex['twoparams'])
					$regex = sprintf($doubleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 7;
					$regex = sprintf($singleRegex, $bbregex['bbcodetag'], $bbregex['bbcodetag']);
					$checkparam = 4;
				for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
					$BBCODES['custom']['find'][] = $regex;
					$BBCODES['custom']['replace'][] = "handle_bbcode_parameter('\\$checkparam','" . str_replace("'","\'",$bbregex['bbcodereplacement']) . "')";

	if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in the WYSIWYG editor box
		$bbcode_find = $BBCODES['standard']['find'];
		$bbcode_replace = $BBCODES['standard']['replace'];
	else // text to show everywhere else
		$bbcode_find = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['find'], $BBCODES['custom']['find']);
		$bbcode_replace = array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['replace'], $BBCODES['custom']['replace']);

	// do the actual replacement
	$bbcode = preg_replace($bbcode_find, $bbcode_replace, $bbcode);

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start bbcodeparse2_recurse #######################
function parse_bbcode_recurse($bbcode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $DB_site, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $templatecache, $datastore, $wysiwygparse;
	static $BBCODES;

	$wysiwygparse = $iswysiwyg;

	// just get rid of old closing list tags
	if (stristr($bbcode, '/list=') != false)
		$bbcode = preg_replace('#/list=[a-z0-9]\]#siU', '/list]', $bbcode);

	if (empty($BBCODES['standard']))
		$BBCODES = fetch_bbcode_definitions();

		if (isset($datastore['bbcodecache']))
		{ // we can get the bbcode from the bbcodecache php template
			DEVDEBUG("returning bbcodes from the template cache");
			if (!isset($bbcodecache))
				$bbcodecache = unserialize($datastore['bbcodecache']);
			foreach($bbcodecache AS $thisbbcode)
				$BBCODES['custom']['recurse']["$thisbbcode[bbcodetag]"]["$thisbbcode[twoparams]"] = array('replace_html' => $thisbbcode['bbcodereplacement']);
		{ // we have to get the bbcodes from the database
			DEVDEBUG("querying bbcodes for parse_bbcode2();");
			$bbcodes = $DB_site->query("
				SELECT bbcodetag, bbcodereplacement, twoparams
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bbcode
			while($thisbbcode = $DB_site->fetch_array($bbcodes))
				$BBCODES['custom']['recurse']["$thisbbcode[bbcodetag]"]["$thisbbcode[twoparams]"] = array('replace_html' => $thisbbcode['bbcodereplacement']);

	if ($iswysiwyg) // text to show in wysiwyg editor
		$bbcode_search = &$BBCODES['standard']['recurse'];
	else // text to show everywhere else
		$bbcode_search = &array_merge($BBCODES['standard']['recurse'], $BBCODES['custom']['recurse']);

	$startpos = 0;

	// process all the bbcode positions

		$tag = array('begin_open_pos' => strpos($bbcode, '[', $startpos));
		if ($tag['begin_open_pos'] === false)
		if ($bbcode[ $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1 ] == '/')
		{ // this is a close tag -- ignore it
			$startpos = $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1;

		$strlen = strlen($bbcode);

		$inquote = false;
		$hasoption = 0;
		$jumpto = 0;
		for ($i = $tag['begin_open_pos']; $i <= $strlen; $i++)
			$char = $bbcode{$i};

			switch ($char)
				case '[':
					if (!$inquote AND $i != $tag['begin_open_pos'])
						$jumpto = $i;
				#case ' ':
				#	$jumpto = $i;
				#	break;
				case ']':
					if (!$inquote)
						$tag['begin_end_pos'] = $i + 1; // "+ 1" includes the ]
						$jumpto = $i;
				case '=':
					if (!$inquote AND !$hasoption)
						// only do this stuff on the *first* =
						$hasoption = 1;
						$tag['name_end_pos'] = $i;
						$tag['option_open_pos'] = $i + 1;
				case '\'': // break missing intentionally
				case '"':
					if (!$hasoption)
						$jumpto = $i;
					else if (!$inquote)
						$inquote = $char;
						$tag['option_open_pos'] = $i + 1;
					else if ($char == $inquote)
						$inquote = false;
						$tag['option_end_pos'] = $i;

			if ($jumpto OR $tag['begin_end_pos'])

		if (empty($startpos) AND $i == $strlen + 1) // added by JP. Was getting infinite loops on parsing 

		if ($jumpto)
			$startpos = $jumpto;

		if (!$tag['name_end_pos'])
			$tag['name_end_pos'] = $tag['begin_end_pos'] - 1;
		if ($hasoption AND !$tag['option_end_pos'])
			$tag['option_end_pos'] = $tag['begin_end_pos'] - 1;

		$bbcode_lower = strtolower($bbcode);

		$tag['name'] = substr($bbcode_lower, $tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1, $tag['name_end_pos'] - ($tag['begin_open_pos'] + 1));
		if (!isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]))
			// the tag is one that isn't going to be translated anyway, so don't waste time on it
			$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];

		if ($hasoption)
			$tag['option'] = substr($bbcode, $tag['option_open_pos'], $tag['option_end_pos'] - $tag['option_open_pos']);
			$tag['option'] = '';

		$tag['close_open_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, "[/$tag[name]]", $tag['begin_end_pos']);
		if ($tag['close_open_pos'] === false)
			$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];

		$recursivetags = substr_count(substr($bbcode_lower, $tag['begin_end_pos'], $tag['close_open_pos'] - $tag['begin_end_pos']), "[/$tag[name]]");
		$bumped = 0;
		for ($i = 0; $i < $recursivetags; $i++)
			$tag['close_open_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, "[/$tag[name]]", $tag['close_open_pos'] + 1);
			if ($tag['close_open_pos'] === false)
			{ // no closing tag found, so stop parsing
				$bumped = -1;
		if ($bumped != $recursivetags)
			$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];
		$tag['close_end_pos'] = strpos($bbcode_lower, ']', $tag['close_open_pos'] + 1) + 1;

		$data = substr($bbcode, $tag['begin_end_pos'], $tag['close_open_pos'] - $tag['begin_end_pos']);

		// standard replace
		if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace']))
			$htmltag = $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace'];
			$parseddata = "<$htmltag>$data</$htmltag>";
		// html replace
		else if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace_html']))
			$parseddata = str_replace(array('\5', '\7', '\4'), array($tag['option'], $data, $data), $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['replace_html']);
		// special handler replace
		else if (isset($bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['handler']))
			$function = $bbcode_search["$tag[name]"]["$hasoption"]['handler'];
			$parseddata = $function($data, $tag['option']);
		// nothing to do
		$bbcode = substr_replace($bbcode, $parseddata, $tag['begin_open_pos'], $tag['close_end_pos'] - $tag['begin_open_pos']);

		$startpos = $tag['begin_end_pos'];
	while (1);

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start hasimages #######################
function contains_bbcode_img_tags($bbcode)
	return iif(strpos(strtolower($bbcode), '[img') !== false, 1, 0);

// ###################### Start bbcodeparseimgcode #######################
// Image size hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode)
function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $dobbimagecode, $iswysiwyg)
	global $vboptions, $bbuserinfo;

	if($dobbimagecode AND ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0 OR $bbuserinfo['showimages']))
		// do [img]xxx[/img]
		// Image size hack R1.2
		// Modified by SS
		// $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"' . iif(!$vboptions['allowdynimg'], '?&') . ']+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_img_match('\\1')", $bbcode);
		$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"' . iif(!$vboptions['allowdynimg'], '?&') . ']+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_img_match('\\1',$iswysiwyg)", $bbcode);

	$bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img\]\s*(https?://([^<>*"]+|[a-z0-9/\\._\- !]+))\[/img\]#iUe', "handle_bbcode_url('\\1', '', 'url')", $bbcode);

	return $bbcode;

// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match #######################
// this is only called by handle_bbcode_img
// Image size hack R1.2
// Modified by SS
// function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link, $iswysiwyg)
	$link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));

	// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
	$link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);

	// Image Size hack r1.2
	// Modified by SS to resize large pics and place link to full size pic
	// return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';

	if ( !$iswysiwyg ) {
		$image= ($link);

		// Get host url name for fsockopen to see if server is reachable

		// Check is server is reachable and timeout in 5 seconds if not
		if (@fclose(@fsockopen($img_host, 80, $fsockerr1, $fsockerr2, 5))) {
			// Check if image is on server
			if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) { 
				// Check image size and if oversize, change link
				$img_width = getimagesize($link);
				if ($img_width[0] > $max_imgsize) {
					$biglink = '<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '" ><img src="' 
						. $link . '" width="'.$max_imgsize.'" border="0" alt=""><br>Picture has been resized, click for full size pic</a></td></tr></table>';
					return $biglink;
				else {
					return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
			else {
				// Image not found
				return '<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image link is broken</font></td></tr></table>';
		else {
			// Server is down
			return '<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><FONT color="#FF0000">Image server is down</font></td></tr></table>';
	else {
		return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
	// End Image Size hack r1.2

// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_quote #######################
function handle_bbcode_quote($message, $username = '')
	global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show;

	// remove empty codes
	if (trim($message) == '')
		return '';

	// remove unnecessary escaped quotes
	$message = str_replace('\\"', '"', $message);
	$username = str_replace('\\"', '"', $username);

	// remove smilies from username
	$username = strip_smilies($username);
	$show['username'] = iif($username != '', true, false);

	global $stopsaveparsed, $parsed_postcache;
	if ($stopsaveparsed OR $parsed_postcache['skip'] == true OR !$vboptions['cachemaxage'])
		$show['iewidthfix'] = (is_browser('ie') AND !(is_browser('ie', 6)));
		// this post may be cached, so we can't allow this "fix" to be included in that cache
		$show['iewidthfix'] = false;

	eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_quote') . '";');
	return $html;

// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_php #######################
function handle_bbcode_php($code)
	global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $highlight_errors;
	static $codefind1, $codereplace1, $codefind2, $codereplace2;

	// remove empty codes
	if (trim($code) == '')
		return '';

	//remove smilies
	$code = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $code));

	if (!is_array($codefind))
		$codefind1 = array(
			'<br>',		// <br> to nothing
			'<br />'	// <br /> to nothing
		$codereplace1 = array(

		$codefind2 = array(
			'&gt;',		// &gt; to >
			'&lt;',		// &lt; to <
			'&quot;',	// &quot; to ",
			'&amp;',	// &amp; to &
		$codereplace2 = array(

	// remove htmlspecialchars'd bits and excess spacing
	$code = trim(str_replace($codefind1, $codereplace1, $code));
	$blockheight = fetch_block_height($code); // fetch height of block element
	$code = str_replace($codefind2, $codereplace2, $code); // finish replacements

	// do we have an opening <? tag?
	if (!preg_match('#^\s*<\?#si', $code))
		// if not, replace leading newlines and stuff in a <?php tag and a closing tag at the end
		$addedtags = true;
		$addedtags = false;

	// highlight the string
	$oldlevel = error_reporting(0);
	if (PHP_VERSION  >= '4.2.0')
		$buffer = highlight_string($code, true);
		$buffer = @ob_get_contents();

	// if we added tags above, now get rid of them from the resulting string
	if ($addedtags)
		$search = array(
			'#(<|&lt;)\?php( |&nbsp;)BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET#siU',
			'#(<(span|font).*>)(<|&lt;)\?(</\\2>(<\\2.*>))php( |&nbsp;)BEGIN__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET#siU',
			'#END__VBULLETIN__CODE__SNIPPET( |&nbsp;)\?(>|&gt;)#siU'
		$replace = array(
		$buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);

	$buffer = str_replace('[', '[', $buffer);
	$buffer = preg_replace('/&amp;#([0-9]+);/', '&#$1;', $buffer); // allow unicode entities back through
	$code = &$buffer;

	eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_php') . '";');
	return $html;

// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_code #######################
function handle_bbcode_code($code)
	global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar;

	// remove empty codes
	if (trim($code) == '')
		return '';

	// remove unnecessary line breaks and escaped quotes
	$code = str_replace(array('<br>', '<br />', '\\"'), array('', '', '"'), $code);

	// remove smilies
	$code = strip_smilies($code);

	// fetch height of block element
	$blockheight = fetch_block_height($code);

	eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_code') . '";');
	return $html;

// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_html #######################
function handle_bbcode_html($code)
	global $vboptions, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $html_allowed;
	static $regexfind, $regexreplace;

	// remove empty codes
	if (trim($code) == '')
		return '';

	//remove smilies
	$code = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $code));

	if (!is_array($regexfind))
		$regexfind = array(
			'#<br( /)?>#siU',				// strip <br /> codes
			'#(&amp;\w+;)#siU',				// do html entities
			'#&lt;!--(.*)--&gt;#siU',		// italicise comments
			'#&lt;(.+)&gt;#esiU'			// push code through the tag handler
		$regexreplace = array(
			'',								// strip <br /> codes
			'<b><i>\1</i></b>',				// do html entities
			'<i>&lt;!--\1--&gt;</i>',		// italicise comments
			"handle_bbcode_html_tag('\\1')"	// push code through the tag handler

	if ($html_allowed)
		$regexfind[] = '#\<(.+)\>#esiU';
		$regexreplace[] = "handle_bbcode_html_tag(htmlspecialchars_uni(stripslashes('\\1')))";
	// parse the code
	$code = preg_replace($regexfind, $regexreplace, $code);

	// how lame but HTML might not be on in signatures
	if ($html_allowed)
		$regexfind = array_pop($regexfind);
		$regexreplace = array_pop($regexreplace);

	$code = str_replace('[', '[', $code);

	// fetch height of block element
	$blockheight = fetch_block_height($code);

	eval('$html = "' . fetch_template('bbcode_html') . '";');
	return $html;

function wsmhack ($text) {
$wsm_string = "#\[wsm\] ([a-zA-Z0-9 \.\-\_]{1,30}) \| (\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+) \| (\d+:\d+) \| ([\d\.,]+) (von|of) ([\d\.,]+) MB \| (\d+) Quellen \| (\d+) volle Quellen \[\/wsm\]#si";
if(preg_match_all($wsm_string, $text, $wsm_match)) {
	$wsm_lock = false;
	for($i=0; $i<count($wsm_match[0]); $i++) {
		if($wsm_match[4][$i]>$wsm_match[6][$i]) {
		$wsm_dl_size = ceil(str_replace(',', '.', $wsm_match[4][$i]));
		$wsm_co_size = ceil(str_replace(',', '.', $wsm_match[6][$i]));
		if($wsm_co_size==0) {
			$wsm_co_size= 1;
		$wsm_percentage_total = $wsm_co_size/100;
		$wsm_percentage = $wsm_dl_size/$wsm_percentage_total;
		$wsm_image_dl_length = 2*ceil($wsm_percentage);
		$wsm_image_mi_length = 200-$wsm_image_dl_length;
		if($wsm_image_dl_length==0) {
			$wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_mi.gif\" width=200 height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">";
		elseif($wsm_image_dl_length==200) {
			$wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_dl.gif\" width=".$wsm_image_dl_length." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">";
		else {
			$wsm_image = "<img src=\"images/ws_li.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_dl.gif\" width=".($wsm_image_dl_length-1)." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_sp.gif\"><img src=\"images/ws_mi.gif\" width=".$wsm_image_mi_length." height=12><img src=\"images/ws_re.gif\">";
			$wsm_replace ="<tr class=\"alt2\"><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[1][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[2][$i]." | ".$wsm_match[3][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_image."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[4][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[6][$i]." MB</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' align='right' valign='top'>(".round($wsm_percentage)." %)</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[7][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[8][$i]."</td></tr>";
			$wsm_replace ="<tr class=\"alt1\"><td style='font-size:8pt;' valing='top'>".$wsm_match[1][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[2][$i]." | ".$wsm_match[3][$i]."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_image."</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[4][$i]." /  ".$wsm_match[6][$i]." MB</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' align='right' valign='top'>(".round($wsm_percentage)." %)</td><td style='font-size:8pt;' valign='top'>".$wsm_match[7][$i]." / ".$wsm_match[8][$i]."</td></tr>";
		$text = str_replace($wsm_match[0][$i],$wsm_replace,$text);
	$text = "<table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFF0\"  align=\"center\"><tr><td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\"><b>Wasserstand</b></td></tr>".$text."</table>";
	return $text;
	else {
		return $text;
//Ende multi-Wasserstandshack
// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_html_tag #######################
function handle_bbcode_html_tag($tag)
	global $bbcode_html_colors;

	if (empty($bbcode_html_colors))

	// change any embedded URLs so they don't cause any problems
	$tag = preg_replace('#\[(email|url)=&quot;(.*)&quot;\]#siU', '[$1="$2"]', $tag);

	// find if the tag has attributes
	$spacepos = strpos($tag, ' ');
	if ($spacepos != false)
		// tag has attributes - get the tag name and parse the attributes
		$tagname = substr($tag, 0, $spacepos);
		$tag = preg_replace('# (\w+)=&quot;(.*)&quot;#siU', ' \1=<font color="' . $bbcode_html_colors['attribs'] . '">&quot;\2&quot;</font>', $tag);
		// no attributes found
		$tagname = $tag;
	// remove leading slash if there is one
	if ($tag{0} == '/')
		$tagname = substr($tagname, 1);
	// convert tag name to lower case
	$tagname = strtolower($tagname);

	// get highlight colour based on tag type
		// table tags
		case 'table':
		case 'tr':
		case 'td':
		case 'th':
		case 'tbody':
		case 'thead':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['table'];
		// form tags
		case 'form';
		case 'input':
		case 'select':
		case 'option':
		case 'textarea':
		case 'label':
		case 'fieldset':
		case 'legend':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['form'];
		// script tags
		case 'script':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['script'];
		// style tags
		case 'style':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['style'];
		// anchor tags
		case 'a':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['a'];
		// img tags
		case 'img':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['img'];
		// if (vB Conditional) tags
		case 'if':
		case 'else':
		case 'elseif':
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['if'];
		// all other tags
			$tagcolor = $bbcode_html_colors['default'];

	$tag = '<font color="' . $tagcolor . '">&lt;' . str_replace('\\"', '"', $tag) . '&gt;</font>';
	return $tag;

// ###################### Start bbcodehandler_list2 #######################
// replacement for bbcodehandler_list... experimental at this time
function handle_bbcode_list($string)
	#echo '<p><b>$string</b><br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($string)) . '</p>';
	global $BBCODES, $wysiwygparse;
	// might need this in the future
	//$string = stripslashes($string);
	$string = str_replace('\"', '"', $string);
	$str = $string;

	// getList
	$slashlist = strpos($str, ']', stripos($str, '[/list')) + 1;
	$tmp = substr($str, 0, $slashlist);
	$openlist = strlen($tmp) - stripos(strrev($tmp), strrev('[list')) - strlen('[list');
	$getList = substr($str, $openlist, ($slashlist - $openlist));

	#echo '<p><b>$getList</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($getList) . '</p>';

	// processList
	if (preg_match('#\s*(\[list(=(&quot;|"|\'|)([^\]]*)\\3)?\](.*)\[/list(=\\3\\4\\3)?\])\s*#si', $getList, $regs))
		$getList = $regs[0];
		#echo '<p><b>Regex Match</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($regs[0]) . '</p>';
		$str = preg_split('#\s*\[\*\]#s', $regs[5], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

		if (empty($str))
			return preg_replace('#\s*' . preg_quote($getList, '#') . '\s*#s', nl2br("\n\n"), $string);

		if ($regs[4])
			switch ($regs[4])
				case 'A':
					$listtype = 'upper-alpha';
				case 'a':
					$listtype = 'lower-alpha';
				case 'I':
					$listtype = 'upper-roman';
				case 'i':
					$listtype = 'lower-roman';
				case '1': //break missing intentionally
					$listtype = 'decimal';
			$listtype = '';

		$processList = iif($listtype, '<ol style="list-style-type: ' . $listtype . '">', '<ul>');

		$bad_tag_list = '(br|p|li|ul|ol)';

		foreach ($str AS $key => $val)
			$firstbit = strtolower(substr($val, 0, 3));
			if ($firstbit === '<ul' OR $firstbit === '<ol' OR $firstbit === '<li' OR $firstbit == '')
				$processList .= $val;
				if ($wysiwygparse)
					$exploded = preg_split("#(\r\n|\n|\r)#", $val);

					$val = '';
					foreach ($exploded AS $value)
						if (!preg_match('#(</' . $bad_tag_list . '>|<' . $bad_tag_list . '\s*/>)$#iU', $value))
							if (trim($value) == '')
								$value = '&nbsp;';
							//$val .= '<p style="margin:0px">' . $value . "</p>";
							$val .= $value . "<br />\n";
							$val .= "$value\n";
					$val = preg_replace('#<br />+\s*$#i', '', $val);

				$processList .= '<li>' . $val . '</li>';

		$processList .= iif($listtype, '</ol>', '</ul&gt;');

		#echo '<p><b>$processList</b><br />' . htmlspecialchars($processList) . '</p>';

		// replace found list characters with parsed list characters
		if ($wysiwygparse)
			$processList = str_replace('<p style="margin:0px"></p>', '', $processList);

		//$out = preg_replace('#\s*' . preg_quote($getList, '#') . '\s*#s', str_replace(array('\\', '$'), array('\\\\', '\$'), $processList), $string);
		$out = str_replace($getList, $processList, $string);
		#echo '<p><b>Return Value</b><br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($out)) . '</p><hr />';
		return $out;
		return $string;


// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_url #######################
function handle_bbcode_url($text, $link, $type = 'url')
	global $wysiwygparse;

	if (trim($text) == '')
		return '';

	$rightlink = trim($link);
	if (empty($rightlink))
		// no option -- use param
		$rightlink = trim($text);
	$rightlink = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $rightlink));
	$rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('`', '&quot;', ''', '['), $rightlink);

	if ($type == 'url' AND !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#si', $rightlink))
		$rightlink = "http://$rightlink";

	if ($type == 'ed2k' AND !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#si', $rightlink))
		$rightlink = "ed2k://$rightlink";

	if (!trim($link) OR $text == $rightlink)
		$tmp = unhtmlspecialchars($rightlink);
		if (strlen($tmp) > 55 AND !$wysiwygparse)
			$text = htmlspecialchars_uni(substr($tmp, 0, 35) . '...' . substr($tmp, -15));

	// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
	$rightlink = str_replace('  ', '', $rightlink);

	// strip extra quotes from hyperlink
	$text = str_replace('\"', '"', $text);

	if ($type == 'url' OR $type == 'ed2k')
		// standard URL hyperlink
		if ($type == 'ed2k')
			$teile = explode("|", $rightlink);
			return "<a href=\"$rightlink\" target=\"_self\">$text</a> - <a href=\"http://stats.razorback2.com/ed2khistory?ed2k=$teile[4]\" target=\"_blank\">Verteilung</a>";
			return "<a href=\"$rightlink\" target=\"_blank\">$text</a>";
		// email hyperlink (mailto:)
		if (is_valid_email($rightlink))
			return "<a href=\"mailto:$rightlink\">$text</a>";
			// not a valid email - don't link it
			return "<span title=\"$rightlink\">$text</span>";
but the hack does .... nothing!

Does anybody find the mistake?

It all looks right to me. Are you sure that you uploaded the files into the appropriate places? Keep in mind it will only do something if an image is wider than 560 pixels - any image smaller than that will appear as it always has.
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Old 09-28-2005, 11:34 PM
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work under vB 3.5 ?
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Old 09-30-2005, 05:54 AM
Steve St.Lauren Steve St.Lauren is offline
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Originally Posted by Allan
work under vB 3.5 ?
I haven't worked with 3.5 yet. I don't have enough time to play around with rc or beta versions of products. I'll wait until it's a gold release and then has been out for a couple of months and then I'll start working with it. Sorry. If someone wants to port it before then feel free - I just ask that you give credit for the original code.
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Old 10-07-2005, 05:49 PM
ggiersdorf ggiersdorf is offline
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3.5 is here PLEASE take a look now We need you coders now more than ever!!

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Old 12-10-2005, 11:19 PM
LambHyjoo LambHyjoo is offline
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It would be nice to release an addon which would save the image on disk. Why ?
- Because after a couple of weeks, images often become unreachable (because they are deleted, moved...)
- Because it is not HotLinking anymore.
- It would cut this "delay" : if the image has already been downloaded on the server, you don't need to check it aain. It's a local file and you hust need to replace the IMG location.

I would be very insterested by such an addon
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Old 12-19-2005, 12:58 AM
apfparadise apfparadise is offline
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I would also love to see it ported to 3.5. I miss it like crazy on my photography site.
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Old 12-20-2005, 02:09 AM
Steve St.Lauren Steve St.Lauren is offline
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Originally Posted by apfparadise
I would also love to see it ported to 3.5. I miss it like crazy on my photography site.
I'm working on it. I'm moving the forums I run over to 3.5.1 and am working on converting all my hacks over right now. Hope to have it finished by early in January.
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Old 02-15-2006, 06:39 PM
AllenMead AllenMead is offline
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Steve, is there any update on this yet?
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