It is a download database that integrates into vBulletin. It allows you to upload files, create folders, link to external files - and more. It is very flexible and has many options. Sorry, no screenshots. Maybe if someone is nice they will provide a link to the latest version of ecDownloads for everyone to view it.
Changes in 3.2
- Too many to list... its a whole new world
Known Bugs:
- Missing phrase in add file (on nav bar)
- No file protection, add it here if you want:
- Missing phrases (ecdownloads_can_edit_all and ecdownloads_can_view_disabled) in admincp
Make the file edits in ecDownloads.txt
Upload the contents of 'upload' to your forum directory
Run the downloadinstaller.php file in the admincp (install/rebuild styles and phrases)
Create a directory called 'downloads' (or whatever you put in your settings) and make it writeable and executable
Ok thanks. I still just get a blank page, and thats after installing the fix.
So I dont really know how to upload yet, as I dont get it to work at all.
MyPHPadmin wont let me run the query described in the fix. Something is wrong with it. My errormsg:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<PREFIX>dl_stats WHERE 1' at line 1
What is the correct query? Supplied in the "fix" it says:
My god, I have never seen so much spam in just one day. Ok, I will try to hack away at it.
Originally Posted by Drago912
Try puting this in the admincp directory.....this is the downloads.php from v2. This is the only way I could get the settings to show.
That is NOT smart. I told you before, make the edits. If you still cant get it to work, go to your forum/acmindp/options.php and select ecdownloads.
Originally Posted by Confusion
Is anyone else having problems retrieving the files you upload?
Only if they are using windows like you, now stop bumping your question - it just adds to the confusion. I will deal with questions in the order i see fit, and therefore I will address issues that apply to everyone rather than one person. That being said, try searching for 'windows' in this thread, someone had a similar error to you and was using windows. I dont know if they fixed it, maybe they did. I dont use windows as a webserver so unless you provide a URL i cant test it.
Your missing the phrases, you must rebuild your language. That way you will be able to see the links (such as "ADD FILE")
Originally Posted by org
Its not there, the Fix instructions are wrong. They refer to the admincp/index.php.
Yup, thanks.
I cant seem to see anything what so ever after this install, how do you display the hack? Should be http://.....forums/download.php right? :ermm:
You need to rebuild styles and languages. Thats a must. It isnt unique to this hack, it applies to all of them.
Originally Posted by bspiller82
The download|upload| and what ever other links there was are also missing... This craps all borked. I did a fresh install and the same thing.
All you see is | | | and you can't anywhere...
Rebuild your styles and languages.
Originally Posted by Morrus
Note also that the "rebuild language" option resulted in an error (cannot connect to database), whereas the rebuild styles option worked fine, originally.
Any help would be appreciated!
I dont think thats my error - i cant be sure though. I rebuild styles and langauges by using the vbulletin functions (i just direct you to their URL). Does anyone see an actual ERROR MESSAGE?
Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
i get just a white screen when i click settings in admin cp any ideas? any ideas?
Not wanting to sound like a smart a** or pre-empt a whole load of bugs jumping out at me here, but superb, perfect install first time, without a single error.
I had a previous version installed and had to manually delete it as I had moved server and some files got a bit mixed up, so I then installed the new version fresh and not a single problem.
That is NOT smart. I told you before, make the edits. If you still cant get it to work, go to your forum/acmindp/options.php and select ecdownloads.
Not smart eh.....was the only way it would work and I have done every edit you supplied...........I'll do something real smart then and uninstall the mod......thats for your help.