Then you're a man after my own heart, I break phones on a regular basis - my favourite method is seeing if they swim. I think, on last count, I lost three phones to the bath, two to puddles as I got out of the car and one I threw in to the sea because I was annoyed with the person I was with (and it was their phone)
My current one spends more time switched off than it does on
Heh, some of my methods include throwing it at the wall (which I stopped doing because of the hole I put the wall!) or breaking the plastic tip of the phone cord by jerking it out of the wall.
More often then not my cell phone meets its end with the local parking lots. I have a bad habbit of putting the phone in my lap while driving then forgeting about it as I exit the car, phone always ends up smacking the pavement. This is why I use the el-cheapo phones that only allow you to make calls