Version: 1.00, by b6gm6n
Developer Last Online: Aug 2014
Version: Unknown
Released: 06-08-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 35
No support by the author.
Well, it's been a ride seeing all you nice folks appreciate my work.
I gotta say if you read my last post in this thread you'll understand why i'm doing this...
doing what? - starting my own site silly, to distrubute my skins...and why not?
You guys gave me to confidence to do so, thankyou.
I'm not a mercenary, just trying my best is all, but if you like what i do i'll have my own site for you to come and view, it'll be an instant download system with concentrated support if you need it, custom jobs...the works.
It's a new site, so if your up for giving me some advice, i could use it i suppose, pop by or send me a PM or something, i'll be happy to listen to some good ideas and chew the cud so to speak.
Well, i hope i haven't disapointed you you all, wasn't my intension, i just hope you can support me in my desision, you've been great thus far, been a privilege to serve.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I get the following error in the editor when using the style . The dropdown box of the fonts remains then open. See the error in the attached screeny.
I really don't know about this, the line 'fontname' maybe refers to a css command, but i doubt it, looks like its a javascript error...please keep me informed of any updates... cheers, sorry i could'nt help further.
This style kicks some serious ***... I really like it, and would love to use it on my forum but I encountered a problem when testing it out on my computer. The forum displays correctly as near as I can tell, but my portal's main table is stretched all the way across the screen... any idea what I can do to fix this?
I am a noob in vb, but i installed your style !
It looks really good , but it´s to big for my preferences.
I changed the Main Table Width in Style Manager to 90% , so i really like it , but now i have a problem to posting a thread, look please at the attachment.
Can someone please tell me where i must change % , i don´t know in wich template/s.
This style kicks some serious ***... I really like it, and would love to use it on my forum but I encountered a problem when testing it out on my computer. The forum displays correctly as near as I can tell, but my portal's main table is stretched all the way across the screen... any idea what I can do to fix this?
Hi, and thanx for your comments, well it's a simple problem, any new templates that get installed all you have to do is use the 'xtra' table code i supplied, this solves the problem you descibed, looks like you'll have to do a search for your vbadvanced index template and then cut and paste the table html into that template, instructions are supplied in that text file...good luck
I am a noob in vb, but i installed your style !
It looks really good , but it?s to big for my preferences.
I changed the Main Table Width in Style Manager to 90% , so i really like it , but now i have a problem to posting a thread, look please at the attachment.
Can someone please tell me where i must change % , i don?t know in wich template/s.
Many thanks for support.
Hi.. well if you alter anything about the style it then becomes essentially customized beyond the remit of my support, but i'd just say.....leave it alone put the settings back as it was, then tred carefully through them making a note of what they do, if it doesn't look good then revert it... you get my point, good luck.
Everywhere looks good, but not on post thread, and i don?t know where to edit.
goto your ACP > Style manager > style vars >
edit :
Form Width (pixels) should be set to auto
User Control Panel Form Width (pixels) should be set to auto
Message Area Width (pixels) should be set to 700px
User Control Panel Message Area Width (pixels) should be set to 540px
I installed this theme today with no problem. I just had to do couple code modifications.
On the vbadvanced cmps portal page, at the bottom right before the footer where it shows the copyright text by Vba. Where the black columns on either side of the browser is at. On the same line with the copyright text, the images ain't showing up. *laughs*But it is showing up everywhere else where it should be, just not the specific lines.
I'm sitting here pouring through the code trying to figure it out.
I know it's not my footer template. I know it's not the adv_portal_footer template. It is only not showing on the portal page, but it's working fine everywhere. Just not on pages that's utilizing the portal engine.