i went to the buttons forum to see if anyone had some but u know, since most all threads dont say if its for vb2 or vb3 and since there arent seperate forums theres little u can do
this should be changed, vb2 and 3 are completely diffrent and should have seperate forums for everything, maybe do like u use to and have buttons and sub-forum of styles
i have tried to look at them..(need buttons and icons) but it says about my lisence wich i put in the thingy and says i should bw ab le to veiw in an hour it been like 2 days..how can i show u i am lisenced?
I suggest making sure your email is exactly as it is for the one you used at vBulletin.com's member's area. Remeber it is Case-sensetive so if you have one letter not in the right Caplization your account won't work correctly.