Version: 1.00, by Matrixgl
Developer Last Online: May 2006
Version: Unknown
Released: 12-15-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 7
No support by the author.
Matrix aka Habib Ahsan
Basically, what this template mod does is it replaces the current
forum status icons with custom ones of your choice.
Thanks to the condition statements of vBulletin 3, you can choose
which forums to have custom icons and which ones to not. So what
that means is you dont have to have every status icons (including
the default ones) as seperate files.
Also, this way, you can have both on and off icons, rather than
having only one state.
GEnius i was half wy thru trying to write version of this for use on ao3 (my sites new design) cause im gonna use it so that each of the forums had a diff part of the image table surrounding them change
yes thats right no hacking and only allows certain forums to have differnt icons, very simple isnt it :P actuallty its lready been done at vbnl feldon came up with the trick
theres really a few differnt ways to do it
prefix or addd it as a folder or somthing
now either you need to make some extra folders OR make some extra files. but either way it requires no condtionals and no hacking just renaming and extra files
Well, when you said no hacking, I thought you meant no template edits, because your hack and mine does the same template edits, but mine requires more coding. And IMO, your one requires more work as you need to make so many copies of the base images.
TheAnt wrote a hack similar to the one that you mentioned, and I decided to write mine because I didnt think that was convienent enough. IMO, it is not a very good way of doing this. I think its too much work, and whenever you add a new forum, you will need extra icons even if you dont want those to be customized. And communities with more than 20 forums will have a lot of images. And if you have more than one style, its twice as much as work.
Originally Posted by MatrixGL
So what that means is you dont have to have every status icons (including the default ones) as seperate files.
So to make the hack more user friendly and more convienent, I have decided to use the conditional statements, to make it "Advanced"
We already know about the old way of doing it. But this was an advaced way that allowed some to have custom icons and others to not (and use the same image instaed of having tons of repetitive graphics)
Faranth, I see no reason for you to blow your own trumpet. Thank you for releasing your template mod, but this is not the thread for your template mod.
This one approaches the problem with a different solution and I commend Matrixgl for doing it. Thanks, Matrixgl.