I am very close with a family worth very close to a billion, they have a habit of buying things and changing their minds. 2 weeks ago 1 of them bought a nice big screen, got it home and decided to go with a plasma. I did not get the big screen but another friend has it sitting proudly in his living room. I have rec'd thousands of dollars worth this year, some things brand new in the box, some stuff just is not good enough for a billonare. Every now and then you may meet a high profile politician, actor, or musician. Last month paid a visit to the home of Robert Earl Keene, he is renting a place from one of them while his new place is being built and I help take care of many of their businesses, rentals and mansions.
Neato, I know a few doctors who I go to the lake with sometimes, the president of miccy d's has a house up at smith montain lake. It is awsome, he has ronold sitting on his boat deak and the gold arches going over the house .
My 'hook up' dose car audio with ludicris (sp?) (the rapper) cosin, who lives in town. Last year he went to a party with him, he was the only white guy there. Told me Redman was throwing blunts out like it wasent nothing. Im hoping to go to one next year when we do a car show for the club next july.