Version: 1.00, by Moonwolf
Developer Last Online: Nov 2003
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-11-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 18
No support by the author.
(AKA Nosey Bugger Blocker )
This is an expansion on Firefly's mod to online.php
It'll allow you to individually set Admins, Super Mods, and Mods, to not show their activity in online.php, and allow you to use a default message, or enter a custom one for each group via the control panel.
It might be going out under my name, but since the idea was firefly's, and he fixed my really stupid mistake, he should get most of the credit for it. All I did was kludge
To Install: Place the install_stealth.php file in your admin directory, and run it. It'll set up the necessary variables in your control panel, then give you a list of changes to make to your online.php file. Once you've got it all in place, go to Admin Control Panel -> vBulletin Options -> Who's Online and you can set the appropriate stuff up.
For the text strings that show when a usergroup is stealthed, you can use the following variables in the string:
$bbuserinfo[username] - Prints the name of the user viewing the online list
$userinfo[username] - Prints the name of the admin/super mod/mod being stealthed
You can change the default stealthed message by changing the line in the hack that reads "In The Shadows" in online.php to whatever suits you.
I am bumping this up just because there hasn't been a response. I didn't nor will I be installing this because it seems that the original authors have dismissed it.(I would have ported it to VB3) Since the code has somehow disabled some of the members who's online,it would be a courtesy if something was written in this thread that may help them to regain it.
Somehow, these 2 lines are overwrite the enable setting:
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE setting SET settinggroupid=31,title='Resolve IPs',varname='WOLresolve',value='0',description='Resolve IP addresses for those who have access to view them? This can slow down the Display of Who\'s Online.',optioncode='yesno',displayorder='9' WHERE settingid='169'");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE setting SET settinggroupid=31,title='Refresh',varname='WOLrefresh',value='60',description='Time period in seconds to refresh the Who\'s Online display. 0 disables refresh.',optioncode='',displayorder='10' WHERE settingid='170'");
Scroll down to the Who's Online category and click [add setting]
Fill in the fields as follows:
Title: Enable Who's Online?
Variable Name: WOLenable
Value: 1
Code to generate option: yesno
Display Order: 1
For the other problem that was mentioned, This is how you can enable to see guest activity in WOL again:
Go to
Scroll down toward the bottom where you'll see the category "Who's Online".
Hit "[ add setting ]" which appears three links after the WOL text.
Fill in the fields as follows:
Setting Category - Who's Online
Title - Enable Guests
Variable Name - WOLguests
Value - 1
Description - Display Guest activity on Who's Online?
Code to Generate Option - yesno
Display Order - 2
And you're done! Now if you go to "vBulletin Settings" in your Admin CP and scroll down to WOL, you'll be able to enable/disable the logging of guest activity.