It is a download database that integrates into vBulletin. It allows you to upload files, create folders, link to external files - and more. It is very flexible and has many options. Sorry, no screenshots. Maybe if someone is nice they will provide a link to the latest version of ecDownloads for everyone to view it.
Changes in 3.2
- Too many to list... its a whole new world
Known Bugs:
- Missing phrase in add file (on nav bar)
- No file protection, add it here if you want:
- Missing phrases (ecdownloads_can_edit_all and ecdownloads_can_view_disabled) in admincp
Make the file edits in ecDownloads.txt
Upload the contents of 'upload' to your forum directory
Run the downloadinstaller.php file in the admincp (install/rebuild styles and phrases)
Create a directory called 'downloads' (or whatever you put in your settings) and make it writeable and executable
also, how about being able to add the filesize when posting a link to a file? right now, it appears i have to upload the file for it to get a file size. My files are allready on my server, so I am posting a link. Just another thought.
Any plans in making a "minimum" post count in order to download from downloads section?
No. You can do that with user groups and promotions.
Originally Posted by Paul M
Soo many fixes to find in this topic - is the zip going to get updated.
In version 3.0 all of the fixes will be fixed . Right now, no. The fixes do not apply to everyone, and it seems most people get along fine without them. If someone wants to PM me a zip file of problems + fixes I will add it to the files listed in the top post of this thread, but other than that... it will wait until summer.
Originally Posted by Dark s.s. Trunk
Well I just decided to install this today and well thus far ok however I think I am missing something because after the install was done their is no links in my navbar
Everyone has a different nav bar so I didnt bother adding a link.
Originally Posted by Dark s.s. Trunk
and when i type in ./vbforums/downloads.php their is no way to Manage files
Because you havent given yourself permissions...
Originally Posted by Dark s.s. Trunk
no links oh and after i added a Catagory I reloaded the downloads.php page and its their so i click on it and it just loads a blank page..
Didnt someone else have this problem? I dont know how they fixed it because it has been so long. What is your category name? If it has a ` or ' in it you might be messing up the query. Other than that I dont know what to say.
Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
is there a way to add something to the permission section for uploading vs. posting a link for the download?
Yes, in the admin UG permissions page add one permissions statement (can link to files). Then in the add.php and the add template change it people with link permissions can link to files. Do the same thing with edit.php and the edit template. Then go to the init.php (i think thats the right file) and add the variable you used for your UG there to the bit field. THe last thing you need to do is edit the navbar template and the navbar php code and allow people with link abilities to see that add.php.
not really much of a coder over here, but maybe now that Ive mentioned it, someone might thinks its good enough to do it then give step by step direx. GLad to know its possible though!
How big of files can it handle?
I am needing a way to get some 100mb + files to certain usergroups.
Would this work for that?
It can handle whatever your server can handle. If you can upload 100 mb files via HTTP, then you will have no problems with the DL section. All limitations are the limitations of your server.