I am pretty cool that this package should be the final release. I have spent about 50 hours recoding this from the ground up but want a green light from you guys before I stick it in the current release thread.
In a nutshell this system replaces any keywords in posts with specific replacements (no, not like replacements in vb). It will do anything form simply link keywords all the way to produce poup boxes when doing a mouseover keywords.
The popups now support bbcode, html, multiple styles, titles, etc...
Other new features:
Track impressions, track hits, limit categories to certain forums, have usergroups toggle on.off certain forums, blahblahblahblah.
Basically its GAL 3 on Steroids.
O yea, the replacments are also a bit smarter
From 2.6 and 3.0
Follow the install instructions in the readme. When you start up gal4_install.php, follow the upgrade path.
Please note that any replacement codes you added in 3.0 will go byebye. These are NOT your gal items... they are the global, category, or item level replacments that looked like something like this:
<a href="$link" title="$description">$text</a>
I would be shocked if anyone had more than 1 or 2 of these. If you modified them in any particular way - just copy them into notepad... run the install... then create new ones with the new system. REMEMBER: YOUR EXISTING GAL LINKS WILL BE PORTED SAFELY OVER!!!
Check out the extensive readme for details.
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Geek everything is working pretty good with me. But just one question I know it may be hard or stupid but is there a way to get the pop up box style match with forum styles ? When I change a style the box style will change also :bandit:
Geek everything is working pretty good with me. But just one question I know it may be hard or stupid but is there a way to get the pop up box style match with forum styles ? When I change a style the box style will change also :bandit:
hmmm. you should be able to use style variables. Better yet - use class names instead of inline css. Its much lighter and will do what you want.
Actually - good point stroke. I was looking into that the other day and it has stumped me beyond belief.
It was working in an earlier for me, but now it doesnt work consistantly. If I print the arrays before submitting to preg_replace, they are in the right order. I can even reset the pointers with ksort, but still, they come out in a different order. I have to be honest and say I have no freaking clue as to why it wouldnt be working. It could possibly be something with a version of php as I am using on local server right now and havent put it on my live server yet.
Like I said - there is no logical reason whatsoever as to why it would not replace in the order of the keys in the array... thats how its designed to work. Im putting my money on a older php bug.
One small problem which is probably easily solved. Changing the Popup offset seems to have no effect !?
Have you tried to debug->rebuild since changing? The settings really only there for people with funked CSS settings for their links.
For instance, a dotted, underlined link can cause the oncouseout event to be called before the onmouseover for the popup gets called. The only option there is to set the offset higher so it partially overlaps the word itself.
Do me a favor and just debug->rebuild as it seems to work on mine.