It isn';t coming out next mnoth..its being revealed. Big difference. Comngi out end of this year or begining of next.
I htink it wil lbe terrible due to the use of a dvd drive...but thaqt jsut me.
All three major consoles use DVDs today (the Gamecube's form factor is just different). That's 8.5 GB/disc which is enough for most games, including brand-new ones.
I'm more mad that the hard drive will supposedly be optional and that rumor has it Xbox games won't be compatible with the Xbox 360 (also a stupid name).
All three major consoles use DVDs today (the Gamecube's form factor is just different). That's 8.5 GB/disc which is enough for most games, including brand-new ones.
I'm more mad that the hard drive will supposedly be optional and that rumor has it Xbox games won't be compatible with the Xbox 360 (also a stupid name).
Well thats just a huge freaking marketing mistake....
What I meant Zach was that the other next gen consoles are not using DVD drioves. PS3 wil lbe using Blu Ray which hold up to 35 gigs where as a DVD can fit like 9. And the Revolution wil lbe using a HD-DVD which can hold like...20? And with the graphics getting better it wil ltake up mroe space. The new formats comngi up are built to hold HD quality things. DVDs aren't made to do that as well. There is a huge difference.
And yes you're right....the modern consoles do you DVD drives.