To są moduły załadowane do obsługi MIDI, czyli jest OK. Tylko teraz czego oczekujesz?
Napiszę Ci co możesz i jak to wykorzystać. Ponieważ ta karta dźwiękowa nie potrafi ładować do pamięci pr?bek dźwiękowych więc do pracy z MIDI potrzebujesz zewnętrznego sequencera t/j keyboard oraz oprogramowania np. Rosegarden.
Natomiast do samego odtwarzania plik?w MIDI polecam TiMidity z włąsnym 8Mb bankiem brzmień np.
timidity -ig -s 44100 -Od1 plik.mid ###Zacznie odtwarzać muzykę
timidity -ig -s 44100 -Ow1 plik.mid ###zapisze plik MIDI jako WAV
Jest jeszcze inna możliwość, wykorzystania pr?bek Timidity jako sequencera.
timidity -h
Inną możliwość daje server Jack kt?ry potrafi wykorzystywać inne pr?bki bardziej zaawansowane. Należy pamiętać że tym wszystkim zawiaduje procesor gł?wny ponieważ karta NVIDIA nie posiada procesora DSP. Napisz czego oczekujesz to będziemy szli w tym kierunku.....Lex
Linux User 363394
Icq 271334579
Czy aby nastroić kontrabas trzeba kupić fortepian?
Any clue whats wrong?
I dont want to warn my moderators for helping other users...
Well, I run into something similar a few days ago. Have you considered that your user might have edited his post, as soon as he saw the warned post sign next to his post and the warning points? Somewhere in vB there is a time limit, during which edits are not registered. If the user edited his post within that limit, you would see no "Last edited by...." message.
yes i know. but im almost sure that he dont edited post.
And what one should do, for you guys to stop posting questions here and use the proper forum??
im sorry.... but u should close topic - thats a good way...
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I can't close the topic, for the simple reason that, this is from where people get AWS. But, I have a reference right at the top, about using this forum instead of that thread, and I had posted a few times that I do not check that thread very often.
One more thing, I am not a moderator in so I can't do whatever I want.
As for your problem:
Try typing a message which contains censored words and see if it is trapped. If not, you haven't done the changes in the suggested files. Depending on if it is a new thread, a reply to an existing thread, an edit of an existing post, the files are newthread, newreply and editpost.php.
I already did that. Hack detect properly censored words and warn user as i want - that part works very well. I only worry about that "excessive thing" that this hack do.
Is there any log file with detail information what this hack really do (maybe you should add something like this if not) ?
Just for Sir Yaro, the new version includes the functionality we discussed. When an automatic warning is issued from a post, the original contents of the posted message (before it is censored or edited) are saved in the warning log. I hope you find it to your liking.
As for the PM automatic warnings, these are already saved in a log, as you are probably aware of.