any way to test it? I haven't talked about running it for my members yet, but the site is on the up swing with 11 million page hits in the last 33 days .. so its something I'd like to offer my contributing members ..
I'm looking to use this hack on an upcoming site of mine.. what I'm interested to know if is it will be possable for admins to set specific members as "featured" journal writers..
I'll go into a bit more detail.. my site is about the paranormal, and so the main forums are going to be used for posts on that topic, i'll be using one of the cool article hacks to post things like reviews on books (such as the da vinci code, for example), and this wonderful journal system for people to keep records of their own paranormal experiances.
Thing is, a few of the members, espiclaly the mods, are people who have dealings with the paranormal every day (such as member of a spiritulist church, a tatrot reader, etc..), and so, while all the other members journals are still worth something - these specific members journals will be far more, uumm, *interesting*, as well (i hope) updated far more often.
Due to this, what I'd be keen on doing is setting a couple of the members as "featured" journals, and somehow have their entries highlighted.. and maybe shown at the top of the list, etc... - you know?
I might even take this as far as having these specific members journals directly listed and linked to from the sites front page.. but that's more of an advanced feature... all I'm keen to know right now is if the idea of setting specific members as features is possable, and if it's currently not, how hard would it be to implament?
Here's what I did because I had the same need as you.. I also vB Journal as well as Geek Article System and only wanted select users to post in either the Journal the Article or both so I created 3 separate usergroups and gave each one write access to the area I wanted them to be able to post in.
Worked good for me and was the easiest solution in my eyes.
i just tried this "old" hack with VBulletin 3.0.7.
Here is my feedback if anyone is interested:
The installation is not nice. It takes about 30 Minutes if you are experienced with VBulletin and Hack installations.
3 or 4 File edits/replacements will not work and you have know PHP, MySQL to do the appropriate changes and compare line by line to fix these issues. The same for the applet modifications.
After having done all this I still have one error on the member.php where it calls an undefined function. I will look into this later.
In the ACP the phrases in the usergroup manager do not work on a german board. They are just blank. Only the hardcoded text will be shown. I think some phrases are missing here. The good thing is that the variable names tell you what the option does.
But this hacks works despite of the issues above with 3.0.7.
Now I have some questions: This hack is very old and I have seen the list of future additions.
- Will there be any update to this hack?
- Why is the hack authors page down? ( suspended page: Bandwidth Limit Exceeded ???)
- Will the new version include an installer ( just for the templates would be enough in addition to the existing DB query installer )
And now the most important question for me:
Will the new version allow to moderate ( edit / delete ) specific comments/entries? Without this functionality this hack is useless for me. I do not want to delete all comments from a journal due to one bad entry. PMA is also not an option here. Admins and Journal Authors should have this option.
I hope that I get some answers to my questions because this hack is very powerful and should get updates.
With the broken phrases, you need to rebuild the language.
Edit any phrase through the Admin CP and click on "Save", this will fix the issue in the Usergroup Settings with the blank phrases. My importer mod can be used to automatically install the vBJournal 1.0.0 templates, simply enter this url in your browser:
The hack is being updated as we speak.. - As for working on 3.0.7, it worked perfectly ok for me.
With the broken phrases, you need to rebuild the language.
Edit any phrase through the Admin CP and click on "Save", this will fix the issue in the Usergroup Settings with the blank phrases. My importer mod can be used to automatically install the vBJournal 1.0.0 templates, simply enter this url in your browser:
The hack is being updated as we speak.. - As for working on 3.0.7, it worked perfectly ok for me.
Edit any phrase through the Admin CP and click on "Save" <= how? I search phrase by keyword : journal and i click edit and after that save I got (see attachment below) Still 1 missing. What is that?
Edit any phrase through the Admin CP and click on "Save" <= how? I search phrase by keyword : journal and i click edit and after that save I got (see attachment below) Still 1 missing. What is that?
Ah yes, that's the one that got away and wasn't installed by AN-net's vBJournal installer..
I am having problem inside usergroup. When i click on Usergroup => Administrator => i got this (see attachment) Help me.
I wouldn't say anything but just one thread above I mentioned exactly this problem. But again ... for you:
Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
In the ACP the phrases in the usergroup manager do not work on a german board. They are just blank. Only the hardcoded text will be shown. I think some phrases are missing here. The good thing is that the variable names tell you what the option does.
Here is the code that fixes your problem with hardcoded menus before you ask what the expression hardcoded means.