Version: , by Lizard King
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: Unknown
Released: 04-08-2005
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Raven i am currently using the previous version and I know there are bunch of file edits we made in showthread showpost etc. But in your installation and upgrade txt you didnot mention anything about the previous file edits in that files. Are we going to keep the previous edits or do we have to delete them ?
I am asking this because if we are going to keep them and made the new edits wouldn't be a lot of query's in some files like showthread etc..
Can you make it clear before i start the installation from the previous 2.x.x version.
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I made every DELETION of code (IE code that is not REPLACED by the upgrade edits) clear in the upgrade .txt file.
I also stated that you should redo all file edits (I can't remember if I made any exceptions), but I think you can figure this one out for yourself - if the code is not changed, the file doesn't need to be rehacked
As for why I had to do it this way, it was far easier than to dupe the instructions again.
Raven let me explain my question a little bit better
Right now in your upgrade and install instructions you have nothing for removing showpost.php
right now i have
$totalcats = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS countcats FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_items_cats WHERE type='0'");
// rpg
$sqlplug1 = "userfield.$vboptions[rpg_namefield] AS rpgname, AS uma,user.hp AS uhp,user.pp AS upp,user.ap AS uap,
rpg_battle_stats.*, AS rpgracename,
rpg_race.alignment AS rpgalignmentname, AS classname,
rpg_class.folder AS classfolder, AS elename,
rpg_clan.title AS clantitle,
and install.txt says find
$post = $DB_site->query_first("
paste above
// rpg
$sqlplug1 = "userfield.$vboptions[rpg_namefield] AS rpgname, AS uma,user.hp AS uhp,user.pp AS upp,user.ap AS uap,
rpg_battle_stats.*, AS rpgracename,
rpg_race.alignment AS rpgalignmentname, AS classname,
rpg_class.folder AS classfolder, AS elename,
rpg_clan.title AS clantitle,
$sqlplug2 = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_items_user AS rpg_items_user ON(rpg_items_user.userid=user.userid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_battle_stats AS rpg_battle_stats ON(rpg_battle_stats.userid=user.userid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_class AS rpg_class ON(
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_element AS rpg_element ON(rpg_element.elementid=user.element)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_clan AS rpg_clan ON(rpg_clan.clanid=user.clan)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_race AS rpg_race ON(rpg_race.raceid=user.rpgrace)
AND rpg_race.alignmentid=user.alignment
$totalcats = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS countcats FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_items_cats");
This is my question. Do I have to remove the old one ? And if yes how can i find the edits i made for the old version ?
The edits you made for the old version is the text that has been moved onto $sqlplug1 and $sqlplug2.
I can now see that this was not stated anywhere, as I previously assumed.
Also I don't think the $ codes are exactly alike the old code, but you'll figure it out