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Old 03-07-2005, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Zachery
Screwed your templates?
I find that very hard to believe and considering the number of people who have installed the software you must be alone.
i think most users just used the vbulletin default template where it is officially made from so the chances of having a problem is lesser than those who have custom skins.

and nope, i'm not a newbie when it comes to this as i run more than 3 different nuke portals, a mambo portal, a geeklog, 3 mkportals 4 types of boards that includes pnphpbb, simplemachine, invision board and lastly vbulletin. and oh i also have 3 commercial dating sites, i'll put all my sites on my signature later just to let you know i'm credible enough to give my verdict based from an end user perspective as i installed all of them. i also have a paid vbportal which i have installed but didn't use at all coz it has less features. my views are strictly my own ( i have already said that in my post) after testing all of them but not necessarily for everyone so i said, go ahead and test if you want to know which of them gives you more. that's fair enough as far as i'm concerned. i'm not putting down all the other portals, i'm just giving an informed review of what i know about the portals. everyone is entitled to post their review on just about any script and so were you. but just be sure you know more than just hearsay before posting anything. and it is also a MUST that you install this portal to be able to give a sound verdict.

as for my templates, u can check my previous threads both here, at vbadvanced and at vbstyles and you'll find all my posts about my problems with vbadvanced template system. for your info, i used mecka, thumb and tech2 templates from vbstyles and using vbadvanced produced a gap both at the header and at the footer of the template. and it also stretched my right block when i created a calendar block though there's nothing wrong with the codes and a programmer have in fact attested to that. it's the vbadvanced templating system. i've already put the right path for all the images and mind you i've done all types of path to fix the problem but there's some more things that needed fixing which vbstyles support did for me. credit to the guys out there most especially to Miko for doing great service to their clients.
and yes, there's not a chance you'll have problem with vbadvanced if you try it with the default skin...the original vbulletin template. but using a customized one, the chance of having a problem like mine is higher.

anyway, i've used all of my orginal vbstyles templates for use at my mkportal sites and i don't have to go to vb admin panel to change all the template setting and changing paths to every images that is used for the header and footer. it's a pain in the neck doing it especially if the end user is a non-programmer and not used to the system. i selected the vbforum and voila, my portal used all of my vbstyles templates. that is how easy it is to use mkportal. no more messing up with vb's complicated style manager. but don't get me wrong, vbadvanced paid modules are very good and close to photopost the last time i look at it. but then, this does not come with the free package, the very basic install of the portal. as i have already mentioned in all of my posts, i made the comparison based on the basic package that comes with each portal. and i made the recommedation based on ease of use and management too. can u say it's easy to create a block and module with vbadvanced? there are several steps to do that no? does vbadvanced's basic package include a built-in shoutbox? gallery? blog system? toplist? chat? and analog clock block? well, i'll go ahead and re-install my vbadvanced just to show you the difference between it's basic install and that of mkportal and people can make their judgment. and if you want a thorough review of how each portal functions right from creating a module with both, i'll try to take a screenshot and maybe you'll see the big difference.

my final word is this and ONLY for the end users, do not trust the STAFF's judgment if they promote only things that they're a part of coz they have a biased opinion...rather experiment and install them both and see the difference. if vbadvanced or vbindex style worked for them then that is their choice. i also have mine. and oh before i forget, i've also installed vbindex when i'm still using vb 2.3.2 and i liked it a lot but i've stopped using them coz it took a while for them to upgrade to vb's newer version.

well, so much for this Zachery. you're just doing yourself a discredit. as a moderator and as a VB staff member, isn't it your job to listen to users and to give them informed opinions. your attitude towards taking sides really bothers me as reflected on your various posts. this questions your credibility and reliability as a STAFF and MODERATOR of vBulletin.

if i'm the vbulletin owner, i would have fired you for participating and taking sides on a user initiated thread not to mention your remarked about mkportal being a PAID PRODUCT without doing some research first. if you are a good moderator, this is my advise, Always, Always exercise TACT and never ever post anything you are not sure of especially if it's a sensitive subject.

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Old 03-08-2005, 12:18 AM
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I do not like the attacks on myself.

What do I promote? I promote the bigger portals that are available at this site. Which is vBindex, and vBadvacned (CMPS or Homepage). Why? They are here; I do not take a lot of time to venture outside of the vB world for other hacks and add-ons. I've made use of quite a few different portals with vB since I've come into the community back in 2002.

I do give the users informed and unbiased opinions about their options on this website and its resources, and if I am aware the others.

I've tested and made extensive research on quite a few different boards, spanning from IPB 1/2, iKonboard, phpBB 2.0.X/2.X.0(now 3.0.X), SMF, and a lot of others that I wont mention.

The only one turning this into a sensitive subject, is you and C_P from what I see. Its a portal, not life or death, if one person chooses one over the other, its not going to make a big deal.

If I find that a hack or script for integration is released here at vB.org for MK Portal, I will gladly add it to my list of recommendations.
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Old 03-08-2005, 02:02 AM
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after a year of using various portals, i'm a firm believer of sticking with forumhome index. then using the various hacks in here to port info to a regular html page. so, that's my 98 cents short of a dollar.
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Old 03-08-2005, 04:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Zachery
I do not like the attacks on myself.

I do give the users informed and unbiased opinions about their options on this website and its resources, and if I am aware the others.
I didn't attack you for no reason at all. I'm just giving my opinion of you as a Forum moderator who do not exercise tact and gave false leads without checking facts. Do i have to repost all your careless posts that i have already mentioned on at least a couple of threads? You put yourself in a situation where you're caught not behaving like a MODERATOR. And hey, please cut CP out of this coz i'm not related to him. I didn't even knew him personally. What i only know is we're both MKPortal users. I usually don't butt in like this but seeing his posts got slaughtered by some vb advanced hardliners and even Staff members, I just can't help giving my input about the portal that I'm currently using. Is that a sin? You said that u give users informed and unbiased opinions....well, somebody posted about mkportal and how he liked it...what did you do? did you check it out, find out how it is different from the other portals, maybe install it yourself to see if it is ok enough for vb users? that's what i'll do if i'm a moderator dedicated to serving vb clients. just think about it. somebody posted about a nice portal but what did you do? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=74325

ok, now, you knew about this mkportal and then somebody started a new thread sharing info about it and for users to check it out coz it's new... what did you do? you accused him of spamming. this really made me furious as i cannot condone this kind of attitude being one of the top executive for a big Japanese zaibatsu responsible for maintaining professionalism at workplace. we also have a forum with over 100,000 users (we have 30 million mobile phone subscribers) and we trained our moderators to be polite and non-opinionated when moderating and to respond only to questions they are very familiar with and to pass questions unknown to them to other moderators who knew it. if a moderator gives misleading info or triggered anger or participated in an otherwise group war, he/she will be fired. so please don't take this hard on me. no matter how good you are as a programmer, it is nothing if you don't have good public relations.

i apologize to the thread starter if my personal views irate some. i don't endorse..i'm merely sharing my own experience and like i said, it doesn't necessarily good for everyone as we all have our own tastes. the only thing i hate about this forum is when people sometimes jumps immediately and post without even thinking. i am already done with this. please give the thread starter here all the info he deserved. i guess i have already get my message across for everyone to understand where i stand.

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Old 03-08-2005, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Zachery
The only one turning this into a sensitive subject, is you and C_P from what I see. Its a portal, not life or death, if one person chooses one over the other, its not going to make a big deal.
I do get sensitive when my name is brought into things and acusations, mistatements, and biased remarks are made.
I like you Zachery and you have been and oustanding help to me and great person whom I am indebted to however, please be carefull of your acusations toward me.
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Old 03-08-2005, 02:39 PM
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god will you people give it a break. its pretty damn annoying to see you people fight over one of the stupidest things in the universe. just calm down and use what you want to use. to be honest your acting like 6 year olds just with a much larger vocabulary.
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Old 03-08-2005, 04:36 PM
zurih zurih is offline
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Originally Posted by yinyang
after a year of using various portals, i'm a firm believer of sticking with forumhome index. then using the various hacks in here to port info to a regular html page. so, that's my 98 cents short of a dollar.
This is excatly what I've done. U just creat your own blocks and modify what ever you want without installing any portal system. clear and nice
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Old 08-11-2005, 04:07 PM
Lea Verou Lea Verou is offline
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Hmmm it really depends on the needs you have. I would suggest MKportal if you need many modules (it has loads!) but not any of them being too advanced. For instance it;s gallery doesn't compare to -paid sadly- products such as vba Gallery, it looks like a comparison between a lada and a ferarri. Some of the advantages of MKP though are that it has a quite nice chat and downloads system, and it's an advantage as there are no decent ones for vb only (Zachery cancelled his, for which I have heard nice comments). However, it was really slow in our server and when we swiched to vbadvanced our members said it was going at top speed compared to previously. Also my personal opinion is that vbadvanced looks much more "clean" and nice.
To sum it up, if you are willing to pay, know some programming and want to work a lot for the site take vbadvanced with it's sold components. If you want something free, without many file modifications (just 1 in fact) with easy integration and managment and don't care that much about looks and variety of features in the modules take MKPortal. Oh, and be prepared of seeing italic all over the place in the code, copyright and even chat emoticons!! :P
Just for the record I prefered vbadvanced for the reasons I mentioned above but I miss the MKP's downloads and chat modules as I still can't find a decent downloads and chat script with good integration, even if I pay a bit. You can't have everything...
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Old 08-11-2005, 04:17 PM
Logikos Logikos is offline
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Did you relize this thread is 5 months old?
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