Can anyone speak to the quality this package? Is it worth the price? I am looking for an easy way for my news team to upload and display pictures, screenshots and the like.
I personally like it. It has alot to offer, esp in teh way of vb intergration and offers most of, if not all of, the features of other major gallery programs.
Found it to be the easiest and best to use for vB integrations (really the only way you can use it). Plus - Its very very reasonably priced (I would go as far as to say very cheap) - gets 5 stars from me.
if they always respond to user's requirement and make improvement, this is definitely a better product
Brian/Tigga definitely takes the user's requirements into account. In between the beta versions and the first RC versions a lot of the features added were in direct response to feedback from the users. Then after the public was able to play around with the first RCs (RC1 & RC2) he added a ton more of new features in RC3 (the current version) again as a result of feedback from the users.
vBadvanced Gallery was recently sold to PhotoPost and is now known as PhotoPost vBGallery -- It is not yet available for purchase from the PhotoPost site. PhotoPost PHP Pro was formerly available for $99 but is now at $129.