Version: , by the3jams
Developer Last Online: Nov 2006
Version: Unknown
Released: 02-09-2005
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
This is a great hack but I have a few questions.....
First, this is a fresh install on vb 3.0.6 with no other hacks. There are no hidden or automatic warners. Options for hidden warner, automatic warner, and userid of collector are all set to 0 in the admincp (default).
Now for my questions...
Is there anyway to make the ban notification e-mail appear to come from the person who issued the warning which put them over the limit?
Currently it will show the correct email address in the warning notification e-mail. However in the ban e-mail it always uses the e-mail address that is configured in the vb options.
I also noticed that the email does not have any of the variables (i.e. forum name or ban length). Here is a copy of the e-mail that is currently being received.
Dear test,
We are sorry to inform you, that you have received enough warning points, to be banned from Forums Site.
This is a ban and will last for
Please reply back if you have a dispute.
Also, is there anyway to have it unban the user when you do a "complete removal" of a warning that puts them under the limit, or do they have to wait for the cron to do it?
[edit] I just noticed that you mention to setup the cron for kill_warns but not for kill_bans. Does this cron get executed somewhere automatically?
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If you have defined no hidden warner, then the ban e-mail will also be send by the person who issued the warning which caused the ban.
As for the variables, you were right it was not passing the $vboptions variables to the routing. I will upload a corrected zip file, please download it and upload the files Warn.php and includes/functions_warning.php to your web server. Wait until version 3.1.7 is posted, that will have the corrected files. Also, do the changes in the file UpgradeToLatestVersion.txt.
Removing the ban: It's not wise to remove the ban automatically. The ban is the result of a cummilative effect. When you do a complete removal, the program cannot be sure if it was that particular warning that caused the ban, which is currently in effect, all it knows is that that particular warning has caused a ban. And it tells you so, when you do the complete removal and it reduces the number of bans by one for that user. But it is not up to the program to tell if the user should be unbanned or not, it's up to you to decide if you want to unban the user.
The bans are removed by the standard vBulletin cron job, the hack does not interfere there, that's why I am also using the standard vB table for the bans (userban).