It is a download database that integrates into vBulletin. It allows you to upload files, create folders, link to external files - and more. It is very flexible and has many options. Sorry, no screenshots. Maybe if someone is nice they will provide a link to the latest version of ecDownloads for everyone to view it.
Changes in 3.2
- Too many to list... its a whole new world
Known Bugs:
- Missing phrase in add file (on nav bar)
- No file protection, add it here if you want:
- Missing phrases (ecdownloads_can_edit_all and ecdownloads_can_view_disabled) in admincp
Make the file edits in ecDownloads.txt
Upload the contents of 'upload' to your forum directory
Run the downloadinstaller.php file in the admincp (install/rebuild styles and phrases)
Create a directory called 'downloads' (or whatever you put in your settings) and make it writeable and executable
just a little tip setting this up "Setting the 'download url' this is the path from the domain, i.e. '/downloads/' depends on the way your forums is setup! if you have your forums as this " then the '/downloads/' is like this "'/forums/downloads/' but if you have your forums like this "" then its like this '/downloads/' what i did was start with the full upload dir and work backwards till it worked just thought this may help some of you ( this is for the downloads_config.php file)
Can't wait for the next release as I really need the ability to define other attachment extensions and remove the zip, tar and gz ones as I dont need them. I mainly need audio and video extensions
Also how about a size limit per extension?
Another thing would be a global limit on the size of the download folder. Once you have XXXmb of files uploaded to that directory it disables uploading of new files.
Its been explained 4-5 times already. I just didnt feel like adding them. P.S. Skyline: add me to your msn: ronin(at)elitecoders(dot)org
That ist strange. Im sure you have SOMETHING set up wrong, because it works for me and most people figure out how to set it up after a while. If you want to talk with me on msn, you can do that too [ronin(at)elitecoders(dot)org]
Thats because the directory '' does not exist. Your downloads directory is I suggest editing your download settings from the admin panel.
Page was displayed before. There was one minor error with the SQL. Now his entire installation is ++++ed. Thats your fault, not mine. I made a mistake, then you made it worse, and now I cant fix it. I am going to speak with him on MSN and give him step-by-step instructions. Next time dont offer support if you arent 100% sure it will work. It just causes problems. have some issues, so chill. All I did was try to help and my update didn't ***k anything up. You are blaming me for your lack of completeness in your installer. You know as well as I do that my update was fine but you elect to blow off your steam on me when all you had to do was to verify if it existed in your installer and if it did then either delete it and add it again or leave it as is.
Before you go and attack anyone trying to help in the future think first. I was contacted by several users of your script and visited this thread after learning they had issues and they asked for my help as they thought they did something wrong only to find out the issues were on your end. So before you make yourself look like a fool I would quit this crap now.
How do you add hacks(downloads)..? It's installed.. And working I can add catgories.. and sub catagories..
Go to your downloads.php file, and if you are logged in you will see ?add.? Just click ?add? and you can add your files.
Quote: have some issues, so chill. All I did was try to help and my update didn't ***k anything up. You are blaming me for your lack of completeness in your installer. You know as well as I do that my update was fine but you elect to blow off your steam on me when all you had to do was to verify if it existed in your installer and if it did then either delete it and add it again or leave it as is.
I didn?t blame you for my mistakes, read what I wrote. I just blamed you for making things worse, which you did. In the future just stay out of my business if you don?t know what you?re doing.
I so hope I can get this running on my site
Its very simple. Look at my original post. You have clearly set something up incorrectly. If you give me detailed information I can help you, or if you have MSN/AIM/ICQ I can help you 1 on 1. I know it is difficult to set up at first, but all you need to do is follow the instructions closely.
Also how about a size limit per extension?
I?ll add it.
Another thing would be a global limit on the size of the download folder. Once you have XXXmb of files uploaded to that directory it disables uploading of new files.
In the future just stay out of my business if you don?t know what you?re doing. don't want to get into a pissing contest me. I looked at your coding very closely and I'll leave it at that, just do yourself a favor and don't make that comment again or I'll rip you apart. As I stated I was asked by several people for help since they know my work and I [wanted to help them out as I like doing that.
Ugh.. I don't have an add button there. I must've installed something wrong. I'll do a reinstall =/.. even tho I don't know what I could've messed up on..