Version: 1.00, by Kentaurus
Developer Last Online: Jul 2014
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 01-19-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 108
No support by the author.
This hack keeps track of how much time a user has been online at the
forums and adds it to the information in any of his posts, then any
other user can see if you have been 1 hour, 5 hours, 1 day or even up
to years online at the forum.
Also this hack calculates an "average time online" in a very similar way to
how the average posts works.
Thanks to the people that suggested this hack in the request forum, it is
a really nice one and a very fun one too!
Keep in mind this hack will only start tracking the time that you are online once you install it, it has no way of knowing how much time you had been on the forums before.
Info for hackers:
You may modify, improve, upgrade, redistribute this hack, include it
in another hack or yours or translate it provided you do it free of
charge and you distribute it in at least, there is no
need to pm me asking for permission
Some portions of the code are (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Just a simple php file that does a calculation based on the timespent column which this mod adds to the database. It just dumps it to a template. Maybe I'll do up some instructions and post it up.
Installed on a heavily hacked 3.03 board without any problems. Works great.
One question: I've added the "time spent" calls to my FORUMHOME template, to show this information for each individual person in a welcome message. However, the time is not being shown. What do I have to add where, to make it work? I tried putting the "showthread" hack stuff into forumdisplay, but, that didn't do it.
I'm not really positive on this, so I'm just throwing it out there. I noticed that a user signed up some time during the day and I noticed that she already had over a day on her time spent already -- has anyone else seen this or maybe fixed it if they had
Nice! Can you please post that! I got users that have made close to 10,000 posts. I think they would 'love' to see how much money there losing by living at the boards instead of having a 'real' job!!!
just goto includes/functions_showthread.php
remove the following code from it
// Hack: get the timespent and avgtimespent
$post['avgtimespent'] = explain_time(floor($post['timespent']/((TIMENOW-$post['joindate'])/86400)));
$post['timespent'] = explain_time($post['timespent']);
now goto root/showthread
and find >
$postbits .= construct_postbit($post, $template);
if (!empty($parsed_postcache['text']) AND !$stopsaveparsed)
Add above
// Hack: get the timespent and avgtimespent
$post['avgtimespent'] = explain_time(floor($post['timespent']/((TIMENOW-$post['joindate'])/86400)));
$post['timespent'] = explain_time($post['timespent']);
now find >
// hooks child posts up to new parent if actual parent has been deleted
add above
// Hack: get the timespent and avgtimespent
$post['avgtimespent'] = explain_time(floor($post['timespent']/((TIMENOW-$post['joindate'])/86400)));
$post['timespent'] = explain_time($post['timespent']);
One of my members complains his board spent time doesn't increase. After further investigation, I realized this is true. He's the only one this happens to, so I can't understand it...