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Old 12-31-2004, 11:29 PM
lasto lasto is offline
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why should america always be the one to stump u the most ? - tragedies come and go regardless of how many died.Also remember america is at war at the moment and is losing troops each day but yet all you lot care about is sitting on your arses and debating who should pay this much and how much this country has paid.Well you all soon have something to say if america said screw u all - sort it out yourself.
Seriously though 3-6 months down the line lets see if you feel the same way when the pictures stop showing on the TV - you be to concerned at to what location u are going on holiday this year or where your football team is in the league.
Id stand by america any day - and no its not because there our big brother but because i feel we have more in common with america than with any other country in the world.
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Old 12-31-2004, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Pseudo-Class is from the US according to his location. He just wants to ignore the fact that the initial response was just that, an initial response. No one knew the magnitude and we still don't today. I suspect that the total aid pledge from the US will continue to grow.
As a "Jelsoft Site Coordinator" I'd expect a little more respect from you, but I guess I'm mistaken. I don't need someone telling me what I ignore and what I don't ignore.
I don't know what you talking about in a sense of magnitude....the earthquake was a 9.0 and the disaster as a whole has been labeled a catastrophe.

Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
I suspect that the total aid pledge from the US will continue to grow.
Good, I expect nothing less. If it didn't grow I'd be more upset.

Now I see how people need something to hit close to home before they understand that people are dead, families are torn apart, and more people will die.

And we're part of a nation that has billions of dollars going to SAVE THE WHALES foundation when it could be helping these poor victims.
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Old 12-31-2004, 11:57 PM
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The donations to Save The Whales are private donations, not government contributions. In the last week, the American Public and its companies have donated over $150 Million dollars above and beyond the Government's contribution. These are the same private donations that go to projects like Save The Whales. Of course, these public contributions go unnoticed even though funds are being raised faster than aid requests for the Florida Hurricanes and are already outstripping funds raised immediately after 9/11. You seem to ignore the fact that American Red Cross has already committed a major portion of its Billion Dollar Emergency Disaster budget to aid in this catastrophe. Not the International Red Cross, but the one chartered by the American Government.

Maybe if you let a little of the hatred for your own country subside, you would see that people really do understand what is at stake here and are acting accordingly. You seem to be focusing on a small portion of the aid being provided by this nation. You are ignoring the free flights being provided by major airlines and companies like UPS and FEDEX. You are ignoring the thousands of Americans who have already left for the region to help including doctors, truck drivers, aid workers, nurses, and more. You are ignoring the tankers of fuel heading to the region and donated by American Oil Companies. The millions of dollars worth of medications donated by American drug companies and insurance companies. $150 Million dollars raised in 5 days and it isn't enough for you... And this doesn't even get into the Government Aid promised.
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Old 01-01-2005, 12:18 AM
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This is going to be my last statement, because it's seems that your not getting the point that I was dissapointed in the US's primary fund to help the disaster.

1. )
Maybe if you let a little of the hatred for your own country subside, you would see that people really do understand what is at stake here and are acting accordingly.
When did I ever say that I hate my country? So not only were you disrespectful to me but you throw words into my own mouth. I love the US, and I am glad to be apart of it. So maybe you could work on your debating and people skills, and then we'll chat some more.

$150 Million dollars raised in 5 days and it isn't enough for you...
Me? This has nothing to do with me. I wasn't affected by the earthquake. Thankfully, I still have a home and my family and friends. You need to realize that it's about the earthquake victims and not me , you , or anyone else who wasn't affected.

You are ignoring the free flights being provided by major airlines and companies like UPS and FEDEX. You are ignoring the thousands of Americans who have already left for the region to help including doctors, truck drivers, aid workers, nurses, and more. You are ignoring the tankers of fuel heading to the region and donated by American Oil Companies. The millions of dollars worth of medications donated by American drug companies and insurance companies

You are ignoring

You are ignoring

You are ignoring

Yet again with the " you are ignoring ".

You're ignoring that the fact that I think it's excellant that these companies and individuals are doing this. But that's not going to get into your head because you think I hate america. It's really sad.

I hope the efforts grow and I hope you realize it isn't about us it's about them. And with that, I'm done with this thread. Thank You.
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Old 01-01-2005, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by pseudo class
Well we act so high and mighty as Global Police when we feel like, and I'm not putting that down if it's for people's safety. But there's another side to being so powerful and that's helping everyone out that needs it. If the US got hit by a Tsunami with the death toll up too 100,000 I'm sure everyone would want as much aid as they could possibly get.
It is comments like this... Sorry if this isn't actually hatred for your country. That is how I interpret it. You are ashamed of your homeland.

I do realize it is about the victims and I realize that millions are helping out all around this country and in others. Instead of criticizing initial response though, I have done things to counteract it. I have contacted friends and family to encourage them to donate. I have gone through my own belongings and found blankets, clothing and other things to donate. I have given extra monetarily to help the victims. I have even written my government representatives urging them to allocate more funds for rebuilding. That is doing something to alleviate the problem. I don't benefit at all from any of it, don't even get a tax deduction because the standard deduction is still better than itemized.
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Old 01-01-2005, 04:55 AM
patriotcow patriotcow is offline
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<i>Link removed - contained some distasteful videos</i>
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Old 01-06-2005, 09:29 PM
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A good link to some detailed before-and-after satellite photos:
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Old 01-06-2005, 09:48 PM
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[QUOTE=Erwin]A good link to some detailed before-and-after satellite photos:

Wow, those pictures are the closest i've seen to the ground so far.
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