Version: , by Intex
Developer Last Online: Apr 2014
Version: Unknown
Released: 06-03-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Tigga - let me be the first to say what an absolutely outstanding hack this is. I've been using it now for about a month (or whenever you first released it on your website).
Installed and working great on 3.0.1. Fantastic work !!!! Waiting to vote for it on 'Hack of the Month'.
* Intex clicks INSTALL. Even though it was installed a few weeks ago .
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So can you add anything of interest to this thing? I don't mean to sound pesamistic but it looks a lot like phpnuke which is really really ugly.
Okay sure you can have columns on th left and columns on the right and some stuff in the middle. But what else? Can you modify the page to make it look less "phpnuke" like?
I get you add latest forum topics and polls and the calendar etc, but anything of actual use? The calendar looks "pretty" but has no real value.
I installed this "mod" on my test forum and at first I thought great I now have a front page that is tied to the forum. I can add atricles, put up pictures, do all that sort of stuff. Well that's what I thought I could do. I discovered that I can't actually do any of that. I can show the calendar, or I could put who is online. I don't see hte point in that - all of that is available from the forum proper.
I noticed you can add a new page. Okay great ... oh wait it's very SEO unfriendly by having index.php?page=yournewpage as the new page name. SEO goes down the drain there.
Many people seem to love this thing, tell me what I'm missing here. Please don't attack me for not "getting it" when it comes to this mod. I'm sure others out there are struggling to see it's value as I do. In all seriousness, what else - apart from display everything the forum proper does in a new way on the page and then kill all SEO techniques with it's horrible page calling structure - does this mod do?
I installed it on 3.0.4 and then uninstalled it. Help me to understand please
Many people seem to love this thing, tell me what I'm missing here. Please don't attack me for not "getting it" when it comes to this mod. I'm sure others out there are struggling to see it's value as I do. In all seriousness, what else - apart from display everything the forum proper does in a new way on the page and then kill all SEO techniques with it's horrible page calling structure - does this mod do?
I installed it on 3.0.4 and then uninstalled it. Help me to understand please
It seems to me like a "Tell me why an orange is orange" kind of question.
This is a portal that allows you to take disparate sources of data from your site (primarily forums, but can really be anything) and present them on 1 page as an 'overview' (like what a portal is).
If you can't see the value in that... then it certainly isnt going to benefit you.
No I just thought or assumed it would do more. I was disappointed to see what I think is a phpnuke look to it.
Having said though I have seen two sites that have done amazing things and when I scrolled to the bottom it says it's powered by vbadance. These same sites have added more to it so there apparently is a way to add more of those little boxes.
No I just thought or assumed it would do more. I was disappointed to see what I think is a phpnuke look to it.
Having said though I have seen two sites that have done amazing things and when I scrolled to the bottom it says it's powered by vbadance. These same sites have added more to it so there apparently is a way to add more of those little boxes.
There are plenty of extra modules on and even here. There are also a ton that come with CMPS.
Ive used other 'portals' and IMO, this is the best.
I have never used phpnuke, so I cant overly comment however AFAIK the concept is similar.
I installed this "mod" on my test forum and at first I thought great I now have a front page that is tied to the forum. I can add atricles, put up pictures, do all that sort of stuff.
You can. My site home page is completely cmps. Look at it and tell me what you want to do and I'll try to help.