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vB Pager 2.0.4 Details »»
vB Pager 2.0.4
Version: 2.0.4, by uae uae is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.6 Rating:
Released: 12-12-2004 Last Update: 01-29-2005 Installs: 21
DB Changes
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

vB Pager
Version: 2.0.4
vB-version: 3.0.6
Developer: WwW.UAEWEB.CoM
Install-difficulty: Easy

This Hack has been moved to Full Releases Forums.


Updates in Version 2.0.4
  • DHTML popup for Sending New Pager and Replying.
  • Upgrade from version 2.0.0 and 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 inlcuded.
  • New option in ADMINCP for Hard deleting messages.
vB pager is a new refined & light paging system that enables authorized users to exchange short & quick messages amongst each other. Unlike the regular private messaging system, the paged user is guaranteed to read your message & reply to it (if you choose this option) instantly & easily.

  • You won't need to log on your CP to send a message, just click on the pager icon next to the name of the user you'd like to page! (See Screenshots)
  • Switch the paging system on or off anytime you wish!
  • Specify who gets to use the paging system by Usergroup, or even User IDs to send messages to your forum members.
  • vB Pager users can send pager messages to members of the forum and/or non-registered guests from the WhoisOnline's page.
  • Optional Anonymity: you can choose to hide your username when paging another user on the forum, & define which Usergroup or User IDs can utilize this option.
  • Restrict the number of characters in each message: you can restrict the use of this paging system to short messages only by simply typing in the maximum number of characters that can be used. The window comes in with a built-in character counter to enable the user to keep track of the characters typed.
  • Logs of all incoming and outgoing pager messages member has, can be viewed and deleted.
  • Logs of all incoming and outgoing pager messages (Deleted and Unread messages) for all members can be viewed and deleted through the Admin CP.

File-edits: 8
Template-edits: 9
New files for this Hack: 3
Files modified for this Hack: 5
New templates for this Hack: 4
vbpager_popup (v 2.0.2)
vbpager_new (v 2.0.4)
Templates modified for this Hack: 7
postbit_legacy (Optional)
postbit (Optional)
New DB tables for this Hack: 1
DB Tables modified for this Hack: 1

Please click if you install this hack, thanks.

vB Pager is free, and will remain free.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 12-23-2004, 05:35 PM
TwinsX2Dad TwinsX2Dad is offline
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Well, here might be an issue - a DB error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user set vb3_pager = pager + 1 where userid = 2
mysql error: Table 'mydatabase_forums.user' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Thursday 23rd of December 2004 12:12:20 PM
Script: http://www.mydomain.net/forums/pager.php
Referer: http://www.mydomain.net/forums/pager.php?action=pager&do=newpager&touserid=2
Username: Member
IP Address:
Could this be something?

Please see two previous posts, as well
Old 12-23-2004, 07:45 PM
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docvader docvader is offline
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Your user table doesn't exist in your vbulletin SQL? Are you sure? Have you looked in phpMyAdmin to see if it's there? I never got this error with this hack.
Old 12-24-2004, 02:45 AM
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Uae, one other thing. Not sure if it's just sloppy editing on my part, but, I figured out, with the help of some of the digital masters on this board, where my member profile issue is.

Altering the /includes/functions_online.php file caused my member profile link to crash, ie, one could not view individual member profiles. Not sure if anyone else has noticed or experienced this, but, it's something to keep an eye out for.

I tried editing that file again, with no success. What's your take on this? Any ideas where it might be triggering problems?

Sorry. My mistake. I added the bottom edit of /includes/functions.php to /includes/functions_online.php. These html install things are sometimes tricky to see (a plain text file with all the template and file edits, though not as professional looking, or nice, seem to be more effective and easier to work with, in my opinion, especially if you have to go back and dig around in them.)

Board's working fine. Waiting for a work around with the persistent pager pop up. Wish I new more about this stuff to help.

Old 12-24-2004, 05:06 AM
TwinsX2Dad TwinsX2Dad is offline
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Originally Posted by docvader
Your user table doesn't exist in your vbulletin SQL? Are you sure? Have you looked in phpMyAdmin to see if it's there? I never got this error with this hack.
'mydatabase_forums.user' doesn't exist.
'mydatabase_forums.vb3_user' does.

I have table prefixes.
Old 12-24-2004, 06:04 AM
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docvader docvader is offline
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Understand. Just curious, could you solve the problem by adding "TABLE_PREFIX" labels to his pager.php code, in the relevant places? Doesn't look like they're all there, from my quick perusal. I'm far from a whiz when it comes to databases, but you seem to be pretty savvy about it. Just curious about this.
Old 12-24-2004, 03:04 PM
TwinsX2Dad TwinsX2Dad is offline
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Databases, I am not too bad on. It is php calls to a database where I have troubles. Yet I am not certain my problem lies within pager.php - here is my file:

|| #################################################################### ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # 	    vB Pager Version 2.0.2 for vBulletin 3.0.1 or Above	      # ||
|| #	              by [WwW.UAEWEB.COM]  	  	              # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # 	Copyright ?2000?2004 WwW.UAEWEB.COM All Rights Reserved.      # ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| #################################################################### ||

// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);


// ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
// get special phrase groups
$phrasegroups = array('vbpager');

// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
global $vboptions;

// #######################################################################
// ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// #######################################################################

// Start of Pager LOG
if ($do=='log')

// Pager inbox
	if ($folder=='inbox')
		$show[inbox]	= 1;		
// Delete Pager
		globalize($_POST, array('dowhat', 'pagerno'));
		if ($dowhat=="del")
	if (!is_array($pagerno))
	  $idname = "Pager ID";

	$messageids = array();
	foreach (array_keys($pagerno) AS $pmid)
		$pmid = intval($pmid);
		$messageids["$pmid"] = $pmid;
		$pagerids = implode(', ', $messageids);

	$DB_site->query("update " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager set delread=1 where pagerid in ($pagerids)");
// Delete Pager

// Pager NavPage

	$tmpsql = $DB_site->query_first("select count(*) as totpager from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager as p left join " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user as u on (p.fromuserid=u.userid) where touserid=" . $bbuserinfo[userid] . " and delread=0 and active=0");

	$totalpager = $tmpsql[totpager];

  if (!isset($perpage))

    if ((!isset($pagenumber) or $pagenumber==0) and $pagenumber!="lastpage")


// Pager NavPage

		$sql = "select pagerid, fromuserid, username, message, msgdate, deliverdate, hidden, delread, active  from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager as p left join " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user as u on (p.fromuserid=u.userid) where touserid=" . $bbuserinfo[userid] . " and delread=0 and active=0 order by deliverdate desc LIMIT " . ($limitlower-1) . ", $perpage";

  if ($limitupper>$totalpager) 
    if ($limitlower>$totalpager)

  $pagenav = construct_page_nav($totalpager,"pager.php?action=pager&do=log&folder=inbox&perpage=$perpage");

		$result = $DB_site->query($sql);
			$i = 0;
		while ($pagerinfo=$DB_site->fetch_array($result))

			if (!($pagerinfo[username]))
			  $pagerinfo[username] = $vbphrase['guest'];
			if ($pagerinfo[hidden])
			  $pagerinfo[username] = $vbphrase['vbpager_nat'];

			  $pagerinfo[deliverdate] = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $pagerinfo[deliverdate], true) . " " . vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $pagerinfo[deliverdate]); 
			  $pagerinfo[msgdate] = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $pagerinfo[msgdate], true) . " " . vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $pagerinfo[msgdate]); 

	eval('$pagerinbox .= "' . fetch_template('vbpager_listbit') . '";');


// Pager outbox
	elseif ($folder=='outbox')
		$show[outbox]	= 1;		

// Delete Pager
		globalize($_POST, array('dowhat', 'pagerno'));
		if ($dowhat=="del")
	if (!is_array($pagerno))
	  $idname = "Pager ID";

	$messageids = array();
	foreach (array_keys($pagerno) AS $pmid)
		$pmid = intval($pmid);
		$messageids["$pmid"] = $pmid;
		$pagerids = implode(', ', $messageids);

		$DB_site->query("update " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager set delsent=1 where pagerid in ($pagerids)");

			$result = $DB_site->query("select touserid, count(*) as totpager from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager where active=1 and touserid is not NULL and pagerid in ($pagerids) group by touserid");
			while ($sql = $DB_site->fetch_array($result))
			 	if ($sql[totpager])
			   $DB_site->query("UPDATE " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user set pager = pager - " . $sql[totpager] . " where userid = " . $sql[touserid] );
// Delete Pager

// Pager NavPage
	$tmpsql = $DB_site->query_first("select count(*) totpager from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager as p left join " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user as u on (p.touserid=u.userid) where fromuserid=" . $bbuserinfo[userid] . " and delsent=0");

	$totalpager = $tmpsql[totpager];

  if (!isset($perpage))

    if ((!isset($pagenumber) or $pagenumber==0) and $pagenumber!="lastpage")


// Pager NavPage

	$sql = "select pagerid, parentpid, fromuserid, username, message, msgdate, deliverdate, hidden, delread, active  from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager as p left join " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user as u on (p.touserid=u.userid) where fromuserid=" . $bbuserinfo[userid] . " and delsent=0 order by msgdate desc LIMIT " . ($limitlower-1) . ", $perpage";

  if ($limitupper>$totalpager) 
    if ($limitlower>$totalpager)

  $pagenav = construct_page_nav($totalpager,"pager.php?action=pager&do=log&folder=outbox&perpage=$perpage");

		$result = $DB_site->query($sql);
			$i = 0;
		while ($pagerinfo=$DB_site->fetch_array($result))

			if (!($pagerinfo[username]))
			  $pagerinfo[username] = $vbphrase['guest'];
			if ($pagerinfo[parentpid])
				if ($DB_site->query_first("select * from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager where pagerid=". $pagerinfo[parentpid] ." and hidden=1"))
			  $pagerinfo[username] = $vbphrase['vbpager_nat'];
				if ($pagerinfo[deliverdate])
			  $pagerinfo[deliverdate] = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $pagerinfo[deliverdate], true) . " " . vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $pagerinfo[deliverdate]); 
			  $pagerinfo[deliverdate] = $vbphrase['vbpager_not_read'];
			  $pagerinfo[msgdate] = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $pagerinfo[msgdate], true) . " " . vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $pagerinfo[msgdate]); 

	eval('$pageroutbox .= "' . fetch_template('vbpager_listbit') . '";');		


		$show[pagererror]	= 1;

// Start of Pager LOG

// Start of Pager reply
if ($do=='pagerreply')
	$show[pagerreply] = 1;

// Reply message

	$touserid	= $touid;
	$message	= addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($message)));

		$sqltemp	= $DB_site->query_first("select active from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager where pagerid=$pid");
		$addpager	= intval($sqltemp[active]);
		  $DB_site->query("UPDATE " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user set pager = pager - $addpager where userid = " . $bbuserinfo[userid] . "");
		  $DB_site->query("UPDATE " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager set deliverdate = " . TIMENOW . " , active = 0 where pagerid = $pid");

		if ($message)
	$DB_site->query("INSERT into " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager(touserid, parentpid, fromuserid, message, msgdate) values ($touserid, $pid, " . $bbuserinfo[userid] . ", '$message', " . TIMENOW . ")");
	$DB_site->query("UPDATE user set " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager = pager + 1 where userid = $touserid");
			$replysent = 1;

// Update delivered messages

// End of Pager reply

// Start of Pager Deliver Report
if ($do=='pagerreport')
	$show[pagerreport] = 1;

// End of Pager Deliver Report

// Start of Pager Logs
if ($do=='pagerlogs')
	$show[pagerlogs] = 1;

// End of Pager Logs

// Start New Pager to User
if ($do=='newpager')
	$show[newpager] = 1;

	if (trim($guestid))
	   $done = can_pager(1);
	   $done = can_pager();

			if ($pid)
		$sqltemp	= $DB_site->query_first("select active, deliverdate from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager where pagerid=$pid");
		$addpager	= intval($sqltemp[active]);

			if ($sqltemp[deliverdate])
		  $DB_site->query("UPDATE " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user set pager = pager - $addpager where userid = " . $bbuserinfo[userid] . "");
		  $DB_site->query("UPDATE " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager set active = 0 where pagerid =$pid");

		  $DB_site->query("UPDATE " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager set deliverdate = " . TIMENOW . " where pagerid =$pid");

	$uids = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $vboptions[vbpager_canhidename]));
	foreach($uids AS $ids)
	 if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==$ids)
	   $canhide = 1;

	if ($done==1)
		if ($touserid > 0)
			if ($touserid==$bbuserinfo[userid])
				$show[newpager]		= "";
				$show[pagererror]	= 1;
				$selfpager		= 1;	
	$pagerinfo = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid, username from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid=$touserid");
		elseif ($guestid)
	$pagerinfo = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * from " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "session where sessionhash='$guestid'");
			$pagerinfo[username]	= $vbphrase['guest'];
			$pagerinfo[guestid]	= $guestid;

	  if (!($pagerinfo))
	$show[newpager]		= "";
	$show[pagererror]	= 1;
		$nouser		= 1;

// End New Pager to User

// Start New Pager to User
if ($do=='sendpager')
	$show[sendpager] = 1;

	$canreply	= intval($usercanreply);
	$message	= addslashes(htmlspecialchars($message));
	$hidden		= intval($hideuser);

		if ($touserid==0)
	$DB_site->query("INSERT into " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager(tosessionid, fromuserid, message, msgdate, canreply, hidden) values ('$toguestid', " . $bbuserinfo[userid] . ", '$message', " . TIMENOW . ",$canreply, $hidden)");
	$DB_site->query("INSERT into " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager(touserid, fromuserid, message, msgdate, canreply, hidden) values ($touserid, " . $bbuserinfo[userid] . ", '$message', " . TIMENOW . ",$canreply, $hidden)");

	$DB_site->query("UPDATE user set " .  TABLE_PREFIX . "pager = pager + 1 where userid = $touserid");

// End New Pager to User

eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('vbpager') . '");');
I can't recall the last time I've had this much difficulty with a modification.
Old 12-24-2004, 06:00 PM
Mitsuaki Mitsuaki is offline
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function: can_pager() in /customers/myhost.com/myhost.com/httpd.www/forums/global.php on line 302

That cant be good... i get that when i try to load.... anything.... index, admin cp, everything????
Old 12-25-2004, 11:10 PM
bahawolf bahawolf is offline
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I have the popup problem that Dad has only with Firefox.
Old 12-28-2004, 09:49 PM
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Any fix for the messages keeping appearing on every page even after you have read them?
Old 12-31-2004, 09:03 AM
D|ver's Avatar
D|ver D|ver is offline
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thank you i will test this one out

so there will be no more errors with popup killers now?
does every browser support dhtml?
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  • fetch_postinfo
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  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
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  • forumjump
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  • showthread_query
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  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_start
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  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_end
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_start
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  • fetch_musername
  • postbit_imicons
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  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • postbit_display_complete
  • post_thanks_function_can_thank_this_post_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • tag_fetchbit_complete
  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete