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Old 12-15-2004, 12:15 PM
thebigboss thebigboss is offline
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why do you need a copy of the code if you seem to know so much about it? your for ever passing comment about it, anyone would assume you had seen the code yet your not a premium member at vbportal and never have been to have access to the code.

I think its now quite obvious you don't know what your talking about and should just shut up about vbportal and stop abusing your position as a vbulletin moderator to promote vbadvance which you clearly have an invested interest in.

what your always doing zachery is the equivalent of comparing vbulletin 1.0 with iBP3.0
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Old 12-15-2004, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by thebigboss
why do you need a copy of the code if you seem to know so much about it? your for ever passing comment about it, anyone would assume you had seen the code yet your not a premium member at vbportal and never have been to have access to the code.

I think its now quite obvious you don't know what your talking about and should just shut up about vbportal and stop abusing your position as a vbulletin moderator to promote vbadvance which you clearly have an invested interest in.

what your always doing zachery is the equivalent of comparing vbulletin 1.0 with iBP3.0
*sigh* I used vBportal for a while back in the vB2 days, I worked on it with a friend on his site during the vBportal beta 3 + days. I have not seen the code since and that was awhile ago.

If you notice I am not specificly pushing vBadvanced, in my posts I always refer to both vBindex and vBadvanced.

I have no specific investment in vBadvanced besides the fact that I help the owner brian with the moderation of the website, I provide support for the product because I use it constantly.

If you tell me the code is so drasticly differnt, give me a full version so I can look it over again on an unhacked site and see how it runs.
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Old 12-15-2004, 12:26 PM
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Why should he give you anything Zach? It's a paid hack, not free and you are one of their "competitors"

This thread has gone totally off topic, and all the poor guy wants is help.

Back to the original topic.
1. Dozens of people have requested a nuke integration
2. People who don't use Nuke aren't likely to want to spend their time for free integrating it for you. Perhaps you should post a service request because if it hasn't been done for free by now, yet another request thread asking for it isn't likely to draw any better results.
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Old 12-15-2004, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by thebigboss
why do you need a copy of the code if you seem to know so much about it? your for ever passing comment about it, anyone would assume you had seen the code yet your not a premium member at vbportal and never have been to have access to the code.

I think its now quite obvious you don't know what your talking about and should just shut up about vbportal and stop abusing your position as a vbulletin moderator to promote vbadvance which you clearly have an invested interest in.

what your always doing zachery is the equivalent of comparing vbulletin 1.0 with iBP3.0
Zachery does not have a premium membership you are correct, but I do, and since he is on my webstaff, he has access to it through me. I have used vBportal before, and liked it while I used it, however the larger my site got, the more problems it caused, which is why I converted to one of the other (better) portals here on vBorg. vBPortal's code is based on php-nuke, that is all they know over there. Which is fine, some people like that, I prefer to not have a bunch of useless & poorly written code processed everytime someone enters my site.
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Old 12-15-2004, 01:20 PM
thebigboss thebigboss is offline
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You are doing the same as zachery and comparing vbportal 2.x which was server intensive was a port of php-nuke and was written more than 2 years ago. The last time you visited vbportal.com was back in december 2003 and beta 1 wasn't made available to pemium members until end of march 2004

It is unfair to the original thread starter to have his topic hijacked and I apologise for that.
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Old 12-15-2004, 01:25 PM
thebigboss thebigboss is offline
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Originally Posted by Classick
I'm running a Music website .. so I need a news section, downloads, reviews, content .. and I KNOW this is included in vbportal but .. there are add-ons i need such as .. NSN-multi column mod .. and the stop-shop mod and some others that only exist in PHP-nuke. plus.. the PHP-Nuke community is very popular meaning a wide veriety of mods. I've used php-nuke before and Its exactly what I need. On the other hand I dont like phpBB forums .. i think vBulliten is a wonderfull forum.

And I know this has been asked ALOT but its exactly what I need ..

Thank you
vbPortal 3.0.0 for vbulletin 3.0.0 has reviews, links and news included in the download thats available to premium members.

its not that hard to port you nuke reviews and links across to vbportal 3.0.0 tables, but the news is forum base, where as nuke's isn't. I know for a fact that one member at vbportal.com has ported his old nuke/phpbb site to vbportal/vbulletin.
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Old 12-15-2004, 03:47 PM
wajones wajones is offline
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Being the original developer of vbPortal, (I now have a partener) I would like to say a couple words. vbPortal 3.0 is not phpnuke code and it is not based off phpnuke code. It is a complete rewrite since 2.0, that aside 2.0 wasn't even phpnuke, the add ons were, but not the core of the portal. At the time vbPortal was written there was a very large request in the vBulletin forums for the use of phpnuke add ons like the links and downloads section. I simply followed my instincts and gave everyone what they wanted (a portal) that would use phpnuke add ons because they were free. There at times were well over 3000 vbPortal sites running with vbPortal very successfully and I do take exception to being bashed every time someone asks a question.

That said, things change and the desire for phpnuke add-ons seems to have not died but the desire for a more efficient portal seemed to take precedence so we began rewriting vbPortal about a year ago. vbPortal 3.0.0 has now been released.

vbPortal 3.0.0 is not based on phpnuke code, it is based on vBulletin and was created to supplement vBulletin and does so very efficiently providing basic but secure modules such as downloads, web links, reviews etc. just like nuke does, but they are 'not' Nuke Code!!!

This post is not meant as an advertisement or is it meant to be anything other than a response to quite negative posts that are not being fair to all concerned.

I have been quite set back and quiet over the past year or two. vbPortal is too large a product to post or support over here so it's done in our own forums. We have always been very supportive of vBulletin and have been very instrumental in 1000's of copies of vBulletin being sold. We have been in the top 5 for vBulletin affiliate sales in the past. I don't see how something as horrible as it's portrayed here in these forums at times can be so popular, but please let's not go down that road and start a bashing of anything again.

All I ask for is fair treatment, if we can't be treated fairly and objectively then please do not post anything. The last time I looked this forum was the official vBulletin support forum not a reviews forum for every hack or add on.

If the staff is going to start reviewing and recommending products lets be fair and review and recommend every add on and hack here, bash them a bit if their not a friend or defend those on your staff. You start doing that with all the Add-ons or hacks here and how long do you think people will stay around and post their hacks to share if you bash them all the time.

vbPortal may not be for everyone, but neither are the other portal's. If we wanted to go head to head, there are probably as many that have shifted from one or the other to vbPortal and reverse of that for different reasons.
That doesn't mean that we should bash the other's I could, but won't and neither should the staff here.

Different strokes for different folks I always say. vbPortal 3.0.0 is quite strong, well coded and efficient, quite rewarding once the initial learning period has passed. If I were to review the others I'm sure there would be points of interest making each valuable in their own right.
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Old 12-15-2004, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by wajones
Being the original developer of vbPortal, (I now have a partener) I would like to say a couple words. vbPortal 3.0 is not phpnuke code and it is not based off phpnuke code. It is a complete rewrite since 2.0, that aside 2.0 wasn't even phpnuke, the add ons were, but not the core of the portal. At the time vbPortal was written there was a very large request in the vBulletin forums for the use of phpnuke add ons like the links and downloads section. I simply followed my instincts and gave everyone what they wanted (a portal) that would use phpnuke add ons because they were free. There at times were well over 3000 vbPortal sites running with vbPortal very successfully and I do take exception to being bashed every time someone asks a question.

That said, things change and the desire for phpnuke add-ons seems to have not died but the desire for a more efficient portal seemed to take precedence so we began rewriting vbPortal about a year ago. vbPortal 3.0.0 has now been released.

vbPortal 3.0.0 is not based on phpnuke code, it is based on vBulletin and was created to supplement vBulletin and does so very efficiently providing basic but secure modules such as downloads, web links, reviews etc. just like nuke does, but they are 'not' Nuke Code!!!

This post is not meant as an advertisement or is it meant to be anything other than a response to quite negative posts that are not being fair to all concerned.

I have been quite set back and quiet over the past year or two. vbPortal is too large a product to post or support over here so it's done in our own forums. We have always been very supportive of vBulletin and have been very instrumental in 1000's of copies of vBulletin being sold. We have been in the top 5 for vBulletin affiliate sales in the past. I don't see how something as horrible as it's portrayed here in these forums at times can be so popular, but please let's not go down that road and start a bashing of anything again.

All I ask for is fair treatment, if we can't be treated fairly and objectively then please do not post anything. The last time I looked this forum was the official vBulletin support forum not a reviews forum for every hack or add on.

If the staff is going to start reviewing and recommending products lets be fair and review and recommend every add on and hack here, bash them a bit if their not a friend or defend those on your staff. You start doing that with all the Add-ons or hacks here and how long do you think people will stay around and post their hacks to share if you bash them all the time.

vbPortal may not be for everyone, but neither are the other portal's. If we wanted to go head to head, there are probably as many that have shifted from one or the other to vbPortal and reverse of that for different reasons.
That doesn't mean that we should bash the other's I could, but won't and neither should the staff here.

Different strokes for different folks I always say. vbPortal 3.0.0 is quite strong, well coded and efficient, quite rewarding once the initial learning period has passed. If I were to review the others I'm sure there would be points of interest making each valuable in their own right.
I will be taking a more indepth look into vBportal over the weekend thanks to the vBportal team.
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Old 12-15-2004, 04:47 PM
wajones wajones is offline
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Originally Posted by Zachery
I will be taking a more indepth look into vBportal over the weekend thanks to the vBportal team.
I was happy to supply you with a copy to look at in order to satisfy your personal questions , it is not intended as a basis for review in these forums.

If there is to be a review then it would need to be objective and would be expected to conducted by professional evaluation. The method of bashing by heresy in these forums is not acceptable.

I'm very disappointed vBulletin.org is becoming a place where people can not share their work without fear of being bashed by the staff. Be it a small line of code or an entire add on the staff should be above approach and be objective to all. Once staff opens the door for bashing all types of heresy, protectionism and defense is unleashed and the words written are not always by someone of maturity. Additionally when staff speaks it tends to give a since of endorsement and I really don't want to think that you intended that, but it sounds that way reguardless.
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Old 12-16-2004, 12:25 AM
Classick Classick is offline
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This thread turned into a "whos script is better" debate ..but anyways

ok, as i was searching for help on the nuke-vb integration thing .. I came across this website and it caught my attention. I've emailed the owners to ask them what they're using if its nuke or vbportal but no answers yet.

So can someone tell me what they think this is .. becuase I think its perfect and I specialy like how the "More News" apear in the main page ..


if this is vBPortal. Then I'm impressed !
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