This takes the same featured article teaser that displays on your article.php page, and pulls it in as a center column module in CMPS.
The template is easy to edit, so you should be able to have it show up any way you like. The number of characters to be displayed is controlled by what you set (or is set by default) in the v3article settings, but could be hard coded in cmps_feature if you wish it to be different.
I said 'basic' in the subject line, because there are other people working on much more advanced and involved implementations of this. Also, the image handling code is commented out in cmps_feature.php, it should work fine if you remove the comments, but that's not something I've tested as I don't want the image functionality for the front page.
Thanks to John for v3articles and Tigga/Brian for both CMPS and the last key bit of info that made this module work. Not surprisingly, both are up for HotM. Too bad it's at the same time, I want to vote for both.
wcbryant I had this working on my old server. I moved the site to a new server and the cmps_index.php was white. If I disable this MOD it works fine. As soon as I turn it on its white again. I made an article and set it to featured yet the page is still white. Any ideas?
This is an easy template edit to allow you to display the contents of 2 different hacks using different php files into one block displaying the content of both. I take no credit whatsoever for the hacks as they were not made by me, I just did some template changes to suit my forum and wish to share them with others.
Ok first of all you need to install both the following hacks into your vbuletin install. Please backup your Vbull templates.
Files and instructions must have been changed since this thread began. I do not get text but blank areas between quotes. I can use the "most recent articles" hack on the cmps_index and everything is fine but I'd love to show some of the text.
I've noticed others are asking the same questions -- file names must have been changed and instructions are different.
Regardless, this doesn't seem to work with my installation. I've installed, reinstalled, changed names, etc. I've asked on another board for people to show the screenshot of their admincp edit module setup so that I can see if that is setup wrong.
Tigga helped me figure this one out... make sure in global.php that 'featuredarticle' is last in $specialtemplates array. Not sure why but *shrug*, I am not complaining.
Okay question... hopefully I don't confuse everyone. :ermm:
This hack is exactly what I am looking for to compliment my v3articles install. My questions is on layout.
How hard would it be to have the module displayed across the entire table width ABOVE the left, right, center module areas so that it is truly called out as a featured article.
For example, the v3articles article.php puts the featured article across the whole page above the categories. Would something like that be done easily or is it too much to ask for?
Can this be used with vBIndex? Or is there something like this for v3Articles + vBIndex? Surely there are a lot of vBIndex users who'd like something like this.