I posted a while ago stating that I'm not very good with color schemes (and this still holds true). I made a small attempt with this and would like to know whether or not I'm headed in the right direction. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated to help me out. The forums themselves (the names and what not) and images are not necessarily final, just some forums I put up there to test the colors with multiple forums) Thanks!
their is really nothing new except the colors and header is different from the default.
you might want to consider maybe getting custom forum icons.
I was talking about the colors, not the layout, hence the first sentence in my post. I said that the images were not necessarily final but I was looking to find out whether or not that color scheme looked good. Any ideas? Thanks.
Hmm, I didn't even notice the close resemblance. I don't visit SitePoint that often. Perhaps I'll change that at some point but in the mean time I'm not ripping anybody's style so I don't see a problem with it.
I didn't say you were ripping anyone's style. You can't copyright hex's but you have stolen a color scheme which isn't really original is it. The hex's are identical for the category header and table header so you can't deny it
I didn't say you were ripping anyone's style. You can't copyright hex's but you have stolen a color scheme which isn't really original is it. The hex's are identical for the category header and table header so you can't deny it
I haven't "stolen" anything. I didn't even realize I had used some of the same colors they have, like I said, I don't visit SitePoint all that often. If it really is that big of a deal (which I do not believe that it is) then how about suggesting some other color schemes that may look nice?
I haven't "stolen" anything. I didn't even realize I had used some of the same colors they have, like I said, I don't visit SitePoint all that often. If it really is that big of a deal (which I do not believe that it is) then how about suggesting some other color schemes that may look nice?
How about some not ripped color hexes? Your "I don't visit sitepoint" speech is blantantly a lie, as choosing the exact same hex colors as someone else, without visiting there must be what, a million to 1?
Are you sure it's blatantly a lie? I actually got the idea for the color scheme from someone else. Instead of sitting there calling me a lair and a thief why don't you actually provide some help of how to improve it? That might be more beneficial.
For what it's worth I took out the link to the website in which I actually got my idea from as I was asked not to involve them.
Edit: Flaming me is rather pointless and I apologize for my participation in it however some of the comments made above were highly uncalled for thus forcing me onto the defensive.