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NNTP Gateway for Usenet ( Newsgroups ), Mailing Lists Details »»
NNTP Gateway for Usenet ( Newsgroups ), Mailing Lists
Version: 2.3.2, by lierduh lierduh is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.5 Rating:
Released: 05-14-2004 Last Update: 02-27-2005 Installs: 186
DB Changes
No support by the author.

The latest version: V2.3.2 (31 Oct 2004)

What is it?

This hack provides a gateway from vBulletin forums to the USENET. It allows forum members to read newsgroup messages as well as to send posts to the newsgroups. In a nutshell, it turns vBulletin forums into a basic function news reader.

For an added bonus, this package also supports mailing list archive and forum to mailing list gateway. The software retrieves messages from a pop3 account and import them into the forums threaded. It also allows a forums user to send messages to the mailing list by the forum posting interface.


The gateway will be appreciated by forum members who do not know how to set up a news reader, or people who do not have port 119 open in their network. A forum interface to read and post news are often considered to be better than a news reader.

The gateway adds more contents to your forums and allows the members to interact with wider audience. It is common to see new users signing up to use this feature.


This hack is basically a hacked vB2 NNTP gateway written by Gilby to work with vB3. The original hack can be found here:



Some of the features and improvement include:
  • Handles both newsgroup posts and mailing lists.
  • Handles MIME encoded messages and attachment.
  • Handles UUEncoded messages.
  • Two Admin Control Panels for all settings.
  • Automated installation.
  • Correct thread implementation. All imported messages and posts sent to newsgroups will be threaded correctly according to References and Message-ID headers.
  • Optional setting to thread by subject for mailing lists that strip references header.
  • Supports TABLE_PREFIX.
  • Imported messages will be searchable just like normal forum posts.
  • Similar threads are built when the messages are imported if the system setting is on.
  • Multiple attachments importing.
  • Save attachment to database or file according to vB setting.
  • Thumbnail created while importing image files.
  • Multiple attachment post to newsgroup is also supported.
  • Selectable X-No-Archive header honouring system.
  • Light on system resources.
  • Global Killfile to filter out unwanted messages. Killfiles can have OR and AND effectiveness.
  • Strip footer by setting for incoming messages. Strips out repeated message footers.
  • Built options to disable signatures and footers for out going messages.

Future development
  • AdminCP interfaces. (completed)
  • Installation/upgrade script. (completed, coded into AdminCP)
  • Traditional "> " lead posting interface.

What do you need and do not need?

You do not need to edit vB php files if you use two bookmarks
You need to edit one vB php file to insert two lines of code if you want direct click links within AdminCP.
No need to run SQL.


Basically the AdminCP interfaces take care of installation as well as upgrade in the background. Back up your database first. The scripts can modify your database without alerting you!

Please follow the instructions in the readme.txt file for more details.


Please post your support questions to this thread. Please check the FAQ in the third post within this thread first.

================== UPDATES ======================
Jul 31 2004 (release version 2.2.0)
  • Provided option of not importing attachments
  • Provided option of pause between messages
  • Provided option of not sending messages to USENET
  • Provided mechanism to skip importing a message if it was crashed on it
  • Provided "Default Footer" option
  • Provided strip_footer function for mailing lists
    (written originally by KevinM)
  • Provided Killfile functions with Header/Body/AND/OR settings
  • Provided ability to thread messages by subject for mailing lists
  • Provided ability to use a single POP3 account for different mailing lists
    (use prefix)
  • Merged KevinM's attachment routine, save thumbnail to hard drive
    as vB3.0.3
  • Official support to have the script run by Scheduled Tasks
  • Many bug fixes

Please note, when you manually run the script, you must turn on the debug mode. Otherwise nothing will be displayed on the screen.

To run as debug mode: http://forums.yourdomain.com/gateway.php?debug=1

25 Oct 2004
  • Provided the option of sending posts using the real email address
  • Provided the option of sending posts using a fixed email address for
    each group.
  • Posts are now held back if they are in the moderating queue
  • Scheduled task log is now working
  • Provided the option of sending the debug messages to the vB3 cron log
  • Bug fixes

31 Oct 2004

Fixed bugs running the gateway by the vB3 Scheduled Tasks

1 March 2004

Uploaded the new zip file. It contains one or two bug fixes.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 10-22-2004, 07:13 AM
esfron esfron is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 102
Благодарил(а): 0 раз(а)
Поблагодарили: 0 раз(а) в 0 сообщениях

Idem on msnews.microsoft.com (public)

Posts imported partially, no outgoing to usenet.

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE nntp_settings
SET value =
WHERE varname = 'last_postid'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE varname = 'last_postid'' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 22nd of October 2004 03:57:22 AM
Script: http://www.xxxx.org/xxxx/gateway.php?debug=1
Username: Unregistered
IP Address: xxxxxx

My settings (temporaly):

Organization organization My Forums
User Agent useragent vBulletin USENET gateway
View profile URL profileurl http://forums.yourdomain.com.au/member.php?userid=
View thread URL threadurl http://forums.yourdomain.com.au/showthread.php?t=
Email address domain email no-mx.forums.yourdomain.com.au
Make TinyURL at Length tinyurl 70
View attachment URL attachmenturl http://forums.yourdomain.com.au/atta...?attachmentid=
Honour No-Archive honor_no-archive 0
Is Gateway Running is_running 0
Last Max postid last_postid 0
Last Time Run last_run 1098431787
Send no signature nosignature 0
Send no footer nofooter 0
No Organization Check organization_check 1
Use Post Time use_post_time 0
Skip attachments no_attach 1
Pause Between messages pause_seconds 0
Send message to USENET send_message 1
Default Footer default_footer
Strip Footer strip_footer
Find Thread by Subject thread_by_subject 0
Global Killfile killfile_setting

NNTP NG settings (see screenshot)

Thanks for your time.

HTML Code:
Gateway version 2.2.1  1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 200 NNTP Service 6.0.3790.206 Version: 6.0.3790.206 Posting Allowed 

Info for microsoft.public.access.replication at msnews.microsoft.com:
211 313 35091 35486 microsoft.public.access.replication

Getting message number 35093: 
'How do I overwrite data using DoCmd.TransferDatabase' from transfer_question. New thread.
Getting message number 35094: 
'Re: How do I overwrite data using DoCmd.TransferDatabase' from Ken Snell [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35095: 
'Replica blows memo field' from David C. New thread.
Getting message number 35096: 
'reverse design master to regular DB' from Ashley. New thread.
Getting message number 35098: 
'Replace unmanaged design master' from Bruce. New thread.
Getting message number 35101: 
'Why Can't I replicate Tables' from JF. New thread.
Getting message number 35102: 
'RunCommand SynchronizeNow' from JRoss. New thread.
Getting message number 35103: 
'Move design master' from Ashley. New thread.
Getting message number 35104: 
'RE: RunCommand SynchronizeNow' from JRoss. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35105: 
'How can I replicate access?' from Rebecca. New thread.
Getting message number 35106: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35107: 
'Re: Replace unmanaged design master' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35109: 
'Re: Replica blows memo field' from David C. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35110: 
'Change Design master to FE and BE' from Ashley. New thread.
Getting message number 35111: 
'Please help' from Al. New thread.
Getting message number 35112: 
'Re: Please help' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35113: 
'Re: reverse design master to regular DB' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35114: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from . Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35115: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35116: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from . Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35117: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from . Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35118: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35119: 
'Re: How can I replicate access?' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35120: 
'Re: reverse design master to regular DB' from Ashley. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35121: 
'Re: reverse design master to regular DB' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35122: 
'Re: Move design master' from Gthomps5. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35123: 
'Re: reverse design master to regular DB' from Gthomps5. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35126: 
'"The field is too small to accept the amount of data..." message when trying to create new replica' from Robin. New thread.
Getting message number 35127: 
'Re: Why Can't I replicate Tables' from JF. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35128: 
'Re: Please help' from Al. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35129: 
'Re: Please help' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35130: 
'Re: How do I overwrite data using DoCmd.TransferDatabase' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35131: 
'<sin asunto>' from Luis Antonio Salvador. New thread.
Getting message number 35132: 
'Re: How do I overwrite data using DoCmd.TransferDatabase' from Ken Snell [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35133: 
'Re: How do I overwrite data using DoCmd.TransferDatabase' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35134: 
'Re: How can I replicate access?' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35135: 
'Re: How to tell when an indirect sync started with JRO is complete?' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. New thread.
Getting message number 35136: 
'Managing multiple Replica Sets' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35137: 
'An error occurred while using this member in the replica set UNKNOWN REASON (-1601)' from Dave. New thread.
Getting message number 35138: 
'Re: An error occurred while using this member in the replica set UNKNOWN REASON (-1601)' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35139: 
'Re: Managing multiple Replica Sets' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35140: 
'Access and Jet  HotFix !!!' from tphank. New thread.
Getting message number 35141: 
'Re: How can I replicate access?' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35142: 
'Re: How can I replicate access?' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35143: 
'Re: Managing multiple Replica Sets' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35145: 
'Re: Managing multiple Replica Sets' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35146: 
'Resources on Replication' from Tony. New thread.
Getting message number 35147: 
'Re: Managing multiple Replica Sets' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35149: 
'Re: Resources on Replication' from Lynn Trapp. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35150: 
'Re: Resources on Replication' from Tony. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35151: 
'Synchronization unreliable' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35152: 
'Re: Replication and Synchronisation' from mgordon. New thread.
Getting message number 35153: 
'Synchronizer with Indirect Sync Question' from Tony. New thread.
Getting message number 35154: 
'Good case for replication?' from EManning. New thread.
Getting message number 35156: 
'Good case for replication?' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35157: 
'Synchronizer with Indirect Sync Question' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35158: 
'Synchronization unreliable' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35159: 
'Synchronization unreliable' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35160: 
'Re: Good case for replication?' from EManning. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35161: 
'Re: Synchronizer with Indirect Sync Question' from Tony. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35162: 
'Re: Synchronization unreliable' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35163: 
'Synchronization Error' from David. New thread.
Getting message number 35164: 
'Indirect Sync error UNKNOWN REASON (-20114)' from Dave. New thread.
Getting message number 35165: 
'Synchronization Problem - Record Deleted' from Dwight. New thread.
Getting message number 35166: 
'It can't possibly be this easy!' from EManning. New thread.
Getting message number 35167: 
'Re: It can't possibly be this easy!' from Paul Overway. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35168: 
'Synchronization Problem - Record Deleted' from Dwight. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35169: 
'Re: It can't possibly be this easy!' from EManning. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35170: 
'Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from ?zden Irmak. New thread.
Getting message number 35171: 
'It can't possibly be this easy!' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35172: 
'Re: Synchronizer with Indirect Sync Question' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35174: 
'Re: Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from Brendan Reynolds. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35175: 
'Re: Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from ?zden Irmak. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35176: 
'Re: Indirect Sync error UNKNOWN REASON (-20114)' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35177: 
'Re: Synchronization Error' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35179: 
'Re: Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from Brendan Reynolds. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35180: 
'Re: Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from ?zden Irmak. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35181: 
'The field is too small to accept the amount of data...' from Rick. New thread.
Getting message number 35184: 
'Re: Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from Brendan Reynolds. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35185: 
'Re: It can't possibly be this easy!' from EManning. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35186: 
'Am I on the right track here?' from Rick Witte. New thread.
Getting message number 35187: 
'Re: Create sec?red database via code ADOX?' from ?zden Irmak. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35188: 
'Re: Synchronization Error' from David. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35189: 
'Re: The field is too small to accept the amount of data...' from Robin. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35190: 
'Am I on the right track here?' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35191: 
'Re: It can't possibly be this easy!' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35192: 
'can i use replication for this situation?' from beppe005. New thread.
Getting message number 35199: 
'Re: can i use replication for this situation?' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35203: 
'IE - Clear Content Advisor Password' from Robb G Hardy, Jr.. New thread.
Getting message number 35206: 
'Re: IE - Clear Content Advisor Password' from Douglas J. Steele. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35207: 
'Re: can i use replication for this situation?' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35208: 
'Re: Synchronization Error' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35209: 
'Re: can i use replication for this situation?' from beppe005. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35210: 
'frontend and backend with replica' from beppe005. New thread.
Getting message number 35211: 
'Replication Mgr. causing shutdown?' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35212: 
'Replication Mgr. causing shutdown?' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35216: 
'Re: Synchronizer with Indirect Sync Question' from Tony. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35217: 
'newbie: How to replicate access to SQL Server' from Benjamin. New thread.
Getting message number 35218: 
'Re: Synchronization Error' from David. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35220: 
'"No conflict tables" even when sync conflicts exist' from Bob. New thread.
Getting message number 35221: 
'RE: newbie: How to replicate access to SQL Server' from Benjamin. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35222: 
'stop' from Stop Killing Your Body. New thread.
Getting message number 35225: 
'Re: Synchronization Error' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35227: 
'Re: Synchronization Error' from David. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35229: 
'frontend and backend with replica' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35230: 
'"No conflict tables" even when sync conflicts exist' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35231: 
'Replication Mgr. causing shutdown?' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35232: 
'Installing Trigeminal TSI Unrep90.dll in WinXP Pro' from Donald Regener. New thread.
Getting message number 35233: 
'Replication with ISDN just doesn't work!' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35235: 
'Re: "No conflict tables" even when sync conflicts exist' from Bob. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35236: 
'Re: Am I on the right track here?' from Rick. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35240: 
'Re: "No conflict tables" even when sync conflicts exist' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35241: 
'Installing Trigeminal TSI Unrep90.dll in WinXP Pro' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35242: 
'Replication with ISDN just doesn't work!' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35243: 
'Make DB copy using code' from Karen. New thread.
Getting message number 35244: 
'Mistake in Design Master - can replica take precedence?' from Tony. New thread.
Getting message number 35245: 
'Update queries' from . New thread.
Getting message number 35246: 
'mso9.dll error' from Mark A. Weber. New thread.
Getting message number 35247: 
'Re: "No conflict tables" even when sync conflicts exist' from Bob. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35248: 
'Need to delete a system table or its records' from Bob. New thread.
Getting message number 35249: 
'Replica and Menus and DB access' from Paula. New thread.
Getting message number 35252: 
'Office Developer / Replication Manager status' from David Pipe. New thread.
Getting message number 35253: 
'Re: Mistake in Design Master - can replica take precedence?' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35254: 
'Re: "No conflict tables" even when sync conflicts exist' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35255: 
'Replication with ISDN just doesn't work!' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35256: 
'Create your own synchronisation' from Nigel Scott. New thread.
Getting message number 35257: 
'Re: Create your own synchronisation' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35261: 
'Re: Create your own synchronisation' from Nigel Scott. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35264: 
'move replica from home pc to work, no network' from Tina. New thread.
Getting message number 35265: 
'Replicating Lotus Notes database' from Jens Burup. New thread.
Getting message number 35266: 
'replication blues' from KM. New thread.
Getting message number 35267: 
'Remove duplicate replica' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35270: 
'Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Stephane Saindon. New thread.
Getting message number 35271: 
'Re: Any special dial-up settings for indirect replication?' from Gthomps5. New thread.
Getting message number 35275: 
'Removing system fields in backup database' from Sebastian Rolf. New thread.
Getting message number 35278: 
'Re: Removing system fields in backup database' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35279: 
'Re: Create your own synchronisation' from ?zden Irmak. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35280: 
'Re: Removing system fields in backup database' from Sebastian Rolf. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35281: 
'Re: Removing system fields in backup database' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35282: 
'Re: Create your own synchronisation' from Nigel Scott. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35283: 
'Move database from home pc to work' from Tina. New thread.
Getting message number 35284: 
'Re: Move database from home pc to work' from Ken Snell [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35285: 
'Re: Removing system fields in backup database' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35286: 
'Remove duplicate replica' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35287: 
'replication blues' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35288: 
'move replica from home pc to work, no network' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35289: 
'Update queries' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35290: 
'Make DB copy using code' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35291: 
'Re: Move database from home pc to work' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35292: 
'Re: Move database from home pc to work' from Ken Snell [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35293: 
'Remove duplicate replica' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35294: 
'Macros in replicated databases' from Piers. New thread.
Getting message number 35295: 
'Is Replication the best solution for this problem?' from Elaine. New thread.
Getting message number 35296: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from tphank. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35297: 
'System table peculiarities' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35298: 
'Re: Office Developer / Replication Manager status' from George Nicholson. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35299: 
'System table peculiarities' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35300: 
'Macros in replicated databases' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35302: 
'Is Replication the best solution for this problem?' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35303: 
'Remove duplicate replica' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35304: 
'System table peculiarities' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35305: 
'MSysRepInfo_Conflict tables in all replicas' from Brad P. New thread.
Getting message number 35310: 
'MSysRepInfo_Conflict tables in all replicas' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35311: 
'application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Scotter. New thread.
Getting message number 35312: 
'HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. New thread.
Getting message number 35313: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Douglas J. Steele. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35314: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Ken Halter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35315: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35316: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35317: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35318: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35319: 
'Re: application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Ray Costanzo [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35320: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Ray Costanzo [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35321: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35322: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35323: 
'Re: application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35324: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35325: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35326: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35327: 
'Re: application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35328: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from dlbjr. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35329: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35330: 
'Re: application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35331: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Bob Barrows [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35332: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35333: 
'Re: application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Steven Burn. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35334: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from dlbjr. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35335: 
'Re: application to sync multiple MDBs on one server?' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35336: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35337: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Ray Costanzo [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35338: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from dlbjr. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35339: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35340: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Tony Toews. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35341: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Andrew Zamkovoy. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35342: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Tony Toews. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35343: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35344: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35345: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Bob Barrows [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35346: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Ray Costanzo [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35347: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Jeff Cochran. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35348: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Jeff Cochran. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35349: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Scotter. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35350: 
'Option Group Checkboxes - Inbedded' from lalexander. New thread.
Getting message number 35352: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Douglas J. Steele. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35353: 
'converting replicas' from J. Freed. New thread.
Getting message number 35354: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Bob Barrows [MVP]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35355: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Douglas J. Steele. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35356: 
'Re: System table peculiarities' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35357: 
'report preview' from . New thread.
Getting message number 35360: 
'dddd' from dd@dvd.com. New thread.
Getting message number 35361: 
'Removing a database from briefcase' from Clifford F. Lewis. New thread.
Getting message number 35362: 
'Re: HELP PLEASE - need app to modify multiple MDB table designs simultaneously' from Stephen Rasey. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35363: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Stephane Saindon. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35364: 
'one way replication' from Holger Schulz. New thread.
Getting message number 35365: 
'unreplicate a 2003 Access database' from Nigel Heald. New thread.
Getting message number 35366: 
'RE: unreplicate a 2003 Access database' from Amy Vargo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35367: 
'Scheduling replication' from Eric Blitzer. New thread.
Getting message number 35368: 
'report preview' from Jim/Chris. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35369: 
'Scheduling replication' from Eric Blitzer. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35370: 
'convert replica' from Robirdman. New thread.
Getting message number 35371: 
'Re: unreplicate a 2003 Access database' from George Nicholson. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35372: 
'Re: one way replication' from M Scott. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35373: 
'Very unexpected Replication problem' from Ondine. New thread.
Getting message number 35374: 
'RE: unreplicate a 2003 Access database' from robirdman. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35375: 
'report preview' from . Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35376: 
'Weird replica problem.' from Clay. New thread.
Getting message number 35377: 
'Re: convert replica' from Brad Farrell. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35378: 
'Syncronize Laptops' from Kenny G. New thread.
Getting message number 35379: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Stephane Saindon. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35380: 
'Syncronize Laptops' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35381: 
'Very unexpected Replication problem' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35382: 
'Scheduling replication' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35383: 
'unreplicate a 2003 Access database' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35385: 
'Removing a database from briefcase' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35386: 
'Option Group Checkboxes - Inbedded' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35387: 
'Re: System table peculiarities' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35388: 
'Very unexpected Replication problem' from . Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35389: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Cyrus Mesgarzadeh. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35390: 
'Re: System table peculiarities' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35391: 
'RE: Syncronize Laptops' from Kenny G. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35392: 
'SQL Server Replication with Access' from Brad Farrell. New thread.
Getting message number 35393: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from tphank. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35396: 
'Re: System table peculiarities' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35397: 
'Synchronizer peculiarities' from Ingo. New thread.
Getting message number 35398: 
'Re: one way replication' from Holger Schulz. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35399: 
'Re: System table peculiarities' from Michael \(michka\) Kaplan [MS]. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35401: 
'Re: System table peculiarities' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35402: 
'Re: one way replication' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35403: 
'Weird replica problem.' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35404: 
'Synchronizer peculiarities' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35405: 
'Very unexpected Replication problem' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35406: 
'Synchronizer peculiarities' from Ingo. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35407: 
'New Server Name - Replication Not Working' from Stu. New thread.
Getting message number 35408: 
'New Server Name - Replication Not Working' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35409: 
'Synchronizer peculiarities' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35410: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Stephane Saindon. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35411: 
'Re: Internet replication on Win 2003 Server' from Chet Brandenburg. New thread.
Getting message number 35415: 
'replication' from Max. New thread.
Getting message number 35416: 
'Synchronisation Failed - Due to Design Change' from Chris. New thread.
Getting message number 35418: 
'Re: Move database from home pc to work' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35419: 
'Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. New thread.
Getting message number 35420: 
'Very unexpected Replication problem' from Ondine. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35423: 
'Re: Internet replication on Win 2003 Server' from Vitalijus J. Karalius. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35424: 
'Simple replication situation/question' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35425: 
'replication' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35426: 
'Synchronisation Failed - Due to Design Change' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35427: 
'Cannot place a write lock' from Emilio. New thread.
Getting message number 35428: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35429: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35430: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35431: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35432: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35433: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35434: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Vitalijus J. Karalius. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35435: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35438: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35439: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35440: 
'Re: Move database from home pc to work' from Nigel Scott. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35441: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Roberto. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35442: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Jack MacDonald. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35443: 
'Merging Records from one table to another on different databases' from Mike Smith. New thread.
Getting message number 35445: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Stephane Saindon. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35447: 
'Please help' from Wind54Surfer. New thread.
Getting message number 35448: 
'Please help' from Wind54Surfer. New thread.
Getting message number 35449: 
'Sorry for duplicated post' from Wind54Surfer. New thread.
Getting message number 35450: 
'Re: Merging Records from one table to another on different databases' from Tom Wickerath. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35451: 
'Re: Merging Records from one table to another on different databases' from Mike Smith. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35453: 
'?+?ù???ѧԺ' from summer. New thread.
Getting message number 35454: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Nigel Scott. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35457: 
'How to setup replication between access to SQL Server , MSDE instead of Access' from Karen Middleton. New thread.
Getting message number 35458: 
'Replicated Link Table' from Arman Celestial. New thread.
Getting message number 35459: 
'"Invalid HTTP address" new behaviour' from Jens Burup. New thread.
Getting message number 35461: 
'RE: How to setup replication between access to SQL Server , MSDE inste' from JorgenD. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35462: 
'Re: How to setup replication between access to SQL Server , MSDE inste' from Paul Ibison. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35463: 
'RE: Replicated Link Table' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35464: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35465: 
'Re: Simple replication situation/question' from Gary Schuldt. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35467: 
'Newbie question: which replication to start?' from Qi Lin. New thread.
Getting message number 35468: 
'Build your own' from Nigel Scott. New thread.
Getting message number 35469: 
'Re: Build your own' from Mike Preston. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35470: 
'Replication Questions' from wesbird. New thread.
Getting message number 35471: 
'Re: Build your own' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35472: 
'RE: Replication Questions' from wesbird. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35473: 
'Re: Build your own' from Nigel Scott. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35474: 
'Synchronizing Laptop to Server MDB' from Mala. New thread.
Getting message number 35475: 
'Hundreds of Unmanaged Replica Icons in Replication Manager' from PJ Usher. New thread.
Getting message number 35477: 
'Remove Replication ID?' from KT. New thread.
Getting message number 35478: 
'Re:  Hundreds of Unmanaged Replica Icons in Replication Manager' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35479: 
'Re: Remove Replication ID?' from Cheval. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35484: 
'Re: Hundreds of Unmanaged Replica Icons in Replication Manager' from PJ Usher. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35485: 
'Re: Is the Jet4-Sp8 "Invalid HTTP Address" bug fixed?' from Roberto. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 35486: 
'Replicate to MS Access via the Internet' from dazzah. New thread.
<html><head><title>Forums Database Error</title><style type="text/css"><!--.error { font: 11px tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; }--></style></head>
<blockquote><p class="error">&nbsp;</p><p class="error"><b>There seems to have been a slight problem with the Forums database.</b><br />
Please try again by pressing the <a href="javascript:window.location=window.location;">refresh</a> button in your browser.</p><p class="error">An E-Mail has been dispatched to our <a href="mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx">Technical Staff</a>, who you can also contact if the problem persists.</p><p class="error">We apologise for any inconvenience.</p></blockquote>

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE nntp_settings
		SET value = 
		WHERE varname = 'last_postid'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE varname = 'last_postid'' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 22nd of October 2004 03:57:22 AM
Script: http://www.xxxxxxxxx/gateway.php?debug=1
Username: Unregistered
IP Address: 6xxxxx

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Old 10-22-2004, 10:41 AM
lierduh lierduh is offline
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Originally Posted by esfron
Idem on msnews.microsoft.com (public)

Posts imported partially, no outgoing to usenet.

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE nntp_settings
SET value =
WHERE varname = 'last_postid'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE varname = 'last_postid'' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064
Have you modified the script by any chance?

This error is not caused by settings. It is possible you have a corrupted script. So upload it again.
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Old 10-22-2004, 10:44 AM
lierduh lierduh is offline
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Originally Posted by James T Brock
I got my webhost to open port 119 for outgoing but my posts still aren't propagating to usenet. I logged in to my host via telnet and went to news.giganews.com on port 119. I was able to read posts *and* submit posts to usenet without any problems. Doesn't that mean that port 119 is open for outgoing traffic and I should be able to post from my forum???
Post the debug message.
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Old 10-22-2004, 11:53 AM
James T Brock James T Brock is offline
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The debug message doesn't give any errors. It just shows headers for posts being imported and makes no mention of errors or outgoing threads.

Maybe I need to find a new host.
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Old 10-22-2004, 03:02 PM
wflynn wflynn is offline
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When I use reply or quote on my forum it threads correctly but when I run the script and it uploads to usenet my posts never get placed in the thread but instead show up as an individual posts - am I missing a setting somewhere? Other then that the script is working flawlessly now.
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Old 10-22-2004, 09:17 PM
esfron esfron is offline
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Originally Posted by lierduh
Have you modified the script by any chance?

This error is not caused by settings. It is possible you have a corrupted script. So upload it again.
ok, I'll upload it again.

Is it possible to run gateway in sub-forums i.e. forum/forumhttp/forumnntp ?
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Old 10-23-2004, 06:18 AM
esfron esfron is offline
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Uploaded script again (from vbulletin.org), installed on a fresh vb 3.0.3.

Same mysql error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE nntp_settings
SET value =
WHERE varname = 'last_postid'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE varname = 'last_postid'' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Saturday 23rd of October 2004 03:03:04 AM
Script: http://www.xxxxxxx/forumtest/gateway.php?debug=1
Username: Unregistered
IP Address: xxxxx

Any idea ?

HTML Code:
Gateway version 2.2.1  1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 200 SurgeNews News-west.u (Version 1.0a-7) http://surgenews.com posting OK

Server responded after user name: 381 Helo xxxx password required

Server responded after password: 281 Authorization accepted

Info for europa.test at spamkiller.usenet.com:
211 12 2676 2786 europa.test selected

Getting message number 2677: 
'alt.bananas,vegas.motss,be.politics,europa.test,alt.support' from anna parker. New thread.
Getting message number 2678: 
'Re: &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; matt parker alias jeff@yahoo.com matt parker alias t dchenka@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik vonlindtherzog@yahoo.com matt parker alias eriklint@yahoo.com the dismissed university employees suffered financial loss due to matt parker matt' from anna parker. New thread.
Getting message number 2702: 
'Re: erik van lint ++++ for brains child molester chessbase thief aka e lunsen kuleuven erik van lint alias erick vanlunsen herzog child molester chessbase thief aka e lunsen kuleuven erik van lint is a stinking piece of ++++ that steals likes child p' from Erik Van Lint  E Lunsen. New thread.
Getting message number 2736: 
'Re: all personals at trueloves.com are fake and the whole site sucks' from matthew parker. New thread.
Getting message number 2785: 
'ignore test' from Pierre Mortez. New thread.
Getting message number 2786: 
'Pau Cabinda - The powerful African aphrodisiac' from carlos. New thread.
<html><head><title>Forumstest Database Error</title><style type="text/css"><!--.error { font: 11px tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; }--></style></head>
<blockquote><p class="error">&nbsp;</p><p class="error"><b>There seems to have been a slight problem with the Forumstest database.</b><br />
Please try again by pressing the <a href="javascript:window.location=window.location;">refresh</a> button in your browser.</p><p class="error">An E-Mail has been dispatched to our <a href="mailto:xxxxxxx">Technical Staff</a>, who you can also contact if the problem persists.</p><p class="error">We apologise for any inconvenience.</p></blockquote>

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE nntp_settings
		SET value = 
		WHERE varname = 'last_postid'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE varname = 'last_postid'' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Saturday 23rd of October 2004 03:03:04 AM
Script: http://www.xxxxx/gateway.php?debug=1
Username: Unregistered
IP Address: xxxx

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Old 10-23-2004, 10:44 AM
esfron esfron is offline
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Just got this run up for ingoing and outgoing data. The cron job works fine.

But debug=1 give me the same mysql error. Also, I have a double post issue but I'm going to test your solution found in thread.

Is it possible to run gateway in sub-forums i.e. forum/forumhttp/forumnntp ?

Trying to resolve the last two issues and I'll click install.
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Old 10-23-2004, 10:52 AM
esfron esfron is offline
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Originally Posted by James T Brock
The debug message doesn't give any errors. It just shows headers for posts being imported and makes no mention of errors or outgoing threads.

Maybe I need to find a new host.

Before to find a new host, it may be a good idea to manually go to the URL of your gateway.php and run it after posting to usenet just to check outgoing.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 10-23-2004, 12:35 PM
djohn djohn is offline
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does the current version 2.2.1 have AdminCP functionality?
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