now playing has already been done by someone, but they didn't release how they did it....or atleast not on here lol .. but yeah it would be nice to know how
Moods...does anyone have these working? I haven't tried it, sounds interesting though. Does this just attach a certain graphic to the entry (that represents the particular mood selected) and nothing more? Just curious.
I have it installed and working flawlessly. That's pretty much all it does at the moment, but that's all I've expected it to do...
Speaking of Moods, I was wondering if you would be able to make the following option for those who install this hack:
Mood Integration Into Postbit
By selecting an option like this in the AdminCP, it will allow the latest journal entry's Mood to be displayed in the postbit for each user.
If this can be done and integrated successfully, it would be a nice option to have so that someone doesn't have to have a Mood hack installed seperately for the posts(the Journal Moods enabled to show on all of a specific user's posts).
When you submit a new entry, and choose a mood. The mood does not appear on the new entry. You will need to edit the entry, then re-select your mood, then submit. It will appear after that.
Figured you might want to know that. I just checked what's different between the 2 templates, and I'm not seeing anything, but since you're more knowledgeable at this addition than I am, it'll be better for you to figure it out.
I have installed it onto test board for trialling before installing on main active board.
One problem I have noticed though when viewing in Mozilla Firefox PR1.0:
All is ok until you go to the 'add new entry' or any page that has a 'submit' type button, it conflicts with my java menu system located in the page header. All the images diappear and the remainng text links are all crushed up together.
(see screenshots)
First screenshot is in IE6, second one is in Firefox PR1.0
When you submit a new entry, and choose a mood. The mood does not appear on the new entry. You will need to edit the entry, then re-select your mood, then submit. It will appear after that.
Figured you might want to know that. I just checked what's different between the 2 templates, and I'm not seeing anything, but since you're more knowledgeable at this addition than I am, it'll be better for you to figure it out.
i have fixed this but i havent released the fix yet, im going to do one big fix which will hopefully fix everyone's problems
You've made a small error in your journal.php file, however.. Currently, moods entered on a new entry are not shown until that entry is edited. To fix it.......
My apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I'm not scanning through 25 posts to check.! My friend who is running this journal, mentioned the problem and I fixed it for him - I'm just passing on the fix..