the second time in the space of a week n half, my site has been hacked, to make things worse, im being blamed for hacking despite them being hacked whilst i was asleep in bed ive just got out of bed now lol so how could i hack them :-\ really in a bad mood n sick of this
How long was your password and was it alphanumeric? It is alot harder to guess a 21-character password which contains lower/capital letters, numbers and symbols
i have, they claim they cant do nothing, cant trace IP's or anything
but i know they lieing, because theres so many people who know nothing about computers that have pressed charges so how else would they find out who did it if they dont know how
sounds like you need to switch to a host that knows how to secure a server. and they should have no problems tracing IPs that access the server. sounds like they are just plain lazy