Please complete both the subject and message fields. Press the back button, correct the problem and try again.
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
Please complete both the subject and message fields. Press the back button, correct the problem and try again.
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
When submitting it rapports no errors but it only says "edited by" in the post og the reason for editing, the new text is not present.
If I edit som of the original text, the change does not happen.
When playing in v3 Arcade and finishing a game, I type in the comments box but on submit gets: No permissions (I have the permissions).
I sure hope that someone can help. I'm supposed to open my upgraded forum monday and still have a long way to go
Sunshine from Denmark
uCS and vBpetsz are almost the same things (in concept) they may not work together by default.
For those who are using 0.93 or earlier, there is a security bug, that allows users to enter input data via the URL. It happened to my site, and I had to fix it.
To fix this, edit the ushop.php file, find:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
globalize($_POST, array(
'miscinput1' => STR
$_REQUEST['miscinput1'] = $_POST['miscinput1'];
This will prevent people from entering input data via the URL which is significant as such data can include code that can run from the transaction history page.
For those who are using 0.93 or earlier, there is a security bug, that allows users to enter input data via the URL. It happened to my site, and I had to fix it.
To fix this, edit the ushop.php file, find:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
globalize($_POST, array(
'miscinput1' => STR
$_REQUEST['miscinput1'] = $_POST['miscinput1'];
This will prevent people from entering input data via the URL which is significant as such data can include code that can run from the transaction history page.
For those who are using 0.93 or earlier, there is a security bug, that allows users to enter input data via the URL. It happened to my site, and I had to fix it.
To fix this, edit the ushop.php file, find:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
globalize($_POST, array(
'miscinput1' => STR
$_REQUEST['miscinput1'] = $_POST['miscinput1'];
This will prevent people from entering input data via the URL which is significant as such data can include code that can run from the transaction history page.
uCS and vBpetsz are almost the same things (in concept) they may not work together by default.
Thanks, I have uninstalled uCash & uShop 0.95 and edited all files and templates. I still get the same error.
Looks to me that it has something to do with the posting form. The error comes with posting post and thread and on editing posts. Maybe a call to something as when submitting nothing is submitted but when editing the "edited by" shows up, but not the edited part.
I can edit the thread subject with no problems.
Has anyone got an idea where to start looking as I'm going totally barmy over this and need some sleep soon :tired:
I ran into the following error during the upgrade. I think the script was looping... I changed the url from 4 to 5 and it said its done but I just wanted to make sure that nothing else was needed. (I also assume I dont have to re-do the file edits?) Thanks!
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE utt_store_asvs ( `asvsid` INT( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`actionid` INT( 20 ) NOT NULL ,
`varname` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
`title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
`description` TEXT NOT NULL ,
`optioncode` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
`value` TEXT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `asvsid` )
mysql error: Table 'utt_store_asvs' already exists