Version: 1.00, by PcFreak
Developer Last Online: Mar 2015
Version: 3.0.3
Released: 07-01-2004
Last Update: 08-28-2004
Installs: 184
DB Changes
No support by the author.
no more support for statistic version 2
In the next days we will release a new statistic Version (vB Statistic 3). For this reason I give from today on, no more support for the Statistic Version 2
This version is bigger, faster and we want to publish the statistic in two languages. (german and english).
In order to use the new Statistic Version, the old version must be unfortunately removed.
May someone will translate our Phrases from the new version 3.0 into other languages. If you are interested please send me or Onkel_Tom a PM with your eMail Address and we will sent you the phrases file in english to be translated into other languages.
The vB Statistic is free. However, if you would like to donate a small amount, feel free.
Statistic Version 3 have more as 7000 Lines of code and possibly, one of the largest Hacks that was ever written for vBulletin.
More as 450 different images
46 new Templates are provided
More than 350 phrases are needed.
Everything is completely adjustable over the AdminCp
More than 350 phrases are needed.
No much server load. Maximally 5 querys for logging. (normal 3 querys.)
The start side of the statistics needs approx. 15 querys (only if this is indicated)
More than 350 phrases are needed.
Possibility for later updates (e.g. new Spider and Crawler implements)
The installation is very, very simply, been made by an installscript and does not need more than 30 seconds. All attitudes and changes take maximally 5 minutes.
no changes of the existing vBulletin data base tables
15 new data base tables with more than 1100 inserts are provided
Support for international time formats implements.
Detect now browser plugins, resolutions and more with javascript.
vB Statistic Version 3 show Information about your System on a special side.
Detect now browser plugins, resolutions and more with javascript
More Infos soon
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Do you mean I have to Revert those 3 templates to the vB default?? i don't understand why they're causing trouble... could you please give me a bit more information, thanks!
I just installed this on my production board. The installation went flawlessly. Your installation script is excellent and appreciated. It made installation not only easy but fast. I have been 'playing' with it for a bit now and so far as I can tell everything works as it should.
I am very impressed and I appreciate your sharing all your hard work on this!
Question: I have Google's AdSense on my forums. I would like to be able to distinguish between the AdSense bot visits and the 'standard' Google indexing bot visits, as I can in online.php, in the 'statistik.php?do=spider' statistics page.
Can anyone tell me where and/or how to do this?
In statistic_last_x_threads_bit
PHP Code:
<a title="$postinfo" href="showthread.php$session[sessionurl]t=$beitragsid">$beitragstitel</a>
<br />
<a title="Show Profile of $geschrieben_von" href="member.phpu=$schreiberid">$geschrieben_von</a>
written $geschrieben_am
<br />
last reply from
<a title="Show Profile of $letzte_antwort" href="member.phpu=$lastposterid">$letzte_antwort</a>
written $letzte_antwort_am
Added ? to links:
PHP Code:
<a title="$postinfo" href="showthread.php$session[sessionurl]?t=$beitragsid">$beitragstitel</a>
<br />
<a title="Show Profile of $geschrieben_von" href="member.php?u=$schreiberid">$geschrieben_von</a>
written $geschrieben_am
<br />
last reply from
<a title="Show Profile of $letzte_antwort" href="member.php?u=$lastposterid">$letzte_antwort</a>
written $letzte_antwort_am
Great hack .. having a couple of small problems though ..
In the main page, the Visitors total is 19 since I installed the hack (7/7), but looking at the board we have 27 online at the moment ..
In countries, we only seem to have 15 visitors (from England), but I know there have been a lot more from other countries, France and India to name a couple, and in referrers we only seem to have 3 visitors ..
I'm not sure. I'm still playiing with what I installed and haven't really zeroed in on several numbers and how they're computed. I'm not a php / MySQL guru ato begin with.
I still have one bug I can't figure out how to fix where, in the Most Popular Forums popup, no forum ID is given when someone clicks on the forum name.
the country visitors are based on the domain name in their referer - so this is not really that accurate much more heavey work on the server to reverse DNS the names to get IP's then parse thelookup to find a country name, then parse that against the databse table of country names ?