I'm sure most of us are aware of trilOByte's popular Welcome Hack that was available for vBulletin 2.
I myself had it installed on my vB2 forums, and after upgrading to vBulletin 3 missed it, so, seeing as nobody else had, I decided to make my own version.
This hack does two things:
1. It alters the look of your forum's index page by reducing the size of the "What's Going On" box to just one line (more if birthdays / calendar events present). This box is also shifted up to the top of the page, beneath the navbar.
2. The information that it strips out of that box is not lost though as it is moved up in to the navbar box at the top of the page. The general statistics are only displayed on the forum homepage, as well as your avatar, and the number of new-posts and active-threads since your last visit. On all other pages, the navbar remains as it was.
Zip Contents:
|- instructions.html :: Instruction on how to install this hack.
|- forumhome_loggedin.gif :: Shows what your ForumHome will look like after installation with a logged in user.
|- others_in_and_out.gif :: Shows screenshots of the hack in various states, plus a screenie of the vB2 version.
|- noavatar.gif :: Placeholder for those users who don't have an avatar set.
`- guestavatar.gif :: Placeholder avatar for guest viewers.
Tested on vBulletin 3 RC 2
Files to Modify: forumroot/index.php
Templates to Modify:
Phrases to Add:
Phrases to Edit:
Images to Upload:
If you do install this hack, please click on the INSTALL button.
You will receive updates in your e-mail whenever I add new features to it.
Please also post a reply with your comments, they are appreciated.
- Fixed 'X' problem for NewPosts and ActiveThreads.
- Added noavatar.gif, and accompanying instructions, to the package.
- Made NewPosts and ActiveThreads display on forumhome only.
- Moved queries to index.php reducing per-page queries by two.
- Added guestavatar feature for indexpage.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
You get an error when loggin out if you upgraded to vb3.0.1. This hack has you replace the navbar template, which causes the error. Can we get an updated version of this hack for people who upgraded to 3.0.1?
I'm not getting any sort of error and I upgraded to 3.0.1... Works perfectly...
I noticed that this welcome bar's TOTAL POSTS does not count posts that are in non-active (closed) forums. Any idea how I can get this to include the posts that are in these forums as well?