Version: 1.00, by Velocd
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 04-09-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 100
No support by the author.
In vBulletin 3 there is an option for members to upload a profile picture. This hack provides more incentive for members to upload their picture, as it integrates a gallery to browse them all. :up:
In addition to browsing profile pictures, there is an option for viewing signatures. This comes in handy, for you don't have to browse through each individual member. Also, a "edit signature" link is provided for moderators, for fast access to editing signatures that aren't in accordance with your rules.
Other Features
Require pictures to be approved in order to be visible. You can exempt specified usergroups from this.
Thumbnails are generated for profile pictures. You must have GD installed and enabled via the AdminCP options page.
For more insight, refer to the attached screenshots, or install it!
Upgrade to 2.0
Redo steps 7-8, 11-12, 19-20, 26, 27, and 34
Revert the template "modifyprofilepic", and do steps 29-32
Run the following queries:
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD disapproved smallint(5) not null default'0';
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD reason varchar(100) not null;
This hack does not support uploading multiple images per account.
Profile thumbnail sizes are defined by the attachment thumbnail sizes. So modify the attachment thumbnail sizes in your AdminCP options page if you wish to change the profile picture thumbnail sizes. Be sure to run "re-generate thumbnails" via the vB3 Member Album -> Approve Images" page.
Profile picture sizes (not thumbnails) are defined for each usergroup. Modify a usergroup via AdminCP to change the dimensions members under that group are allowed to have for profile pictures.
3rd Party Add-ons
Pseudomizer has posted a migration script that will transfer your files from my old vB2 Member Photo to the correct tables in this vB3 hack. Click here to view.
Pseudomizer also posted a portal-integration allowing you to display a random profile picture on your portal. Click here to view.
CalPoly online eh? San Luis Obispo is my home town I would have gone to that college, except they don't seem to admit the local citizens by huge numbers. :\
As for your problem, I can view the image gallery fine.
What the...working fine now! Cool!
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is an excellent school, matter of fact, can compete with the top UC campuses. However, there were few cases where the admissions were discriminating ethnic minorities.
All the sigs show up fine, its the profile pictures that dont, BUT if i upload a new one that seems to work. Its just the exsisting images people have already got.
I had the same problem with profile pics that members already had.. They were red Xs. They all had to be uploaded again after installing this hack for hem to display properly.
Just as a short update for all of you: If someone uploads an anim gif, there will be no thumbnail due to the resizing and new image create. You will see the famous red X in the gallery. But if you go into the members profile you will see the anim gif.
VeloCD ? Any idea why this happens ? If we insert a GIF as blob into the DB it should not matter if it is an anim gif or not. So it works for the profile pic. But is there a way to recognize if a GIF is an anim GIF and then do NO resizing for a thumbnail ? I do not know of any procedure to check this but it does not hurt to ask for it.
Great hack although changing all those files is never very fun!
If you want another gallery in action feel free to check out (stock hack right now but I'll probably modify it a bit this week changing the templates mainly).
Great hack although changing all those files is never very fun!
If you want another gallery in action feel free to check out (stock hack right now but I'll probably modify it a bit this week changing the templates mainly).
Then please open a new thread for your advertising and publish your own hack.
No intent to change the code, just change the templates to better fit the tables (a few of them distort on my templates).... I'm not interested in touching any code when it works so well!