This hack will allow your users to create a virtual garage where they can store photos, details, etc.. about their vehicle (this can be modified to suit forums of other interests).
Latest Uploads will be displayed on Garage List.
Forum users can now leave comments in member garages.
Admin functions are available in the AdminCP.
This version contains the ability to limit access by usergroup(s). All templates are 100% XHTML Verified!
Tested and developed on vB 3.0.0 Gold.
This hack, as like the rest of my hacks, are FREE. However, if you enjoy this hack and feel the need to donate something for my time you can do so by clicking the icon below:
*NOTE: Those who donate are explicitly granted permission to remove the "Powered by" information from the vBGarage footer.
*NOTE: When donating, please include your forum url. Thanks!
Version History
v3 - Initial release. Let's hope I don't have alot of entries here.
v3.0.1 - Added GD-Lib Support!
v3.1.0 - Added User Comments, Latest Uploads on Garage List, AdminCP Options
v3.1.1 - Added ability for Admin to "edit" users' garages. Use ImageCopyResampled(); over ImageCopyResized(); for better thumbnail quality.
Planned Features
- Multiple entries per user.
- Possible integration with Photopost/Coppermine/etc..
I am sorry I have to ask this but, magnus, can you please tell approximately when do you plan to make a new release of this great hack?
And also will there be any sort of approval system so that images added by users would not go public before administrator approval?
Ok you guys, I hope you all can help me out. Anyway, I got VBgarage installed, but it won't work. I deleted the install file and uploaded the other file to my forums root directory. I edited the templates and everything else it asked for. but when you click on the VBgarage button, it says forum cannot be displayed? Any suggestions on whats wrong? take a look:
Ok you guys, I hope you all can help me out. Anyway, I got VBgarage installed, but it won't work. I deleted the install file and uploaded the other file to my forums root directory. I edited the templates and everything else it asked for. but when you click on the VBgarage button, it says forum cannot be displayed? Any suggestions on whats wrong? take a look:
please let me know
It appears you have not uploaded vbgarage.php into your forums root directory...
It also looks like you have a style on your forum that has none of the VBGARAGE templates installed...
Are you sure you didn't place the vbgarage.php file in your admincp directory by mistake?
Well then something appears to be fubared with your directory structure.
If the file is there, it should do something when called up in the browser, even if that something is to show a "no permissions" error.
It also looks like you have a style on your forum that has none of the VBGARAGE templates installed...
Are you sure you didn't place the vbgarage.php file in your admincp directory by mistake?
Ok, I deleted the other template, so their is only one now!
Yep, I'm positive its in the right place, here I'll attach a screenshot (I use pcanywhere to attach to my server.) Anywase if you look in the address bar you'll see the forum folder, and at the bottom is the VBgarage.php file.