i prefer vbadvanced coz u can add pages just by index.php?page=pagehere
the template would be named index_namehere
Exactly the same method has been used in vBindex since v2.1, the only difference being vBindex's are called vbindex_extra_pagename and that it supports dynamic PHP powered added pages.
Well, great! Then you can help me install in on my site, right?
And where have you been, my friend?
Sure.. I`m sorry I`ve been busy trying to get that damn hack working right, along with two others I`m working on... all will be revealed on your site soon *g*
I think I am safe then by using kuras version, i am not showing any signs or symptoms of the dreaded anit-HTL disease!
I do not look at it like that. I just think that ANY hack that forces you to use one thing when you are used to another (txt files), isn't anything I would be interested in. Even the old vbhacker hacks still had txt files with them for those who still wanted the txt files.
Sure.. I`m sorry I`ve been busy trying to get that damn hack working right, along with two others I`m working on... all will be revealed on your site soon *g*
I've been real pleased with vBAdvanced's portal. The support on their site from other users has been great, and the add-on and mod hacks really make it functional.
I've been real pleased with vBAdvanced's portal. The support on their site from other users has been great, and the add-on and mod hacks really make it functional.