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v3 Arcade - Games Arcade & Challenge System [vB 3.0.3] Details »»
v3 Arcade - Games Arcade & Challenge System [vB 3.0.3]
Version: 1.00, by John John is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 01-17-2004 Last Update: 08-25-2004 Installs: 1745
No support by the author.

v3 Arcade [3.0.3]
Games Arcade for vB3
Game copyrights belong to their respective owners.
v3 Arcade - Copyright ?2004 John Warwick, All Rights Reserved.
Arcade Verson: 1.0
vB Version: vBulletin 3.0.3
Author: John Warwick
Email: John[at]eovieinteractive.com
Site: www.v3arcade.com

1.0.0 - Initial release

1.0.1 - Bug fix update
? This release addressed a couple of small bugs. Information on fixing
these issues can be found in the FAQ. (Included in this zip.)

1.0.2 - Bug fixes and new features
? This release makes all games on the Arcade main page appear in the
order which they were installed, regardless of whether or not it has
been played. (With the newest games at the top.)
? It includes a
page navigation system, allowing users to browse games by page. By default, 10 games appear per page.
? There is also a new search feature, for finding games by name/description. (Accessible through the "Search" menu in the navigation bar.)
? This release should be less CPU intensive than previous versions.

1.0.3 - Bug fixes
? Security fixes

History & Hack Information
- So, what is the v3 Arcade?
The v3 Arcade is exactly what the name implies - an online games arcade that offers seamless integration with your vBulletin forum.

The v3 Arcade is the first of the new generation of vBulletin additions. Back from its roots, the v3 Arcade is the vBulletin 3 edition of my original Arcade written in late 2002 (not to be confused with futureal's 'ProArcade', which was written during the Arcade's beta phase).

v3 Arcade Features Include:
? Integrated Flash gaming for vBulletin 3
? Advanced leader board system
? FULL Mozilla/Netscape Compatibility
? Moderation abilities for Mods/Super Mods/Admins
? PM & Email notification for events
? Advanced statistics for all users
? A higher level of security
? "Arcade Challenges", 1-on-1 contests between users
? Arcade awards system
? Automated and manual score pruning tools

This installation comes loaded with the following games:
? Tetris
? Snake
? Asteroids
? Chopper Challenge
? Space Invaders

If you have the source (.FLA) for a game that you want to use in the v3 Arcade, you can send the required files to john@v3arcade.com for conversion. (Providing permission has been given by the original author.) Within a reasonable delay, I'll post the converted game and installation script on vBulletin.org.

Tested on vBulletin 3.0.3, across multiple unhacked installations.

Thanks to...
? Kura: For helping out with vB3 difficulties!
? Erwin: Whose vB2 Flash Player inspired the original hacks
? Paul Neave: For providing the source for 4 of the standard v3 Arcade games

? If you do install this hack, please click on the INSTALL button. There are going to be some updates for this which you're really not going to want to miss!
? Each Arcade page has an Eovie Interactive and Flash Player link at the bottom. This is optional, but greatly appreciated.
? You may have noticed that this release of the v3 Arcade is not fully phrased. To phrase the arcade would require well over a hundred phrases to be added, making for a lengthy installation process! Futures version of the v3 Arcade will be phrased, with a more automated installation.
? And don't forget - BACKUP BEFORE YOU INSTALL!

Regarding the "ProArcade"
There has been a lot of debate on vb.org recently about the ownership of hack "concepts". My original Arcade hack (on which the v3 Arcade is based), was a progression of the my vBTetris Leaderboard hack - both of which came about before the ProArcade. I've spoken to Erwin regarding this, and he can confirm that this has always been an independent development; hence the v3 Arcade was authorised for release.

If you're installing the Arcade from scratch, there are no fixes or updates to be applied. Simply follow the instructions in Installation.txt.
If you've already installed the Arcade, make the changes in Updates.txt.

[Click HERE to view a list of released games and modifications!]

Demos/Add-Ons/Beta Testing

Download the v3 Arcade (1.0.3) here:

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 03-18-2004, 01:23 AM
lasto lasto is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikodemeus
I think YOUR problem is that your head is shoved so far up your own arse you can't see straight.

I find it incredibly asinine that you flaunt your "updates" and "honors" through a mailing list ("- v3 Arcade wins the first ever vBulletin.org Hack of the Month (for a vBulletin 3 hack) Thanks to everyone who voted! - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=61385") - a mailing list that I didn't subscribe to, yet throughout this entire thread you offer no real support to people who need it. A third-grader could write a better install script than you have provided, but weeks have come and gone and you have failed to take initiative to correct something that should have never been released in the first place.

Reading through your posts, both here and at your site, it seems to me that you have created this hack not to provide a service to the vB community, but to make a name for yourself. When an author of a hack agrees to offer support, he obligates himself to address issues vB users have with the hack. If you don't want to offer support, that's fine... but don't be one of those "over-worked and under-appreciated" programmers who thinks the whole community should lick his ballz just because he "said so." If such a number of webmasters, people who obviously are somewhat html/php savvy, are having problems with your instructions, you may want to reconsider how clear your instructions are.

"Given that..." if it's fame that you're seeking, you may want to consider an attitude check as yours is one of the most childish and arrogant ones I've seen on the net in a while. If you genuinely want to offer something to the vB community, you need to learn that your way isn't always the right way and listen to the people who are using your hack. Even if you don't take their suggestions to heart, there's no need to be a prick about it. - "Doug, you haven't installed it properly then." I'm sure Doug appreciates the support. :disappointed:
whoo slow down a bit m8

im glad u are a minority voice as your post is way ott - John is right is what he said - there have been many successful installs of his hack and it does work fine - infact id have to go so far as to say it was one of the easiest i have done.Skill level for this hack is deffo easy so back off a bit cause you aint getting what you want.

Is it any wonder hackers are getting pissed off at people cause they release hacks only to get abuse from members?

If you cant get the hack to work and support aint adequate in this thread for u then put it down to experience that this hack aint for u and move on - dont come flamin in the post as that aint gonna get you nowhere.

As for John sending out an email - good on him - if i won Hack of the month id do exactly the same - id shout it from the rooftops as well if i was crazy enough so fair play to the guy and let him have his glory without some tosspost ruining it for him.

Also i see u are on post 1 - so u regged to abuse this post,anyway like john says

Originally Posted by John
There have been 329 successful Arcade installations.

Given that, what do you think the problem is?

Dont reckon you will get help from anyone with that sort of attitude and i to be honest i thought i had a bad one but even i know when to back off.
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Old 03-18-2004, 01:48 AM
Nikodemeus Nikodemeus is offline
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Who says I wasn't able to install the hack? I was able to install it just fine, schmoe. Of course, it took me rewriting part of the install script in order to get the templates to install for all styles, but I managed.

GREAT! There have been 329 successful Arcade installations. How many people have posted here that they had problems installing this hack? And of those users, how many have received a response from John stating something to the effect of, "You don't know what you're doing. It's not my fault"? If you're going to have such a self-righteous attitude, it would be best that you keep your hack to yourself for private use on your own forum.

As for the unsolicited e-mail... that, my friend, is called SPAM. So, if you got hack of the month, you would e-mail everyone bragging about it? Chances are the people who installed the hack also keep up with the thread, so really it's pointless. Hey lasto... I just busted a nut. What's your e-mail address? I'm so excited, I could shout it from the rooftops - so I figured I may as well e-mail you to let you know about it as well. Please.

Point being: if John wants to be seen as someone who contributes to the vB community, he better change the way he handles his business. If things continue in the manner they are going, you won't remember who he is by the time vB 3.2 is released. I've seen it happen... it's up to him what he decided to do about it.
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Old 03-18-2004, 02:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Nikodemeus
I think YOUR problem is that your head is shoved so far up your own arse you can't see straight.
Originally Posted by Nikodemeus

I find it incredibly asinine that you flaunt your "updates" and "honors" through a mailing list ("- v3 Arcade wins the first ever vBulletin.org Hack of the Month (for a vBulletin 3 hack) Thanks to everyone who voted! - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=61385") - a mailing list that I didn't subscribe to, yet throughout this entire thread you offer no real support to people who need it. A third-grader could write a better install script than you have provided, but weeks have come and gone and you have failed to take initiative to correct something that should have never been released in the first place.

Reading through your posts, both here and at your site, it seems to me that you have created this hack not to provide a service to the vB community, but to make a name for yourself. When an author of a hack agrees to offer support, he obligates himself to address issues vB users have with the hack. If you don't want to offer support, that's fine... but don't be one of those "over-worked and under-appreciated" programmers who thinks the whole community should lick his ballz just because he "said so." If such a number of webmasters, people who obviously are somewhat html/php savvy, are having problems with your instructions, you may want to reconsider how clear your instructions are.

"Given that..." if it's fame that you're seeking, you may want to consider an attitude check as yours is one of the most childish and arrogant ones I've seen on the net in a while. If you genuinely want to offer something to the vB community, you need to learn that your way isn't always the right way and listen to the people who are using your hack. Even if you don't take their suggestions to heart, there's no need to be a prick about it. - "Doug, you haven't installed it properly then." I'm sure Doug appreciates the support. :disappointed:


the hack workz perfect for all the users on the board.
as john already said, there have been 300+ installations of this HACK WORLWIDE.

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Old 03-18-2004, 02:34 AM
Nikodemeus Nikodemeus is offline
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Sandy. Well put. Now...

It seems as though you can't read either... *shakes head sadly*

Not that it's any of your business, but I AM a licensed user of vB, and have been for a number of years. I have no desire to post my common username nor my URL because I'd have to spend half of my day modding and banning well spoken netizens such as yourself. Admins are more than welcome to check my IP (as if I could prevent it), but if they ban me, a paying member of vBulletin, for stating my opinion on how hack support is being handled and they don't take action against posters of gibberish such as, "STUPID PEOPLE, LIKE U COME HERE JUST TO PISS THE GREAT CODERS, HACK MEMBERS. U PEOPLE DESERVE TO DIE," then we will have a serious problem on our hands.
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Old 03-18-2004, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Nikodemeus
Sandy. Well put. Now...
Originally Posted by Nikodemeus

It seems as though you can't read either... *shakes head sadly*

Not that it's any of your business, but I AM a licensed user of vB, and have been for a number of years. I have no desire to post my common username nor my URL because I'd have to spend half of my day modding and banning well spoken netizens such as yourself. Admins are more than welcome to check my IP (as if I could prevent it), but if they ban me, a paying member of vBulletin, for stating my opinion on how hack support is being handled and they don't take action against posters of gibberish such as, "STUPID PEOPLE, LIKE U COME HERE JUST TO PISS THE GREAT CODERS, HACK MEMBERS. U PEOPLE DESERVE TO DIE," then we will have a serious problem on our hands.

if you are a registered user have the GUTS OF SPEAKING FROM UR OWN SHOES.
instead of using a new name..
if something is wrong.. then YOU SHOULD have the GUTS TO SPEAK about it USING UR OWN NICKS..
There was no point in registering a new username and FLAMING IN THE TOPIC.
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Old 03-18-2004, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by san-deep

if you are a registered user have the GUTS OF SPEAKING FROM UR OWN SHOES.
instead of using a new name..
if something is wrong.. then YOU SHOULD have the GUTS TO SPEAK about it USING UR OWN NICKS..
There was no point in registering a new username and FLAMING IN THE TOPIC.
just reading through whats going on i fully applaud John for his efforts with this hack but just a criticism on what you said sandeep coz it doesn't make sense
even if he is a registered member whose to say he has to post here at all
i mean he could have just been downloading hacks
and installing them as he seems adequate in the development dept
he wouldn't need help he could just do it himself
also everyone has their right to an opinion

i mean i personally don't agree with it however everyone has the right to it
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Old 03-18-2004, 06:44 AM
lasto lasto is offline
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Originally Posted by msimplay
just reading through whats going on i fully applaud John for his efforts with this hack but just a criticism on what you said sandeep coz it doesn't make sense
even if he is a registered member whose to say he has to post here at all
i mean he could have just been downloading hacks
and installing them as he seems adequate in the development dept
he wouldn't need help he could just do it himself
also everyone has their right to an opinion

i mean i personally don't agree with it however everyone has the right to it

yeah but he deffo a whinger - no other words for it - in fact why whinge in the first place ?
The hack is made by someone using their own time - and support is offered by someone using their own time as well so looking at them two points why whinge.
Also if he wa`nt a member of johns site he would`nt of got the email he so did`nt want to get so he took the time to register there as well.

[high]* lasto thinks some people are so ungrateful for other peoples time.[/high]
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Old 03-18-2004, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by lasto
yeah but he deffo a whinger - no other words for it - in fact why whinge in the first place ?
The hack is made by someone using their own time - and support is offered by someone using their own time as well so looking at them two points why whinge.
Also if he wa`nt a member of johns site he would`nt of got the email he so did`nt want to get so he took the time to register there as well.

[high]* lasto thinks some people are so ungrateful for other peoples time.[/high]
hmm i see ur point
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Old 03-18-2004, 07:15 AM
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@Nikodemeus : I find your comments against the author of this hack rude. The message you quoted from John was simply stating that the hack has been installed by many people so it is not likely to include a bug in the installation. Although I do not agree this 100%, given the error message at hand (Parse error), it is clear that the problem is related to the installing user, not the script.

We want some respect for the hack authors here in vb.org. They are providing a free service to all vbulletin community and we want them honoured, not put down or most importantly discouraged. I know that such comments like yours are very discouraging to hack authors, so I'll remove it if John asks for it and I kindly ask you NOT to repeat it in the future. Thanks for understanding.

@san-deep : I also find your comments against Nikodemeus rude and unnecessary. You should have used "report" button instead of flaming the thread more, don't you think? If Nikodemeus asks for it, I'll remove your post either.

@ALL: Please do not clutter the thread with such arguments, otherwise it proves to be unreadable to people who are seeking support for the hack. For personal comment about eachother, please use PM (and be nice!)

Thank you
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Old 03-18-2004, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Logician
@Nikodemeus : I find your comments against the author of this hack rude. The message you quoted from John was simply stating that the hack has been installed by many people so it is not likely to include a bug in the installation. Although I do not agree this 100%, given the error message at hand (Parse error), it is clear that the problem is related to the installing user, not the script.

We want some respect for the hack authors here in vb.org. They are providing a free service to all vbulletin community and we want them honoured, not put down or most importantly discouraged. I know that such comments like yours are very discouraging to hack authors, so I'll remove it if John asks for it and I kindly ask you NOT to repeat it in the future. Thanks for understanding.

@san-deep : I also find your comments against Nikodemeus rude and unnecessary. You should have used "report" button instead of flaming the thread more, don't you think? If Nikodemeus asks for it, I'll remove your post either.

@ALL: Please do not clutter the thread with such arguments, otherwise it proves to be unreadable to people who are seeking support for the hack. For personal comment about eachother, please use PM (and be nice!)

Thank you
hi Logician,
Sorry for those NIFTY words. But i couldnt controld myself on someone, uselessly pointing out giribish things to author of a great hack.. That was very discouraging..

I would recommend you to please clear off all my not worhty posts 2 above and this one from current thread.

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