Hey guys, any idea's on some nice ways to pay alittle tribute to past mods? I've got about 5 guys who have had to step down from moderation for various reasons and they had been very valuable staff members to the site. They still post, but they wanted to step down so they wouldn't have the responsibilities that come with holding a moderator title. I've asked on my forums for ideas and some have been ok but none have had any uniqueness. Just thought maybe some of you here might have some fresh ideas
not a bad idea. Is there a templete out that would do this or would I have to go with html? Sorry if this sounds dumb, just not very good with programming in general. Also, anyone else got any ideas?
Alot of our admins / moderators were once mods at another forum and the policy there was that staff kept all mod privledges. We've adapted our ex-mod policy from that.