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vbProArcade Beta 2
Version: 1.00, by futureal futureal is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 08-28-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 227
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

vbProArcade Beta 2

1/5/03: Beta 2 released
9/12/02: Beta 1.03 zip updated to include safe mode fix
9/3/02: Beta 1.03 released -- small bug fixes, see below
9/1/02: Beta 1 of vbProArcade has been posted. Please see below for installation instructions.

Background Information

vbProArcade is a fully-customizable Flash arcade add-on for vBulletin, complete with game-by-game scoreboards, forum integration, a "champions" system, statistics, and more.

This is an extensive hack that is still in BETA form, and I don't recommend installing it if you are not willing to work through potential issues and future updates/upgrades! I am working on making the installation instructions as easy as possible, but it will probably be some time before it is perfect.

Watch this post for updates as they happen, and check out screenshots from the list below. If you would like to see the hack in action, you may visit my Shadows of Namek forums. You will need to register to play, but you can view the scoreboards and the arcade itself as a guest.


This hack materialized thanks to work and help from a number of people and forums. Here they are:
  • Original vbTetris Hack by Erwin Loh
  • Original vbTetris Leaderboard Hack by John Warwick (john.eovie)
  • One of my users, Simon Steel, for work on Flash coding/recoding
  • The users of one of my forums, Shadows of Namek, for their extensive testing of the system
  • And The Kryptonian for pre-release and release candidate installation testing.

So far, there are FIVE GAMES that work correctly with this hack. They are:

Space Invaders

All five .SWF files are included in the release archive.

There is now a Flash Games Development Thread for the purpose of modifying existing games to work with vbProArcade, or for creating new games to be compatible with vbProArcade. If you have a game that you wish to see modified but don't know how, post the .FLA source in that thread and hopefully somebody can assist you.

Installation Instructions

Download the file attached to this post, unzip it and familiarize yourself with the contents BEFORE doing anything.

There are TWO separate files worth reading, the Documentation and the Installation Instructions. I recommend that you read both BEFORE doing anything else.

Once you have done this, the instructions to be followed are contained in vbproarcade-install.txt. Follow them as precisely as possible. If you encounter an error somewhere, it is likely that you missed a step or made a small error. Please double-check your work BEFORE posting about problems here.

And it cannot be said enough: read that file before you do anything, and if you are unsure of something, please post your question(s) before attempting to install the hack.

Problems and Fixes/Workarounds (as of 1/5)
  • None
Known Bugs/Limitations

Here is the list of stuff that I know does not work. I will be working towards correcting these bugs BEFORE adding new features for the next release.
  • Netscape will allow you to play the games but not record scores
  • If a user uses the "Back" button to go to the game screen, and does not refresh before playing, the score will result in a Security Violation. This is by design.
Screen Shots for Beta 2

Here is the list of posts from this thread that contain screen shots for the new version. Check them out!Upcoming Features

This is the stuff that is in progress for future release:
  • Complete Admin Panel Scoreboard Editor
  • Additional integration with vB
  • Even better Who's Online screen
Some have emailed or PM'd me asking if I would accept donations for my work on this hack, and yes, I certainly will, and any and all support is greatly appreciated. With over 2,000 lines of original PHP code, in addition to HTML and Flash work, I have spent a great deal of time developing and debugging the source for this, and it is a great feeling to have people like it so much that they want to give something back.

All donations received go directly back into supporting my websites and my design activities. You may click here to donate via Paypal. Note that donations are by no means required, and not donating does not mean you won't get support for the hack.

Last but not least, thanks for checking this out!

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 02-04-2004, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Logician
I have installed Futureal's arcade hack to many boards and it works fine. Its code is clean and I didnt run into any bugs in his hack. It would be unfair to call it "poorly coded".
It wasn't poorly coded, but the templates were far from great..
I had to play around with quite a few of the table background colours because everything was showing up as the same colour as my text.

I changed a lot of instances of this:
To the alternate colours used on forumhome and pretty much everywhere else. There were a few other things I changed, but that was done to personal preference.

I'm not having a dig at anyone, I'm just stating a problem I had..
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Old 02-04-2004, 03:07 PM
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futureal, calm down - didn't mean to cause offense.

I've never seen the code to any of your versions of the Arcade, I was simply saying what people have said to me. The reason I did was because I didn't know what you were talking about when you mentioned superiority - i.e. if you were referring to a code problem... in which case I'd have wanted to know. I have no opinion on the quality of your code.

If you weren't talking about the quality of the code, what else? (I presumed you were, which is why I took it as a personal dig.) You know that my Arcade and your Arcade don't even compare in functionality... they're completely different things. You've said it yourself.... so why even bring it up?

Also, my current release is far from flawless in terms of coding. Never said it was...
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Old 02-04-2004, 06:33 PM
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meh this is pointless, shouldn't a mod split of john's pointless posts?


i hope in this vb3 version of the pro-arcade theirs like 5 games on one line on the proarcade index instead fo displaying em row by row.
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Old 02-05-2004, 10:42 AM
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You should be able to put more than one on a line, it would just be a template edit.

And the templates were admittedly horrible with the existing vB2 hacks, this has been addressed for both the new vB2 and vB3 versions. I re-did them with the default style(s) and then handed them to PixelFx for further tweaking and graphics.
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Old 02-05-2004, 01:34 PM
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not really a fan of pixels work tbh (no offence pixelfx) i'll just have to wait and see.
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Old 02-05-2004, 09:16 PM
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I like the arcade from John but it is nearly impossible to modify swf files without the proper software which cost $79 and with that the change of succes is under the 50%. Without that software the change of finding the right scorevariable is 90% + in Futureal's arcade and that my friends is the most important reason why i will choose for vbProarcade when it is available. This has nothing to do with bad or good code because both are good but pure looking at the wish of your members. They want to play games and they want enough games to be entertained for a while. For admins it is important for several reasons that they can have some of control in which swf games are available. Admins love to have something special to offer that is nowhere else to find and vbProarcade gives all the tools to do just that. The proper code, the constant development of new games and the opportunity for admins to offer self decompiled/modified games. Untill now nobody has delivered a game for John's hack and although John has recieved tons of swf and fla files...the ratio of new games is far below the expectations.
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Old 02-05-2004, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Logician
I have installed Futureal's arcade hack to many boards and it works fine. Its code is clean and I didnt run into any bugs in his hack. It would be unfair to call it "poorly coded".

Not trying to be a jackass on purpose here, but I gotta say that I disagree with that. I've gone through futureal's proarcade.php a few times and I've seen some majorly inefficient sections in there. Calling the code "clean" would only apply to the lack of bugs, perhaps, but as far as I know it still doesn't work in Mozilla, even though it's clearly possible (and from what I hear from people it shouldn't be that hard either - we could ask John about that. John, tell us!) and I'm also highly curious about the point of some of his functions.

Admittedly, it's a very old hack, but he's had 1,5 years to update it a little y'know

And Nuclion, I find that a bit silly to point out. ProArcade has been out for 18 months, v3 Arcade for not even one month! Comparing the amount of games and the ratio of new games to these two hacks is really improper. I totally positive that if the v3 Arcade would have a sole reign for 18 months in a row, there'd be hundreds of games out that you could choose from.

Personally, I find the Mozilla factor, and the fact that v3 Arcade is for vB3 already, the most important things right now. New games ARE coming at a pretty steady pace, and it's not like I would really *want* to have 100 games available to my community anyway.
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Old 02-05-2004, 09:53 PM
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The Mozilla factor is hopefully solved in the next release of Vbproarcade. As mentioned...both are good and i hope critics will resolve in an even better arcade. Good for the members, good for the coders.
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Old 02-05-2004, 11:32 PM
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Personally, I find the Mozilla factor, and the fact that v3 Arcade is for vB3 already, the most important things right now

1. Ok, Mozilla. Who CARES? In my server stats over 99% of all my users are straight IE. It is absolute absurdity to design for 1% of your user base. Maybe yours is somewhat higher but enough to hold off developing some I doubt.

2. Please go over the the OTHER thread if you would like to sing the praises of another hack. For those of us waiting for this one WE DONT CARE! If I wanted it I would go 2 clicks to the left and get it.

Can we stick to constructive criticism of THIS hack?

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Old 02-05-2004, 11:47 PM
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Originally Posted by trackpads
1. Ok, Mozilla. Who CARES? In my server stats over 99% of all my users are straight IE. It is absolute absurdity to design for 1% of your user base. Maybe yours is somewhat higher but enough to hold off developing some I doubt.
In my opinion it's absolute absurdity to design for crap and ignore the people with taste. Just a difference of opinion here. Me, I never use IE (*shudder*) and thus I could never make use of the hack myself if it didn't have Mozilla support. Also, on my own site, about 70% of the more active users use Mozilla / Firebird.

My next site will have 100% features and functionality for users with a real browser. IE users will only get about 50-60% features & functionality, simply because that browser cannot possibly do more than that. Most of what I've made so far has generally been impossible to get working in IE were it not for the fact that there are many workarounds one could use, but in the final version of my next site, I'll drop most of the workarounds and just give IE users a less-rich site.

Just an example of how opinions can differ from person to person.

2. Please go over the the OTHER thread if you would like to sing the praises of another hack. For those of us waiting for this one WE DONT CARE! If I wanted it I would go 2 clicks to the left and get it.

Can we stick to constructive criticism of THIS hack?
wow, dude, chill out. I wasn't singing any praises, all I said was that the other arcade has Mozilla support. No need to get all excited... sheesh..
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