Version: 1.01, by MPDev
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Version: 3.0.6
Released: 01-28-2004
Last Update: 02-13-2005
Installs: 14
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This mod provides for a Select popup box which displays thumbnails of a users PhotoPost gallery. Clicking on a thumbnail inserts the vB Code for that image into the text area. NEXT and PREV links are provided to scroll through a users photos (16 displayed at a time).
vBulletin files to edit: 1
PhotoPost files to add: 1
Queries to Run: 0
Templates to add: 1
Templates to modify: 1
Time to install: 15 Minutes
+ + Known Issues
Mod assumes PhotoPost and vB are installed into same database. If you have them in seperate databases, you will need to use a mysql_select_db() to switch to PP and then back to vB in the pppanel.php file.
The vast majority of our customers are satisfied with our software and our support. If anyone isn't, I wholeheartedly invite you to use our contact form to contact me
personally so I can help.
Scott Wainner
This is not intirely true. Have a look at your own forums. Where are the complete instructions that WORK?
I have used your contact form an await your response.
For those that have not purchased this gallery yet but are thinking of getting it? Do your homework first. Ask them to provide you with COMPLETE instructions that work. Not half answers explaining things like "search this forum, the answer is here" Or "Look at photopost dev it works there just fine"
This is not intirely true. Have a look at your own forums. Where are the complete instructions that WORK?
I have used your contact form an await your response.
For those that have not purchased this gallery yet but are thinking of getting it? Do your homework first. Ask them to provide you with COMPLETE instructions that work. Not half answers explaining things like "search this forum, the answer is here" Or "Look at photopost dev it works there just fine"
Unfortunately I've seen plenty of posts on their support forum where their final solution to a problem is "well it works for most people...."
If you are running in two databases you would insert:
mysql_select_db("photopostdb"); at the top of the script and
mysql_select_db("vbdatabase"); at the bottom of the script.
This is probably a good thing to document for the final verison.
FYI, PhotoPost.Com contains complete installation and user guides in the Members Area. And I take strong exception to Nighteyes claim - it's simply not true. I'd ask that those responding in this thread respect the Moderators wishes so as to not cause any further problems.
I am looking forward to try this hack out, but will give it some more time to evolve first.
I have just finished integrating PhotoPost with vB3 RC3 that share same db. With some minor adjustments left to do, I have to say that PhotoPost and vBulletin are now a deadly combination and future looks bright for both.
I like the idea, but if someone moves a photo from folder to folder, wouldn't all the remote links break?
This isn't a problem with the hack, but how photopost stores its data. Moving the physical files around on the server is inefficient - that's what databases are for!
Nice, if PP would have more of these things, but it happens so rarely, that they listen to the client wishes, they don't really upgrade it and it's quite sad. Something should be done about that! For example full style template integration with vB3 - that would save PhotoPost project ...
By comparison with what we're used to with vBulletin, PhotoPost has been slow to develope, but the last few releases have made some good improvements. The hacks are starting to increase and get better.
I have some issues with the support, but as Dean has already pointed out this isn't the place for complaining and only detracts from the support for this hack.
I may give this a try after I make the move to vB3.