When upgrading your forums, I assume you lose any of the hacks that have been applied, to both templates and php files. Is there anyway of quickly reapplying the hacks after upgrade? I have put a lot of work into my RC1 site, and don't want to have to reapply the lot when VB3 goes gold.
I dont believe the template's have changed through the RC versions. Your templates will stay the same when upgrading say from RC1 too RC2.
Only upgrading from vB2 to vB3 will templates be lost (i think im right there)
excellent. So - chances are that I can use a program such as beyond compare, and apply any code changes? I really need a good way of tracking my hacks. I feel an Excel session coming on
The Hack Tracker Log is sposedly comming soon by KuraFire i think, not sure. Guess you'll have to search lol. But yeah, you should only need to do the PHP edits again
The Hack Tracker Log is sposedly comming soon by KuraFire i think, not sure. Guess you'll have to search lol. But yeah, you should only need to do the PHP edits again
sorry for the questions - one more. Is the code fairly backwards compatible? I mean, should I go to RC2, will the hacks made to 1 work well enough? Anyone know when RC3 or gold is on the way? SHould I wait them out before updating?
Should do, most the time the upgrades in RC are like minor fixes and changes, most should work fine
Just checked over at .com and they are saying RC3 is out early next week. That seems to be a week between releases. Gold must be soon. I will probably wait until gold, then prune my hacks