I say all hacks should be submitted for moderation by xenon himself before they get released.
This is the reason why vB.org has more than one member of staff. You can't expect Xenon or any other one person to check every single hack thats released here.
A safety precaution of installing hacks, is to always make a complete backup, and of course for members who choose to, install it on a test forum. I agree though, that some of the hacks being released do need some more testing before the release, but obviously some people don't feel the same way.
vB3 code is nice and clean and thats how you should do hack. RC has been out for a few days and theres a ton of FULL RELEASES then you read the threads and people point out 100 bugs.
Don't rush to be the first one to release hacks.
Like I have my Clan Tools hack that I have been working on for months now as some may know and it's being tested on 5 boards right now, I was gonna release it but why go through the trouble of putting a crappy code out.
Please test you code and clean it up.
Also since everyone is re-releaseing the "popular hacks" give the orignal author credit.
And thats my 2 cents on you people who do what I just said.
you know not all hackers just blob together code to make things work,
i perosonally run hacks on my own site / test site / and let a few others test it first before letting it out to the public. my coding for what ive currently released is rather solid i belive and you should look into some of the hacks coding before you go around calling all ++++ty untested code
i learnd howto hack on vB3 there for most of my coding should represent vB3's coding standards, well to the best of my abilties anyway
you know not all hackers just blob together code to make things work,
i perosonally run hacks on my own site / test site / and let a few others test it first before letting it out to the public. my coding for what ive currently released is rather solid i belive and you should look into some of the hacks coding before you go around calling all ++++ty untested code
i learnd howto hack on vB3 there for most of my coding should represent vB3's coding standards, well to the best of my abilties anyway
Same here. I also now only release hacks that have been running on my site for at least 6 months.
Don't expect me to spend hours tidying up code for other people - as long as the code is secure, optimized and works, I'll release it. Feel free to modify it for your own site.
One reason why I've had to change some of my first releases is because some code still had bits from my site in it. But those are easily changed.
This is the reason why vB.org has more than one member of staff. You can't expect Xenon or any other one person to check every single hack thats released here.
Yes but it would ensure the quality of hacks.... I hate installing a hack and guessing if it will work right or not on my board.