Version: 2.00, by EvilLS1
Developer Last Online: May 2021
Version: 3.0.6
Released: 01-03-2004
Last Update: 01-24-2005
Installs: 145
No support by the author.
This hack will allow your users to edit their posts without having to load the editpost page..
How it works: In the bottom right-hand corner of all your posts will be a small Quick Edit icon (users will only see it in posts which belong to them).. When you click it a text box will drop down below your post allowing you to edit it instantly in the thread itself.
This will save you a lot of time when fixing those spelling mistakes, typos, or broken links. It should also help save on bandwidth since your users will no longer need to load the editpost page.
Very easy to install.. 2 file edits, 2 template edits, and 1 template to add.
Known bug: Quick Edit will NOT work with Opera web browsers. Those who use Opera simply won't see the option to quick edit (icon will be invisible when viewed in that browser). It'll work fine in other browsers such as IE or firefox.
Support: Due to work my time is limited as of late so this hack is released AS IS with no support. However, several questions have already been answered in this thread.
Update (7-25-04): Fixed a minor bug with the QE window moving further to the left with each click in mozilla/firefox browsers. To update simply replace your showthread_quickedit template with the new one. Thanks to sv1cec for this bug fix.
If you turn it on for Admin, too, should'nt that be $postinfo['signature'] so the admin won't put his sig in it if he edits it?
Thats only the conditional for showing the checkbox. So even if the admin checked it when editing someone elses post I think it would still show the poster's sig and not the admin's. But yeah, if you turn it on for admins in all posts I guess $postinfo[signature] would be the correct variable.
Does this work on Mozilla? I remember the VB2 version didn't.
Yes, I've tested this with Mozilla, IE, and Opera. Works fine with all of them. The VB2 version has also been updated to work with all browsers.
Ah, I guess thats something that changed between gamma and RC1. Anyway, to fix it just remove onreset="vB_RESET(this);" from that section of code and it should get rid of the error. The reset function will still work.
I'll update the first post. Thanks for pointing it out Boofo.
Ok, the signature part works best with bbuserinfo. The only thing is, it shows a checked sig box even if the post has no sig in it. It won't add one, but the box is still checked. If you delete a sig from someone other than yourself (enabled for Admins) it deletes it fine. Bring the message up again, the box is checked, save it and the person's sig who the message belongs to shows up again. The only thing we need to do is not have it show the sig box if there is no sig.
Ah, I guess thats something that changed between gamma and RC1. Anyway, to fix it just remove onreset="vB_RESET(this);" from that section of code and it should get rid of the error. The reset function will still work.
I'll update the first post. Thanks for pointing it out Boofo.
That took care of it. Thank you, sir.
Also, they're still using the reset= function. It is in a few of the templates.
BTW: Are you good with javascript errors? If so, I need help with one.