Version: 1.00, by TeddyBare69
Developer Last Online: Apr 2005
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 07-29-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 12
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
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viPortfolio Version 1.2.6
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This is our first hack. And not our last. We have spent a lot of time polishing it for stability and interface. Thanks for the patience and support so far.
We have installed and tested in vBulletin 2.2.6. For those with older versions, please post your results.
For those that need a separate interface in the user control panel to upload files - download this.
Features:[list=1][*]New profile navigation bar to view a portfolio/upload gallery[*]New profile navigation bar for members to change their portfolio/upload gallery[*]Admin and moderators may change descriptions and delete file configuration options maintained in admin control panel.[*]86 different file types support via either thumbnail or default icon view.[*]ImageMagick not needed![*]Display who uses their portfolio in the members list.[*]Support for vbHacker from Chen located at vbHacker 1.0.1 is included in the install.[/list=1]
Demo links:[list=1][*]Members list[*]Public Profile[*]Public Portfolio[/list=1]
Installation Instructions:
Extract the file which will create a viPortfolio
subdirectory. Upload the directory to your root Web server directory where your forum code is located. From a Web browser run: http://{yourserver}/viPortfolio/install.php and follow the steps.
.: Remove the viPortfolio subdirectory after installation :.
We would appreciate any feedback regarding this hack. Interface, changes for future versions and so on. We will offer support for this hack - we will not be responsible for errors - as always, BACK UP YOUR data base.
We have spent a lot of time on this and all we ask is that our copyright notice remain in tact at the bottom of portfolio pages. Thanks!
Along with viPortfolio we are making use of a new install.php version 1.2.6. The install.php has not had the amount of testing that viPortfolio has. With that said we are looking for your assistance in notifying of any error messages or difficulties you may have with the install.
*** Updated installer ****
I have totaly rewritten the installer to take out all the flash and make it a simple step by step install. Atleast I hope that is what it is It is definately worth trying.
Ok what is the newest of this lmao I have installed the one on the first page but see a few up dates along the post.... Yet the first one has a higher beta number
Ok one last thing.... Any one have an idea how I can add a thing to postbits so if the user has 1 or more things in there portfolio that is shows an icon ?