Version: 1.00, by rake
Developer Last Online: Oct 2012
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 04-27-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 87
No support by the author.
Woo! Finally! I've been working on this for 10 straight hours now.
It's a replica of the vbulletin 3 attachment feature, which supports multiple uploads. We can't have vbulletin 3 yet, but at least we can copy it.
Files to edit: 5
Queries to run: 5
New Templates: 3
Just be sure to backup before trying anything.
You can see it live at my forums. Log in as test/test, if you want to see it in action.
And don't forget to click the Install button if you like the hack.
UPDATE - Please re-download the file. Upgrading instructions are included in instructions.php. And sorry for the wait. I had to bribe my parents with 15 math exercises to let me use the computer. :knockedout:
SECOND UPDATE - Sorry for the previous non-functioning version, everyone. I did those modifications really late at night and some errors slipped in. This update fixes permission errors, allows you to specify a maximum number of attachments, fixes 65535 bytes error and includes repairing instructions for editpost.php
I have tested it on a clean 230 test board and it worked fine.
THIRD REVISION - This update fixes the 3 largest errors reported so far:
1. The view image atachments option now works
2. Attaching more than one file with a new thread now works
3. Deleting a post with attachments now works
To everyone who used attachment.php from the old zip: Please replace it with your original one. attachment.php was added in the zip by mistake.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
now that school is officially over, i can provide support for this hack. Skyline_GT, i belive you either did something wrong or another hack is interfering with this one.
Ok, simple question. What version of vb do I need to run this? I am currently using 2.2.8 around 4 of the code changes don't match up anywhere close to "close". So, I'm wondering if I need to upgrade to 2.3 for this to work correctly or what?
Thanks for this though, I've been looking for this forever, and I'm gonna be freakin' when I get this working.
If you're like me, you look at computers enough at work, you're sick of looking at them at night. O well, I'd like this, but it messed up my site totally, so I gotta find out something before I try again.
Sorry, i've been coding hacks for vb3 lately. Hacks that actually work. :knockedout:
Well, it was my fault for not beta testing this hack before releasing it. I'll try installing it on a clean 2.3.0 board and see if i've missed something. But i doubt people are still interested in this, since the majority is upgrading to vBulletin3.
I'm prolly not upgrading and I doubt the majority that have hacks they need are not upgrading either unless everyone that has ever made a hack releases them for vb3 as well.
I think you should carry this on. I think others would agree too.