Version: 1.00, by The_Wanderer
Developer Last Online: Oct 2009
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-15-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 36
No support by the author.
hmm.. I dont think this has been released before.. or at least i couldn't find it.
so, here we go
sql queries to run: 1
file edits: 1
template edits: 1 and 3 new templates
the hack adds a tagboard to every user's profile. There's not much more to tell about it, really. It's made so only members of your forum can post in the tagboard, of course
uhm.. the standard version of the tagboard only shows the 10 newest messages, but you can easily change it.
just find:
("SELECT * FROM profiletagboard WHERE touserid='$userinfo[userid]' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10")
and change the LIMIT to whatever you want.. (i might add a "show all messages" in the next version)
I might add more stuff in future versions. Like edit buttons, delete buttons and whatever I can come up with..any suggestions are welcome
v1.1 Upgrade:
HTML has been disabled
You can now edit/delete messages
The tagboard owner can now delete messages in his/her board
You can now show all your messages
Total Files to edit: 1
Total Templates to edit: 1 and 9 new templates
Total sql queries to run: 1
v1.2 Upgrade:
Smilies in messages have been enabled
bbcode has been enabled fewer queries
Total Files to edit: 1
Total Templates to edit: 1 and 9 new templates
Total sql queries to run: 1
Well, I've got about 90 hacks installed on my 2.3.0 board(Including the RPG), and it works perfectly. I suppose it's just a case-to-case issue with the display.
I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but a PM notification for when a user's profile is updated would be nice. Perhaps something to consider in your next version?
yeah yeah, i know, just as well as time and date in the messages..
i've had problems figuring out how to use vB's dateline system though
i'll get working on it sooner or later. I've just been rather busy lately.. and i started on my next hack, so.. :\
1) The query to get the tagboard information slows down the loading of the profile by a lot if you have a lot of members, primarily because of the query addition to get the avatars. I removed the avatar join sections, and dropped my page loading down from 6 seconds to 0.01 seconds.
2) I changed the hack slightly to prevent members from posting in their own tagboard, and to allow staff to delete the entries as well.
hey, im having a problem. Whenever someone posts a comment in someone's tagboard (Anyone's tagboard), nothing happens. It takes us back to the profile but it still says "No messages have been posted yet." Why won't it work? I went through your instructions 3 times over! Everything looks fine!
I'm using your latest version, 1.2 i believe, and I'm using vB 2.3
06-10-03 at 09:11 PM d3f said this in Post #108 how would one go about getting the signature to display in the tagboard? I tried copying the signature variable out of the postbit but it did nothing.
well uhm, it should be pretty easy. I'll get back to you in a week or something, if that's ok. I'm having a bit of a crisis at my forums, so i'll have to sort out some stuff :\
nice avatar btw
Today at 04:18 AM MetalGearMaster said this in Post #109 hey, im having a problem. Whenever someone posts a comment in someone's tagboard (Anyone's tagboard), nothing happens. It takes us back to the profile but it still says "No messages have been posted yet." Why won't it work? I went through your instructions 3 times over! Everything looks fine!
I'm using your latest version, 1.2 i believe, and I'm using vB 2.3
MGM out
hmm, well my guess is that it wont work on 2.3
1.1 might work for you, but it uses a ++++load of queries