Version: 1.00, by wolfe
Developer Last Online: Oct 2023
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 05-08-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 14
Here is my first big hack hope you all like it and if you install it please click on the install button
Zip removed because of majour bugs and version 2.0 is nearly ready.... just fixing the bugs and trying to intergrate the nav bar so if anyone can help me out let me know
Thanx to hellsatan for the base code
Right what it does:
This hack allows you to set up your own fun area where people can post jokes and edit them if they have a mistake and it only allows people who posted the joke to delete them. It also add a counter to the user table for every joke someone adds it increasus by 1 so you can add that to the profile or postbit saying the person has posted x jokes. But it does not seem to be updating the count so can one of you advanced hackers help me out on that please
remember this is only version 1.0 there will be plenty more updates in version 2.0 which will include:
Rate the Joke,
Store Hack intergration,
Date joke was added,
Age Rating Categories for adult and normal jokes.
NOTE: if anyone can intergrate this hack into the store hack feel free.
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yes d00d users can post jokes and they can edit and delete there own if they want but admins can edit/delete all of them but it version 1.5 and 2.0 i will have lots of extras ...
i am working on it d00d added a few more features to v1.5 for the moment they are
Admin CP intergration where you will be able to choose how many jokes to display, jokes in one page, if jokes are allowed to be posted, and what user groups can post jokes.
Rate The jokes, built from the threadrate.php file so its professionaly coded, so it checks the ip of the user to the one in the database and if you have already voted it just updates your vote,
Date Joke Was Added,
View Single Joke,
Total Views Of Single Joke,
Shows Avarage Rating Of The Joke, this shows the over all rating,
also i have fixed most of the bugs just finishing off the last few..
but if any coders can help me with 2 things i am stuck on
#1 Page Nav
#2 Hiding of the Rating Drop down box after a user has voted
Jokes Factory Active?, will show custom error if not,
Jokes To List Perpage, you can pick how many jokes to show before spliting over multiple pages,
Joke Factory Not Active Reason?, this is the customable message you can put what you want in here,
User Group Banning, don't allow certain groups to see jokes factory E.G. banned/guest/user awaiting email confermation/(COPPA) user etc,
Pages to show in joke nav, this can be set to only show 5 pages in the navbar or what ever you want so if its 5 and you are on page six it will be something like this... [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Plus more to add....
Jokes Factory Main
you can add jokes, edit jokes, delete jokes and view single joke,
you can rate jokes,
there is a a censorship on the jokes if you want it in a category rated under 16 or 18 or 21 up to you,
nav bar for multiple pages (currently stuck on this),
also i am still working on stoping double jokes adding untill a certern amount of time (user pickable),
more to come...
While Adding Jokes
you can pick which category to add it to,
you can add title and text,
you can add its own rating for the individual joke,
more to come....
While Editing Jokes
you can change title and text,
you can change joke age rating,
you can change joke category,
While Deleting Jokes
you can see the jokes info with means age rating, jokeid, title, text, category, add date, and added by,
so for now thats all i done theres more to be done before it release it and it will do new screens
also i would suggest a new install instead of upgrading